It's not a race problem /pol get over it.
It's not a race problem /pol get over it
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This is why people call them niggers. It's very sad. Not even a hurrican will stop an opportunistic black person from solidifying the stereotype about blacks yet again. Seems all it takes is someone looking away and they might go for it. And then turn around and go..
>why are you so suspicious are you racist or something?
It's like the chris rock show from 1996 about blacks vs niggers
Nigger will break into your house and then come over the next day and go
>i heard you got robbed?
Just like the London riots and what's happening in St Martin and the Caribbean.
Do the liberals even mention this correlation? Do they just chalk it up to coincidence?
>St Martin
The desperate woman was simply forging for survival supplies! Don't be so racist!
>Do the liberals even mention this correlation? Do they just chalk it up to coincidence?
I don't know, they probably would rather not mention it. But they can't keep putting their head in the sand of how it's pretty much only blacks that almost take any opportunity to do this and because nobody says anything against it they just keep doing it. Remember the baltimore riots aswell?
>hurr durr someone got killed by police
>let's loot and trash a local store and get some malt liquor, it's ok though we're struggling with our grief and shit.
With excuse for this? probably that
>hurr durr hurrican is tough so i need some dry shoes and shiet, we be struggling.
Nigger nobody else is fucking doing this shit!
>chris rock show from 1996 about blacks vs niggers
here's the graphic that goes with this well stated truism
The frequency distribution of variants of the MAO-A gene differs between ethnic groups. 59% of Black men, 54% of Chinese men, 56% of Maori men, and 34% of Caucasian men carry the 3R allele. 5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carry the 2R allele
It's simple. Europeans have been living within state societies for the longest. One thing a state does is that they enforce the state monopoly in violence - meaning only the state can kill and punish people.
And suddenly the ancestral 'alpha' male who dominates everyone through sheer force goes from hero to zero. From the dominant alpha male he turns into a heinous criminal.
Hence, european societies have been killing violent criminals for thousands of years. And so the 'warrior' gene has become increasingly rare. And so the death penalty is no longer needed.
However africans have been living in state societies for little more than a century. The 'warrior' gene is still very prevalent among them. Hence the lax model of european laws simply doesn't cut.
This is why African society never really moved beyond small settlements before whitey.
There's something so fucking pathetic about this. They aren't just thieves, they are fucking lazy ass thieves. They go out in their lazy ass sweatpants, make a lazy ass hole, can't be bothered to bring a bigger bag to put goods into.
It's like they were on the way somewhere in their suburban SUV and just randomly stopped off for free shoes.
Totally the trash of the earth and deserve to be executed by firing line.
That's more aggression/violence and lack of impulse control, stealing and looting is a different story. The moment nobody is looking a nigger will fucking go for it, both men and women. It's exactly why these people can't run a society, country or community for shit, they steal instead of build shit! Fuck, some black woman even scammed mugabe in zimbabwe about getting fuel out of a rock. I mean, it seems they would rather steal shit than build shit. Problem is you ofcourse can't run a society on that.
man da tryin to feed dem kidz n shiet
>Stealing boxes of shoes
We still have niggers living in mud/shit huts and whole (small) villages of cannibals, despite being one of the most white (advanced) African countries.....
Everyone who is either rich or smart got the fuck out of that of area before the hurricane came. The only people left are people that are either too poor or too stupid to leave. Here you have poor and stupid people doing what they do best.
They were saving those shoes!
They would have been ruined by the water anyways!
Stop criticizing black people you racist!
Only in Africa. Can't have power cause thieves steal transformer oil to cook their food in. Thereby poisoning food, and destroying the electrical grid, all for a few dollars.
Archived it for you
>Everyone who is either rich or smart got the fuck out of that of area before the hurricane came. The only people left are people that are either too poor or too stupid to leave. Here you have poor and stupid people doing what they do best.
It's highly probably that they stayed on purpose BECAUSE they could then rob shit. I doubt this was a heat of the moment decision. Niggers LOVE to steal shit i've noticed this. Best things in life are "free", that seems to be the motto of a nigger. Ofcourse it's not free for the people these niggers steal it from.
quit posting your stand up niggers
This is probably closer to the truth. Africa hasn't been weeding out criminals from the gene pool as long. Genes associated with impulsive and/or violent behavior are likely more prevalent.
People Rescue Air Jordans from Foot Locker During Hurricane Irma
>Seems all it takes is someone looking away and they might go for it
Not even. This is typical behaviour for the nigger. These creatures do it brazenly every single day on just as large a scale. The only difference is that there isn't anything more interesting to report on and since there are no authority figures around they can travel in packs.
The more things change, the mote they stay the same.
That's their nigger black Friday shopping day at Foot Locker
Interesting similarities.
>Do the liberals even mention this correlation? Do they just chalk it up to coincidence?
I think they deny it entirely.
Aome things never change
What's new?
What's also tragic for blacks is, they have that whole blm nonsense which puts the spotlight completely on them, where they claim to be innocent etc. And then what do they do.. massive destructive hurricane.. and niggers go fucking rob shoes..
So it's like
>i need your undivided attention look at me i didn't do nothing
>massive hurricane even by US standards
>white people band together and help eachother out
>be nigger
>steals shit in front of everybody
Can you imagine a crisis situation surrounded by these people? You think they would help you out? Wouldn't bet much on it .
Imagine being trapped on an island with these animals with no way out.
Remember the Haiti Earthquake, they were looting homes and stores and even raping survivors.
interesting, thanks
They stole all these shoes but couldn't run from police.
They just say "poverty, lack of education and white people do it, too."
yep that turd reich & superior aryan people certainly did'nt start a pre-emptive shit storm of WW2 that did'nt include violence, looting & building shit u stupid fuctard.
>implying chris rock isnt a nigger
You whites in your fucking bubbles, man.