ANGLOSPHERE couldn't singlehandedly-destroy Spain in a week

>ANGLOSPHERE couldn't singlehandedly-destroy Spain in a week
Oh believe you me, us Anglos are ITCHING for a war with Spain. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of Spanish soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers, pakis, and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY spanish pigshit they see. When we are done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it

Other urls found in this thread:

You shall not bully Spain you fat fuck

Swarthy meds are a plight on the european continent

You'll do fucking nothing. Dumb cuck, 3 spaniards alone could ass-rape half of your country. The Iberian union would destroy your sorry fuckfaces.

why would you hurt your hispanic brothers, Juan?

Do you lot even air force/navy?

>gets rammed by a tanker
>gets rammed by a containership
>gets rammed by tugboat

Greek navy

>@Irish defence forces

Just how stupid are you?

>american navy

Actually the Greeks own the 50% of the cargo ships in Europe (35% worldwide) and they are one of the few European countries with navy.

been a while since I've seen this one

I bet you are a spic mongrel or other type of non-white you have there with inferioriority complex over spain. What war are you insane? war's between brothers are over, in this case allies.
What anglosphere? you would make all Europe turn back on you and side with Russia, monk.

>a handicapped basque vs a professional navy admiral
>6 spanish ships vs 168 british ships
>23.600 brits vs 3.000 spaniards
>the handicap won
Top kek, "muh francis drake"

>I bet you are a spic mongrel
Nope, blonde hair blue eyed anglo. Can trace on both sides to Colonial America.
Majority of whites in America are of Norther European stock.

you are not an anglo and never will.. you are just a fat burger.

Well boo fucking hoo, you can only into Gibraltar ye stupid anglos, remember the Contraarmada Inglesa? Were you lost all of your ships trying to invade the Peninsula?

Union when, portugese brethen?

Whatever, but we are OTAN bros, you won't do shit and Gibraltar is spanish, besitossss

Awww sweetie

Why fight over a settled issue? The Rock is ours, and with it all its attendant apes and gambling monies.

I dont want Rock, I just want the monkeys in it


Give the dem monkeys back

>Gibraltar is spanish

Fuck off you filthy KIKE!!!!!!
Spaniards are not mexicans.
If anything we would enact a breeding/sterilization program to remove the Moor influence.

Europeans must Unite and slaughter the invaders, not fall to this divisive Jewry.

>all white people are the same
Uhh no sweetie, keep your swarthy meds and filthy slavs out of this NorthWestern European thread.

Too late. We already ate them all.

>all countries in green are literally the most cucked in Europe
Top kek
Nice try, nordcuck

Grow up you obese burger. Europe is united, we don't need a 54% white D&C us. Ignore him, mediterranean fellow europeans.

How's Gibraltar this time of year?

Don't fall for the D&C tactics of that spic. We Germans respect the Spanish very much. We should be united, fighting against jews and muslims. We don't forget La Reconquista

>amerifats trying to destroy european unity by not-white threads
>what I always thought to be fags actually support us
Thank you, germanbros. Never forget reconquista.

>Europe is united
Fuck off retard

You're lucky you lot are included with Northwestern Europe. Bow down to the superior anglo cock and follow our lead and all will be fine. We all see what happens when Germany tries to control Europe

End yourself

Fuck off nigger. You have like 1% white blood and you are talking about being Anglo


At current projections, you're gonna be a minority in Germany in about 30 years due to your self destructive policies, idiot.

What do you want, paki? Sharia law for Britain? White people are and should be united.

What do you have against Old Mexico?

He is not a Burger, he is a transnational Jew. He betrayed his agenda when he suggested sending shitskins to breed with the Spaniards.

Also we are still 64% white non hispanic. The only reason it has gone down is the fucking Mexicans. Blacks have stayed the same percentage as always. Hopefully DACA ending can help get the demographics back on track.

>What do you want, paki?
My ancestors fought for British, French and German forces in WW2, I'm whiter than you'll ever be Ahmed.

Those policies will end soon. German people are becoming increasingly based. Unlike you, and multicultural full of pakis London

What's your end game Malachai?

>nigger or kile from America trying to drive a wedge between European brothers

Oldest trick in the book
Saved and hidden

Lol are you kidding me? The government is already talking about reversing Blair-era Labour policies, code word for kicking them the fuck out.

>Us Anglos are ITCHING for a war with Spain
You´re literrally a fucking no one. You speak by no one but your self. And you´re not even Anglo, no matter how hard you shill for it.

No one but you gives a damn about that rock. Hang your self.


>Tries to burgersplain who is white
>52% white
He thinks he has the authority to tell who is European and who is not

Which one of those is your grandfucker? Also, what a fucking traitor rat, fighting for both british and German.

No more brother war's (D&c)

Come back to mother Britannia, friend

>He thinks all europeans are the same
Listen you dunce, europeans are brother yes but that doesnt mean i want to live in a slav commie black, or be a lazy siesta taking med.

That's right Portubro.




Former British Colonies > Former Spanish Colonies

I don't want to live in Spain either (no offense Spainbros), but they still are white, and we should be united with them in the fight against islam and jews (and possibly chinks, in the future)

Fine by me just remember who your daddy is. Its an anglo world you all are just living in it

Then dont but that doesnt give you authority about who is white and who isnt, if anything you are less white than fucking Albania

>posts about Spain
>attaches a picture of Gibraltars rock aka overseas British territory.
>burger geography lessons everyone
why are burgers so poorly educated fellow poltards?

Yeah, yeah...

Are you LITERALLY retarded? People have 8 great-grandparents


Also I'm white. I suspect from your nigger behaviour, that you aren't though.

Sure, keep on thinking like that. If you somehow think anglos alone will be able to defend themselves against jews and chinks, I guarantee you it will be no longer an anglo world.

>More than half of America was ours
>Forgets that

How old were you when you realized that the Brits had the superior form of Fascism in mind

The half that Spain owned sucks

fuckin lol

I misread what you wrote before.
What is your end goal though? To cause division among europeans? Then you should be a jew, or a sandnigger, because a true anglo would want a strong Europe (which is not the same as an European union).


Because I'm not retarded

>Because I'm not retarded
I have some bad news for you user...

Because it is only occupied by niggers. Your point? Spanish people don't suck because of that. Former English colonies in Africa with british people currently living there also suck.

None taken, our goverment is made by Ragoy and a bunch of kikes pretending they hate on each other

>Strong Europe
No, I want a strong Britannia, one like the days of old. One that the French and Chinese bent to the whim of.

Were they uma delicia?

The american education system

Then you deserve nothing more than to be raped by monkeys. Good luck with nostalgia and jacking off to pictures of old british empire which will never be reborn.

South Africa is the best country in Sub Saharan Africa

If you think fascism is good you are a traitor to our ancestors, user. Go larp somewhere else.

Do you seriously wanna play that game, over France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Russia, don´t be pathetic. Go play with your toy's and beware with the jamal's mr 52%. You are d&c, anti-white

Yeah, because it's almost the only which still has white people in there (and not only british, german and dutch too). Your point?

Okay then, Mister No-Nukes

I'm starting to think they're all fucking morons. Not even a handful, like every single one of them.

They dont even have a navy lmao

Even pakistan has nukes. That's not a big thing. No one would engage at war with Germany just because they don't have nukes.

You're turning into Brazil 2.0 nigger.

America invented nukes specifically just to use on you, don't kid yourself.

>what is hiroshima

You have no navy and are currently an american puppet state

And europe is becoming Africa 2.0

They didnt expect Germany was going to be raped so easily by the Soviets

So they used it in Japan instead

>I N V E N T E D
Read Spantard

Do it then i dare you

>This map thing

It always baffles me how some people can just point at something all convinced and go, 'here'... Just say you don't know. It's not like it's a secret that Americans are shit with maps.

That said, I doubt most Europeans would be able to point it out easily..

Touch our rock and you'll see.

So what? The days of being a nazi warmonger are long gone. Being a war superpower means nothing if your country is being invaded by foreign people, which will happen if you try to D&C the white people which supported you in the first place. You are either a jew, or a very naive person.

>muh anecdotal cherry picking