Will he make apology video or will he stand strong agaisnt (((media critics)))? It's really hard to say.
What happens now?
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Stand strong.
fucking montenegro
That Firewatch guy pretty much made it so he doesn't have to apologize since he's abusing law to attack him for offending a while irishman.
He'd just gonna do the same thing he did last time they attacked him.
I watched sargon's livestream and he mentioned that pewdiepie told him that he was just going to lay low until this whole thing blows over
he's gonna apologize to an extent
He already posted a stream fail video as today's video lmao.
it's a reupload through, got taken down a couple days ago for some copyright issues
I did, 26m20s
He always apologizes, he will again. They go after him because he has a history of appeasing them.
I think he doesn't give a fuck. He has enough money for the rest of his life. I think he just wanted to stir up some shit and see how far he can gets. That's what I would do.
If he has any balls he will stream Firewatch just as a big fuck you
imagine this, you have 10mil $, yet you always can make more. But you said something "racist". In order to keep making good money you ought to apologise.
What do?
STOP being media CRITICS
This black guy on YouTube I follow said he shouldn't appologuze because he will just validate the liberals and media when all he did was use a word most gamers use. Apologizing seems to hurt you more than just saying fuck off.
Firewatch? What did I miss?
He makes 15 million a year and he has yet to appologize for anything. He's be dumb to start now.
He already said sorry. Nothing's happening, just the same old faux indignation by the same old grand-standers.
from the devs
leftists on twitter are absolutely pissed that they cannot destroy him. his new vid still has 99% likes kek
the single most popular youtuber, perhaps even the face of youtube, is a straight white nordic man who says nigger and gets away with it KEK
Every time I read about this guy here or in the MSM it's always some publicity stunt of his own creation and it always seems to work out well for him. This is no different.
I hope he doesn't, I know he wanted to distance himself from the "nazis" but apologising will only make him vulnerable to the same bullshit the WSJ pulled on him.
am redpilled hapa
My plan is to build up my youtube channel and go full 1488 on all the kiddos watching my vids
I realized this is a great idea after seeing what pewdiepie can do subtly to help the younger people come to our reactionary and fanatic ideologies.
Swedish man is pussy and won't go full fashy
The media can kick and scream all they want but it won't change the fact that he doesn't need their approval to exist. His online presence dwarfs these shitty rags. His audience is also slowly being trained not to be virtue signaling dopes. He's untouchable.
stop saying the word NIGGER its offensive, again stop saying NIGGER, NIGGER is a horrible word that hurts peoples feelings thats N I G G E R spelled out for you, NIGGER.
>neckbeard neets awaken
>GG.v2 all over again
You ready Anons?
He made a video specifically to say he thought Charlottesville was disgusting and he has nothing to do with those people.
No shit he will say sorry for blurting nigger
Pewds had enough, and we had enough. If they irritate us again, we have to give them one last and final blow
That's the thing, he doesn't work for Hollywood or television for they can't relly fire him. He did worked for Disney but they already kicked him from there, so the only thing they can do it ban his channel but YouTube would lose money.
This whole situation is fucking retarded from multiple angles:
1) Moral outrage over someone saying nigger online is ridiculous. People on forums, imagebaords, usenet, xbox live, etc have called each other niggers and faggots since forever
2) Plenty of other video game e-celebs have used "nigger" and other slurs too. This includes Jontron, Egoraptor, Mike Mattei, and plenty of others. I think Pewds has said it before this anyway too.
3) He won't lose any subscribers over this, because none of them are going to give a fuck. The only people feigning moral outrage over this are boomers who don't watch or understand internet stuff anyway
4) This is clearly just a shakedown attempt by ZOG media. Pewds is #1 on youtube, and he's also COMPLETELY SELF-MADE AND INDEPENDENT. He's not beholden to any kike-run corporation or anything like that. They hate the fact that he doesn't go along with the ZOG narrative and shows open support from Trump and disdain for PC culture. This is nothing more than an attempt to dethrone him
can anyone provide the link
D-Did you just say Nigger?!
I agree. There is no reason to ever say nigger. Nigger is more than just a word. Nigger has a long history and a dark past. You're invoking that past when you say nigger. I don't care about the circumstances, it's not okay to say nigger. The word nigger hurts people's feelings. A decent person wouldn't say nigger. It's not acceptable to use words like nigger. Stop, just don't, don't say nigger. Never say nigger.
Man gen Z is actually starting to impress.
Nigger is my trigger word!
>say nigger once
>crusade launched against you
>make video where I say nothing but "cunt" for 32 minutes
>hailed as art
He's an ok guy, but slightly irritating that he kept trying to suck my dick while I was fucking his girl.
Funniest reaction video ever
Trump made an apology about the pussy comment, I think he should too.
What's up with Americans and the Nigger-word?
Isn't it like saying Voldemort in Harry Potter?
It's just a word.
Why is people so fucking scared to say it? Do you have an adrenaline rush when you say the Nigger-word?
And, aren't you giving it more weight and more offensive power by giving it to so much importance?
Holy fuck those nigs got trigged
this place is for politics you cum swallower
Fucking niggers need to die.
They told people share their thoughts in the comment section, but now it's closed. I wonder what happened.kek
What upsets me is he didn't say "Get gassed Kike" instead.
>load up black youtube video
The (((N word)))
>Will he make apology video
Probably. He eventually did it with the nazi situation.
He will do it again when the heat gets too high.
i agree, we should all stop saying nigger to niggers. nigger is a terrible nigger word.
Don't know. In dutch we say neger all the time.
Normies get triggered by it because of how hard white guilt is pushed in our daily lives/school. We're constantly stuck at a kindergarten mentality level because some stupid fucks get so upset at words that they break down and start crying and will try to ruin your lives for the utterance of a single word.
It's beyond childish and shows just how pathetic people are. On a side note, if you want to trigger American women just call them a cunt. They'll go absolutely fucking rabid and will often times attack.
There are videos on YouTube when some White guys go to ghettoes to say Niggers to see how will Blacks react and Nigs literally go Chimpout,heck some of those folks got phisically attacked by Nigs from time to time and it gets nasty. That word really triggers them
Guess you got your answer. Bonus is the video description.
Goys, everyone can see what you're doing. Saying nigger on the sly like it's okay. It's NOT OKAY. Nigger can't be said without a bigoted, racist connotation. Nigger should be erased from history because nigger means Jim Crow. Nigger means slavery and nigger means racism. So, cut it out...niggers.
Who cares what he says?
Well, those stinking mulattos you Murrilards put up in Charlottesville were surely disgusting.
It's all an act though. They don't get mad because of the definition of the word they get mad because whites using it means what little control and power they have is being undermined. Thats what Black Live Matter is, it's not a movement with goals it exists to get white people to submit.
Yes it was disgusting how Antifa and Black Crime Matters acted agaisnt what was supposed to be peaceful protest.
He never one mentions the left. Just white supremacists and nazis
I actually guffawed you faggot, jesus christ I can't handle the idea of some cucked swede having a higher position morally (in regards to the public) and socially that he does not need to apologize to a PC culturally enriched audience for saying NIGGER but our president has to bend over backwards and perform political JEWdo for telling another bro that he should just grab a bitch by the pussy if he wants her. Fuck me this timeline is too good to quit.
but every damn kike west of the Atlantic has to say they care.
It is almost as if they are compensating for something...
Guys, this is the PERFECT time to start memeing the word nigger and saying it fluently. That way, it loses it's impact and desensitized the younger audience and future generation. These people are doing a good job doing it.
Start using nigger and faggot a little more in your public profiles and when you get targeted, just argue that it's a word.
Now we meme like weve never memed before
Pretty sure Plantation owners and most Natinoal Socialists are dead.Btw it's hard to look if from other perspective when 100% of media was showing only one side as ''bad guys''.They resplaced statue of General Lee with pregnant Nigger who looks like it's made during stone age.This is what they were protesting against
He said sorry immediately after he said it.
Literally making an outrage from nothing, this is the future we are heading towards. We are going to see this absurdity repeating.
I'm taking stakes for the next big outcry.
lulz he shot his own guy...
why do brits pronounce things weird?
this is a reupload
Now that I think about it the guy that killed his friend was a complete nigger, instead of running away and taking cover he went full nig nog and jumped in to kill somebody even tho that meant he was going to die too