Meet Canada's future Prime Minister, Jagmeet Singh

Meet Canada's future Prime Minister, Jagmeet Singh.

He works out, practices MMA, worked as a criminal defense lawyer, speaks 5 languages fluently, has a killer fashions sense and is basically an all around badass.

I think Sup Forums should look to this man for inspiration.

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>only pulling 3pl8
Why are muslims so weak?

How many layers of retared are you on right now?

He's a fucking sikh you idiot. And 3pl8 isn't bad for a politician
t. 6pl8 for reps


/fit/ is leaking again
pl8 retard pls go

Canadiens must have a need to be cucks

Where does he poo

Also I pulled more than that during shoulder rehab

I like Sikhs. I respect Sikhs. I am more than fine with Sikhs in leadership positions of Western nations. I can't say that about any other minority. They are traditional, masculine, have a warrior mentality, and a decent amount of Aryan genetics.

He will successfully pull votes from the Liberals all but guaranteeing a Conservative landslide. His religion won't let him cuck to Islam either so I hope they get official opposition and the Liberal party just dies with Trudeau.

Is he going to go full fash and start hunting muzzies for their scalps?

lmao3plate deadlift is nothing. He's also pulling with bent elbows, rather than keeping them locked. GReat way to get a biceps tear.

Smelly as fuck

Sounds like an impressive resume for a prime minister. I mean who cares what his bullshit politics are ami right? (Sarcasm)!

>bitch tits

>another brown politician in white countries

fuck off shill

Also they only breed with other Sikhs.

He cant stop bullets though.

Jealous white boy.

At least he's not Trudeau.

>needs reverse grip for 6 plates

This is good. Canada needs a strong masculine leader. Of course this can't be found anymore in the native population, so it only makes sense to get a Sikh

>deadlifting twice your weight
Okay there, /fit/.

I could lift that with my dick

And still he will probably a better prime minister than the drama teacher.

At least as a Sikh he knows better about promoting Islam in your country


t_d was a fucking mistake

>6 plates
Nigga do you even lift?

Looks like a Sikh - Sup Forums has consistently insisted that Sikhs are bros

those aren't 45s, they're 25s


What's you advice for 4+ pl8s? I stalled at 435 and stopped ever since. Will sumos boost that?

tbf, I don't go to the gym that often but even I can do 3pl8 DL, it's one of the heavier weight exercises anyway.

Those are 45s dumbass. DYEL?

Idk how bro they are, but I got a good deal on a used car from one once, so in my book that makes them the anti-jew.

How about no Pakis running for leadership of a Nordic country.
Brown filth are criminals.

how do you niggers DL so much jesus

>winning anything ever

Depends on hip morphology

Get on a real program if you aren't yet



All those skills and he still can't poo in the loo. Sad!


learn to do proper deadlifts, that's hook grip, no bending, legs should width apart and use proper shoes with a sole (olympic shoes). a 400 lbs deadlift done properly and quickly requires far more power than a 500 lbs deadlift done with a sumo stance, wrapped up to shit in a cucksuit and that takes 10 seconds to lift vs 2

if you want to have your balls drop learn to clean and snatch

had a sikh guy in class, smelled like shit and everyone said he washed his hair only once a month

Brown skin means part nigger.
Surry is a shithole because of Pakis

sikhs never wash their hair, it's a sin to do so

Everyone on Sup Forums can dead lift 3 plate for reps untrained.


I am alright with this. Canada deserves a strong leader.

I've been going to a pretty good gym in a major metro area for 6+ months now and I rarely see anyone pull over 3pl8. I also rarely see anyone squat 2pl8 and actually break parallel

its pretty average for a man.
3x is decent

Even a poo is better than Trudope at this point lad

this retard is a communist

he wants to up immigration from non-white countries, stop any oil pipelines etc while upping taxes from a 40-50% level to 60-70% and increase the child benefit from $6000/year/kid under 18 to like $15000/year

so shitskins can just pop out 5 kids and live like millionaires in canada

I don't buy into the whole bro tier meme, but majority of sikhs I've met here are pretty cool. It's embarrassing when retards confuse them for muslims. I don't know about the ones up in Canada though. I've heard that they are nigger tier up there.

sikh gains dude

of course

and then the shitskins who came to your country that just wanted to "integrate" will no turn on you and shill for this brown guy, just because he's brown. it's ethnic preference. we all do it. only whites could be stupid enough to believe their sob stories and naively accept them in to take over their countries.

America is already done for. Canada comes next.

Thread needs to check this out

This guy is a fake guru, raped women, allegedly indulges in sex with his adopted daughter(claimed by husband), has fucking tunnels under his yoga centre, tunnel leads to a factory where they found empty AK 47 cartridge box, fireworks, explosives

There's so much more on this guy lol and it's retarded

Riots all over the city when he got arrested, people killed, paramilitary forces called in

Actually?Im fine with this.Siks are like muslims anti-muslims.Its like you have a house on fire,so you throw a nuke on it.The house is no longer on fire!

looks based

This! BASED Sikh man!

Canada is far worse

2011: Canada population 32M
>25.5M whites
>6.3 non-whites

2017: 37M
>25M whites (whites are -90K/year due to 12M non-whites (non-whites +950,000/year)

That'd be the equivalent of the states losing 1M whites and gaining 9M non-whites a year

If you see these filthy Pakis in Surry British Columbia call the RCMP. Sikh filth are drug pushing chop shop car stealing pimps. The ones that haven't been arrested have the nerve to culturally appropriate western clothing with rags on their filthy hair.

By /fit/ standards, which ironically uses strength standards that contradict this notion.

Same. I doubt everyone has the time, money, or drive to lift big. Society doesn't demand brawn.

I saw this wtf, apparently he just had a trial and 250,000 of his followers surrounded the court house

Then when he got convicted they chimped out and dozens died. He had to be flown out by helicopter to a secret location so his followers don't bust him out

He also has his own city state

He sounds like garbage, canada deserves him fuck it.

How can he be that big, but only lifts bitch weight?

Steroids. Non-white savages are very fond of roids. Hes cheating and hes on juice

>That'd be the equivalent of the states losing 1M whites and gaining 9M non-whites a year

I'd like to see the math behind this that caused you to think that.

Most of the followers surrounding the court house and rioting were just paid rioters

but everything else is true and read more about him it's crazy

>similar description couldn't possibly be idioms of regional dialect
You're a skinny fucking faggot

Whoops, it was in a year as opposed to six. I take it back.

A man should able to pull lmao3pl8 after a maximum of 2 months of training. I hit it after a few weeks, but it's my only good lift desu.

But he's not big lmao.

He has very clear gino meaning low test, pretty flabby and un-vascular arms for someone in mid-deadlift pose and that is at the very most only 140 kg (if it really is 3pl) he is lifting which is something I could do 5 reps of easily back when I weighed like a skelly (70~ kilos)

25 kilos or pounds?

Sikhs are cool but electing non whites to lead white countries is cowardly, suicidal, and weak.

>Mixed grip with 3pl8mao

LOL what a limpwristed faggot.

>mixed grip
>3plate diddly

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, yeah, real s-scared

Standard olympic plates are 20 kilos each a.k.a. 45 lbs, Canadian user means 25 lbs. a.k.a. 10 kilos.

they're 25s, the 25 and 45s with that style are usually same diameter but differ in thickness

Redpill me on sikhs. Do they hate muslims as much as I do?

look at the current state of white nation,for so long white politician, law / policy maker are white, and what happened?

it's time for non-white to try clean up the mess, it's already on the way of destruction anyway , if they failed, just blame them, and never again give them chances, win-win, no?

Fatfag here
What does 3pl mean?

is canada a real country or is it some fictitious land from a bad sitcom?

So he is almost as strong as a junior in high school on the football team?

the latter

3 standard 45lb plates on both sides =270lb plus olympic bar which are usually 45lb too .... so ~315lbs total

1plate = 45 lbs / 20 kg on each side of the standard olympic 45 lbs / 20 kg bar.

3plate just means a total of 140 kg.

No dirty shitskin is going to be my PM, I dont care if he's a le based Sikh or a Based Black Man in a Trump hat, once they obtain political power they will fuck us whites in the ass

Try again

got it

I hope leafs are ethnically cleansed by Muslims.
Fuck you guys and fuck your self-loathing suicide pact with people who never agreed to die by multiculturalism.
When the day of the rake begins I'll be going up there with a fucking lawnmower.

Thanks. I really need to do hook grip. Seems really good since my thumb starts failing in the grip

>canadian education

Of course it's the leaflet saying this shit

how ominous.

dont you have a bull to prep, leaf?
perhaps a minority to elect as head of state?

Is that Jinder Mahal?

Literal dyel

I usually hook grip but the rest of this post is retarded

>just 3pl8
>faggot mixed grip

Learn to do a proper hook grip (will be painful until you get desensitized), put lifting tape around your thumb, use chalk and strap up

t. used to hang power clean 160kg

>3pl8 is weak

Your brain on /fit/

Most of /fit/ has never been inside a gym

pl8=plate, as in, those metal discs on the end of the bar.
3 plates is 140kg, or 315lbs which is a respectable amount if you a. weight about 150lbs and b. have been lifting for less than a year

Looks like shrugs not DL.
