Why do you hate him Sup Forums?


He's an asshole.

>Soygoy of Mossad

He's a self righteous fart sniffing coward

because he tweets gay porn at the alt right?

subhuman (((classic liberal)))

pseudointellectual bong with shitty bantz and even shittier arguments

Aww, did the special snowflake get mad at a troll?

Are u mad, somali?


desu I don't hate Sargon. I'm ok with him, although I don't think he's being intellectually honest about race realism and its consequences


so much of what he says is totally redundant

instead of a 20-30 minute video making a mountain out of an anthill about some clickbait article he finds, he could probably dot point what's wrong with it in 60 seconds and waste less of my time. he's a bottomfeeder basically

Mixed feelings... He was a gateway to the alt-right for me, so I'm thankful for that, but it is quite obvious that he is steadily getting worse at that by constantly punching right, probably on purpose.

Because either he is not a truth-seeker or he is a coward

i asked if he hated sargon becuase he tweets gay porn at the alt right, you mongs. Is reading comprehension not among your skills?

'Cause Sup Forums hated on pretty much everybody. Pretty self explanatory.

True, I feel like Sargon only ever goes for the low-hanging sjw-fruit anymore. Either that or it's "nahzees were bad!!!!" type of stuff with little input

Sargon gets a lot of flak from the left, so he probably feels the need to virtue signal by punching right. It's like he doesn't realize that cucking to the left won't help him

You replied to me, low-iq retarded from Swedesomalian.

I would respect if he just said: "I won't be talking about racial realism, the JQ and white genocide because I do not wish to associate with these topics."

I'm fine with him being an entry level to the redpill with his "muh feminism" drivel. If you have a truth-seeking trait, you get over it soon.

But the fact that he goes an extra mile to disprove what he absolutely can't and try to frame the (((alt-right))) (whoever uses this pathetic manufactured term is an accomplice of the narrative builders in the 0,001%) makes him look like a complete cuck and a coward to me.

30 minute incoherent videos

He used to be good but that video after Chartlottsville where he literally just reads a quote from a book is utter laziness.

oh come on you sub-human retard, put that tiny brain to use and come up with something better

Nothing wrong with gay porn am I rite sweden?

Third post, best post.

He's a self righteous pseudointellectual with no opinions on everything politically important. He also constantly puts himself up on a pedestal while calling everyone else stupid without really giving any real input.


well, he was the first step to me becoming a nazi, so i'll always tolerate him

is that the reddit guy?

I used to watch his channel when I was in my lol sjws got rekt xD phase. Years ago but quickly outgrew him and saw him as the cunt he is.

He's a closet gay commie bear.

I don't hate him. I used to like him but I've gone off him now.

He's milquetoast and kekistan is shit forced meme

he's a civic nationalist kike and his entire 12 year old edgelord fanbase is just there to rebel against "le sjws XD"

I don't. He's pretty good at setting a bare minimum of centrist sounding talking points for the party line.

He's a civicuck.

A bit intellectually dishonest, but he's a good bridge between the left and the right. I also kinda have to feel bad for him seeing as how he gets constant shit from both the left and the right, even if some of it is deserved.

He molested me when I was a child.

where did faked sprayed thread go?


His content is pretty interesting and I don't exactly mind his "le civic nationalism ecks dee". It's better than most youtubers "nationalis is le nazi ebil ecks dee".

His shitposting streams are also pretty ok.

you couldn't be more wrong, hes not cucking to the left he just sees the alt right as the other half of a shit coin which is the whole point of identity movements, hes basicly the ben shapiro of England with more classical liberalism and not a jew (before u muh joos)


Why does it seem like you guys hate civnats even more than leftists? I'm not a civnat but in a time where the overton window has been shifted so far to the left I don't know why you wouldn't prefer civic nationalism to no nationalism at all. White nationalism is nowhere near socially acceptable yet and probably won't be for a long time, and even civic nationalism is still somewhat taboo.

Because he is literally a fag

Is this movie an accurate representation of Kekistan?

Don't hate him. Although he is an idiot, that equates the mythical boogeyman of white cis male patriarchy, with the real threat of demographic displacement and islamic jihad.


I don't hate him
I only despise him and I am ashamed of him

No, that would be "Her"

an all or nothing mentality is the only thing that can save us. civic nationalism is a joke and i'd rather outright battle commies.

>civic nationalism is a joke
Then why did Sup Forums push so hard for Trump and Brexit? Have we just given up and decided to go full accelerationist mode?

>Then why did Sup Forums push so hard for Trump and Brexit?
Because they are just first steps. Civic nationalism is still moronic and useless

quad nigger and a desperate advocate for racial egalitarnism as such.

I get that the whole "it doesn't matter what race our country is as long as they love freedom xP" is moronic, but should the right really be that polarized right now? Civic vs ethnic nationalism is a pointless dichotomy at this point, just make it pro-white vs anti-white.

I watched this faggot sperg out on joe rogan and joe was like "wtf is this guy even talking about".

this desu

I hate all ecelebs

>why do you hate him Sup Forums?

Because he's literally a nigger.

Yes, 1/4 full nigger. His grandmother sucked and fucked a full blooded nigger.

>hes not cucking to the left
That's exactly what Sargon is doing. He's cucking to the left. He needs to virtue signal to them. Also, that whole point about identity politics is bullshit. He just throws that word around without defining it or without explaining why it's bad, he's just always going "muh identity politics" without any substance. Then again I suppose Sargon can't ever support identitarian movements because he doesn't have an identity

He loves to fill his pockets with Sup Forums content yet is a stupid cuck that orders his skeptic Minions like Kraut around

He's not cucking to the left, he's a part of the left. He's about as right-wing as Dave Rubin.

He posed as a truth seeker and independent thinker to obtain an audience from the gamergate crowd then he refused to dig deeper when someone showed him evidence the Holocaust is a scam, jews run the rotten system and some races are inherently more stupid and criminal than whites.

>Sup Forums is one person

I don't agree with everything he says, but i enjoy listening to him.

Skeptics are semi autists, trying to remain comfy in their centrist space. It will click for them in the decades to come I think. Mooscum and nogs will replace the SJW / Feminist fruit.

He's economically left, but he's right wing in terms of nationalism

That was horrible. How can someone be so self absorbed in thier own bubble so much they can't even relate to people outside it anymore?

Honestly because his brand of "intellectualism" is dangerous. He generally either regurgitates other people's opinions or outright misconstrues them to suit his agenda.

He takes on low hanging fruit, be it pure brainlets or hysterical idealogues. He is constantly BTFO'd by the right and won't ever admit his position is wrong, even when it is obviously so.

He's got an audience and people think what he is saying is the height of intellectualism. it isn't. That's why I don't like him.

He lives in swindon

He's a pseudo intellectual

I love how a swedish flag basically means your opinion goes right into the trash. It's nice to have a country that is less faggoty than mine for once.

t. dudeweedistan

I know his type, and he his a coward.

Those types of coward whose egos have become a protective shield of sorts.

I have watched him since his first videos, Pyrrhus to Sargon ones for example, and he is clearly enamoured by the masculine role model of such figures, his heart points him in the right direction but he has grown up in soft age.

Also he has no points, his discourse is bashing on low hanging fruit.

He's a smug liberal. He's like jon oliver but less talented and not funny. and he's arrogant and condescending.

you two should really think about using a meme flag