>racism isn't funny
It's fucking hilarious. I don't remember seeing a Guardian article about (((Sarah Silverman))) doing blackface or dressing up like Hitler.
>taking too long to realise he mistake
He realised it instantly.
>using the n-word is never okay...
...except in music, film, television, and in the everyday conversations of the Negro.
>"the n- w-w-w-w-w-ww-word?! you cant say that!!!"
fucking niggers.
Who gives a shit about the Grauniad?
The guardian said nigger. I'm telling mom.
fucking feminazi r stupid as fuck, they get triggered easaly. Grow up u fokin feminazi
It's racist that only blacks can say it
>Pajeet writes nigger
That's not allowed.
sure you can, not all black people are niggers, so it's not racist, you get white niggers too.
The regressive middle class white left implying all black people are niggers. Racist left at it again
We might need to gear for new intranet warfare Sup Forums
If they shut based Pewd, i say we shut internet down.
>the N-word
why the fuck are they so retarded? are they toddlers or why can't they just write "Nigger"?
Also she said it's never okay to use the n-word but then quotes PewDiePie saying nigger.
Kramer said nigger in a club and ever since then totally banned the word and it became the n-word
Using the F-word is never okay.
This, also based Jackson...
As a black, while I appreciate white people curbing themselves with using Nigger, ya'll take it to ridiculous measures sometimes. You're all literally afraid of a word, and too aggressive to jail/punish someone to uses it.
I remember when "f-word" was something people said
anyone who unironically tells someone else that something they do is "not OK" is a cunt and is to be immediately ignored and dismissed
>it's not OK to use the word nigger
>uses nigger in their title
>unless you're black
Yea, uhhuh.
dont forget hispanics, no one calls them out for saying nigger. they arent white until they get charged with a crime and even then its only for the purpose of statistics.
>Candy Crush player
did he call an obvious black person a nigger? no, he did not.
>only blacks can say it
thats racist then, they need to check there word privilege
>Silence is complicity.
This is the most important thing. To everyone who is anti racism, please stand up and make your voice heard. Stop being silent. These racists must be put in their place. If we work together, we can finally crush racism again, like we have in the past. The only reason racists feel emboldened right now is because people simply don't care and think ignoring it will make it go away. This is not the case. FIGHT THEM. BASH THE FASH.
Ha, this idea you must never offend a nigger is coming to an end. Hahaha.
This is nonsensical. The word "nigger" wasn't created to offend people, it was the American southern-drawl pronunciation of "negro", the Spanish/Portuguese word for black.
Literally all that "nigger" means is black. Every black person is a nigger, and every nigger is black. There are plenty of dumb worthless white people, but there are no white niggers, because you can't be "white black".
Note that every term used to refer to people of African descent becomes considered offensive eventually. Negro, colored; if the social direction remains the same, calling someone "black" will almost certainly be considered a racial slur in a few decades. A new term will be created, which will last a while before it too is declared to be offensive, because people will be offended by anything that reminds that they're sub-saharan africans.
In American, an entire race of people have parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents that are still alive today that were psychologically abused by the entirety of the population here with that word. That's just one word, omitting the hundreds of years of brutal physical abuse and degradation the aforementioned race was put through. So even though when you hear that word, it means absolutely nothing to you. Unfortunately, when some people hear it, to them it's everything they are trying to move on from.
"As a nigger".
We have to watch our mouths because everyone loses their shit over it.
Say "N-Word" like you're a fucking child who isn't allowed to cuss or a Harry Potter character who can't say AlbinoSnakeFace.
Here is her tweet. If anyone wants to leave some kind words.
>Literally all that "nigger" means is black
Context is an alien word to you, huh?
As many blacks are killed in black on black crime in Chicago each year since 1979 as we're lynched in all of US history.
9/11 killed almost as many in a matter of hours.
As many whites are killed in black on white crime as in 24 months as all the lynchings in US history.
Look heres what you guys don't seem to understand. Ok so countless people say the N word in online games and other places daily. It happens. Sure. Those people can say whatever the fuck they want. The difference here is pewdiepie has an audience of millions. Millions of young impressionable kids watch him. He should be more responsible with his words and actions.
fuck those media jews. nigger is just a word.
He's fucking SWEDISH, and Guardian is a BRITISH news source, why the fuck is everyone using American memes to create fake outrage? Europeans have nothing to do with black Americans, who the fuck cares
It's worth saying nigger just to get the buttblasted media to type "n-word" because they are terrified of it but not any other slur or insulting word
millions of kids are learning that it's okay to attack someone for using a word you don't approve of vs. being taught that words are words and intent is the driving force behind them
hmmm. The former sounds like a great way to introduce the concept of wrongspeak to the world and control how people communicate
>based pewds
I feel like the average age on Sup Forums has gone down in recent months
You realize 99.9% of the people saying nigger ARE those grandchildren, right? If it wasn't constantly filling every single fathomable aspect of black pop culture, which the US exports to the entire world, then many people would have moved on from it. How often do you hear people saying Colored?
It's impossible to hear something constantly, 365 days a year, every time you turn on a radio, every time you watch TV, ever time you see a movie, and not have it filter in to your mind. How do you think slang and language works in the first place? People don't consciously sit down and decide what terms are included in their lexicon, it is organically adapted. This is all so obvious, you dumb nigger.
>Unfortunately, when some people hear it, to them it's everything they are trying to move on from.
wow you're right, we should ban the majority of rap and hip hop from black consumption
People who take offence to Nigger just give the word its power back.
It was literally a word reserved for calling someone less than human, if you take offense to the word i means you use it to describe yourself. That means you believe you are less than human.
Just saying.
>He should be more responsible with his words and actions.
Yes and no
Nothing binds him to refrain from hateful words. There are no laws about this, technically he can say whatever the fuck he wants (in his case without repercussions because he is fucking pewdiepie), but then again if people watch you play games you should maybe stop becoming so salty
News outlets haven't been local for a very long time
nice trips. he just uploaded his new video btw
>Using the N-word is never Ok
>article proceeds to use the N-word
Wtf I unironically fucking love PewDiePie now.
you're right about it's origin, but it's evolved to mean what I mentioned too. Chris Rock- there's black people and there's niggers, so it's doesn't mean black anymore, it means either an affectionate term, as in nigga, and a low life as nigger, and low life isn't racially exclusive.
99.99999999% of blacks have only been called nigger by other blacks and multiple times a day every day
Last year, 6 white women were raped by black men for every black lynching in US history, 250+ years of ut.
I'd be glad to see all those rapists lynched too.
There's this implication, that every person ever lynched was black and inmocent.
1500 whites were among the lynched.
It's likely that upwards of 80% were guilty of the crimes for which they were accused.
And I have zero sympathy for murderers and rapists.
Sorry about the likely 200-400 innocent men.
But that's just another weeks worth or murders in modern America.
>using the n-word is never ok
>uses nigger in the article
>Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words are, like, way way worse. --Buzzfeed
so niggers vote for them, easy
What was the context of "negro"? Was it a hateful derogatory slur, and is that why MLK constantly uses it, and why we there is the United Negro College Fund? Any word that refers to sub-saharan africans is just on a timer until it is considered offensive, because a word used to refer to sub-saharan africans will refer to the actions of sub-saharan africans, and multicultural egalitarianism cannot accept or survival an honest acknowledgement of the average traits of sub-saharan africans. "Black" will be "the b-word" soon enough.
Pewdiepie is getting more subs from this. You aren't going to take him down, commie faggots.
Nah the average age stays the same, we're just getting older.
>Any word that refers to sub-saharan africans is just on a timer until it is considered offensive
It certainly doesn't help when it's always used in an offensive or derogatory context.
uhhh, shitlord, i hurt my finger yesterday and it hurt for 10 minutes, someone hurt my feelings last week and it STILL HURTS, so obviously we need to kill all whites forever
All black people are niggers. It's not a judgment of character, it's an acknowledgment of biological reality.
what I'm saying is it has different meanings depending how it's used
like pig, cunt (can be affectionate), bastard (ditto)
The left always focuses on the word in isolation, and exaggerate for effect so they can virtue signal, which is basically an industry if its own these days, and a piss easy way to fill column inches in shitty rags that haven't got much else to say than condemning people less PC fascist them them.
How he said it in the situation was just edgy, I doubt any smart black person gives a fuck and probably a lot would find it more funny than offensive.
First paragraph
>using the n-word is never ok
second paragraph
> it's simple: racism isn't funny
Only for lowlife busybody trash. Racism is fucking hilarious to normal people, because normal people have a sense of humor and can take things with a grain of salt.
99.9% of the time niggers call people niggers, it's not derogatory, it's like saying the word "dude".
Are you suggesting the word Negro, used by MLK and all the "civil rights movement" figures, was "always used in an offensive or derogatory context"?
"People of color" is back as the new PC label for them, but referring to blacks as "colored" is still antiquated and bigoted.
Nothing will happen. Calm down anons. Let the kikes and niggers cry.
>typical videogamer
Heh. Good luck extracting capital from that "demographic"
I can't believe people actually get paid money to deceive their employers with fallacious statistics. Sometimes I look at the behavior of big companies and I swear they act as if the market is in the state they wish it to be, rather than the state it actually is in.
she's going to get roasted in her comments lol, she probably knows it and wants that though, and attention is good attention to hacks like her
Also, reminder that you must never take anything coming out of The Guardian as anything but pure trash.
>hungarian arguing what nigger means in English
racism wouldn't be nearly as funny if people didn't get so fucking worked up over it on behalf of the race in question
say nigger or chink in common conversation and blacks/asians won't bat an eye, but the white college kid will suffer a stroke
>mainstream media who get a few hundred thousand hits per article trying to take down a guy who gets millions of views per video and has a larger patronage than said mainstream media company
Yeah, I'm sure this Swede's 60 million fans reeeeally care.
Well then why do rappers continually refer to people within their race as niggers in almost every song.
Do as a I say not as i do, niggers.
It was funny how that circle came around. Of course, POC won't last long either.
It's hilarious to me when people try to include East Asians as "persons of color". Putting Japanese people into the same categories as sub-saharans: now that is something that you can rightfully call offensive.
you're wrong, that's just one outdated meaning of it
Hey reddit those memes are great for raking in normies but once your here you have to drop it :)
"This just proves my point"
You cant argue with people like that they are to bitter to change their opinion / be open-minded
What did he say? Nagger?
if these words weren't over protected they wouldn't be such weapons, and people could move letting other people control their emotions by a simple word
>No niggers were harmed typing above.
I think pewdiepie should "accidently" call someone a chink, a gook, a cracker, a poo in the loo and whatever else so we can have more of these excellent articles
>there is no excuse for racism
what if niggers killed your family?
>chella ramanan
dropped amfh
Every time someone says "the N-word" I will say "nigger" twice.
Niggers who want to pretend they're not niggers doesn't erase the meaning of a centuries-old word. If nigger didn't refer to black people, there would be no outrage about non-niggers using it.
he better not cuck out
his best course of action is to just not acknowledge it happened
All the coddling of the word 'nigger' has done for society is giving niggers another free pass to act out violently towards others
The word 'nigger' doesn't bother niggers. In fact, they love when you say it because then they have an excuse to whine for free shit and beat up white people.
yeah, it's her job too, so she's even more tied to one perspective, professional shill hack she is, and she knows it, it's her job to stir shit up
i got into an argument with a childhood friend who's gone full SJW in recent years, i was using "white" and "nonwhite" to describe the groups in question. The first point i put forth that she couldn't counter was met with her saying "also you shouldn't say nonwhite as if they are somehow lesser or whatever, it's kinda racist"
I asked her what I should be using, she said "person of color has worked great for a while, so maybe try that"
I then asked her what she had against the jewish, she confusedly asked what i mean, I responded by saying that plenty of jewish people consider themselves not to be white but are in no way considered people of color either, and that her choice of language was exclusive while mine was inclusive
i swear i smelled wood burning before she pretended that whole little portion of the exchange never happened, and she didn't comment on my use of nonwhite anymore.
Please don`t mention that banshee
>Chella Ramanan
Brown people who try to tell me right from wrong are so fucking annoying.
I though it was from the niger valley where most slaves came from