what a cuck
What a cuck
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Also grimes isn't just a womeme with a skinned knee and you aren't obligated to give her a lenient score.
>reviews albums with that word in the title
>dosen't say the title
Literally who
The King of Sup Forums himself
The school shooter from Oregon
Who is this dingle?
Anthony Coalburno, jewtubes cuckedest music nerd
Both true facts.
>be chad
>marry ugly monkey
I thought her shirt read "I'm with nigger" at first
It's an act for the normies, you fucking nigger. I need a new pair of shoes. Youtube money, bitches.
>be chad
>looks like a white monkey
He's always been slightly left leaning. Just because he knows how to meme doesn't mean he's ourguy
kek, i wish someone would shop.
Yeah, he' anti-SJW, but forgive me if I don't applause something so obvious.
Someone post the pic where she's sucking his small little dick.
He is a latino mestizo btw. Not white. Shows why he loves degenerate music so much.
This guy's such a pathetic, insecure faggot. His interview with Sam Hyde really showed how much of a pussy he is, completely dominated by Sam the Man. He's also a tryhard normie trying to fit in and seem edgy.
I'd rather see Sarah Silverman's shriveled tits than that. Maybe Fred Durst's cock instead?
am redpilled hapa
My plan is to build up my youtube channel and go full 1488 on all the kiddos watching my vids
I realized this is a great idea after seeing what pewdiepie can do subtly to help the younger people come to our reactionary and fanatic ideologies.
Swedish man is pussy and won't go full fashy
He's not anti-SJW.
Isn't he? To be fair, I've only heard him in a livestream.
>Your words have consequences
I'm not surprise in the slightest.
most punchable face ever
wew lad
Might do a 9/11 vid today, not completely sure
Fuck this Arty Buco cuck and his shit taste in music.
a chad
Do you know what a chad is user? Its not an obese bald glasses wearing nu-male with tits down to his belly button
No he's somewhat reasonable combined with some very liberal SJWish kind of views. But he's not super crazy about it.
>African Americans on the Moon
Doesn't sound so good, tbqh.
People forget nigger culture use nigger on the regular, just the same as boy/fella/mate
This guy sounds like he has no opinion on anything. I'm not even sure what he's rambling about.
>all these nu-male cucks having a hissyfit over pewds saying nigger
There have been plenty of e-celebs who have said nigger, faggot, and other """bad words""". This moral outrage over pewdiepie is a total facade. They're all just jelly that Pewds is #1 and they're trying to dethrone him.
Won't work though. I guarantee his sub count will expand. Just like my dick when I see all these faggots crying over it.
>I'm gonna state my opinion as a fact and base the argument around it because clearly this is doubleplusungood and if you disagree you're a crimethinker.
>gook trying to fit in with whites
Just stop.
>Listens to rap "music"
>Thinks his opinion on anything is valid
now this is what i call shitposting
based pete steele
tldw: my gf is black
>being a fascist
lmao why aren't you a Monarchist my friend?
>killing people is fine
>but saying the nigger-word is too offensive
Never take advice from school shooters
Kys you gook monkey, you're not white and never will be.
>numale marxist cuck behaves like a numale marxist cuck
hmmm, didn't answer my question silly little guy
Looks like the black girl I had as a volunteer sex slave for a few months. She was my ansafone and people would be bewildered that she was actually black when they came for a visit.
I don't understand people who say "the n-word". If you're saying "the n-word" you're putting that thought in their head, you know what they're saying, therefor it's the same as just saying nigger.
This is literally the only smart thing that Louis "Interracial Breeding Grounds" C.K. has said and that I agree on.
what a pussy
if you're going to bother with oil drilling, then go all the way and fuck a qt
Yeah It's pretty pathetic
I thought he was Italian and black
*nigga, not niggER
i still can't believe he got away with it, he learned from the best
stop giving this fathead full of teeth more attention
just another libtard trying to cash in on the drama
you must be the king of nu-males
why do you fuckers care what some random faggot on the internet says? seriously twitter and youtube threads should be banned
i'm about two minutes in and so far nothing he's said seemed particularly unreasonable but i'm having trouble understanding why he would bother to make a video like this. like wow you're a good boy who doesn't say a bad word. good job.
It's cucky but this is the most reasonable justification for why someone wouldn't say it I've heard. It's not like he's saying anyone who does choose to say it must be evil or something.
I think it's a valid opinion 2bh.