Sup Forums BTFO by South Park

>South Park is back for its 21st season and the show has its sights set on the white nationalist movement that has made recent headlines.

>The new season of the cartoon premieres Wednesday with the episode "White People Renovating Houses."

>"Protestors armed with tiki torches and confederate flags take to the streets of South Park. Randy comes to grips with what it means to be white in today’s society," according to the episode's description.

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Oh, great, 'cause PC Principal was such a hoot.

I wonder (((who))) makes that cartoon.

Watch out. Extreme Jewish centrists will tell you what's good or bad for you, goyim.

lmao they got halo marching with them

Haven't watched since Imaginationland put me to sleep. Have I missed anything?

It's Master Chef, idiot.

>if you're suspicious of Google, Amazon, or Apple then you're a backwoods retard

Wow south park has went full of full of fuck.

NB4 "the make fun of both sides"


Not really, they've been trying to do more and more social commentary and try to be edgy to the point where it isn't even funny.
All in all, it's pretty gay.

I haven't watched their new stuff but I bet it'll be on point. They got the torches right at least.

Nobody cares South Park has been absolute shit for the past three seasons.

Haven't watched South Park since like season 9-10, sounds like it's even shittier nowadays

wow so brave

so edgy

Show lost its vision a few years back. Simpsons went liberal douche in season 9 and South Park two years ago. Has been hit or miss for more than a decade though.

Daily reminder that his wife's son is literally a mulatto.

>south park
Who even watches that crap today?

I thought they said they weren't doing this shit anymore?

This show died years ago

Forget beating a dead horse; this is fucking a dead horse

>that hair
>that suit fit
>that kid

Yay, more politics! More current-event commentary!

I'm sure not sick-and-tired of that!

echo chamber art for the artless troglodytes

Sorry for those digits, my obese friends.

Lemmiewinks, turtle King, probably the last time i laughed watching South Park.

>master chief

>lol muh show so controversial

>t.people who still watch a shitty show that shouldve ended at season 15

What happened to staying out of politics

Who gives a damn? Why is that that an intrinsically bad thing? Was Alexandre Dumas the worse for being a mulatto?

I just want to see kids doing stupid shit again like turning sea monkeys into intelligent societies by mixing them with jizz.

they never even actually do satire, they just literally portray south park characters doing similar things as what happened in the news with one or two variables changed up, there's no commentary or satirical take on it, it's always just a cheap form of narrative clickbait

Matt and Trey need to end it.


We see their show and we eat it.

I don't get why people are shitting on them

Who knows how this will play out.

Usually South Park is pretty good at pointing out the silliness of "both sides"

This reads like a facebook post fucking kys

Racial impurities are disgusting. When your "son" doesn't look like you, you know you fucked up.

yes, he was. fucking nigger shouldve been executed


Probably also the last time I laughed. It was pointless, which was great

I tried watching some years later; it was some episode where they kept saying "science damn it!" - as opposed to "god damn it"; some atheist vs theist debate bullshit that I shut right off, no thanks

Where do you think we are?
And I'm not hating on the kid, I am hating on Trey for being such a stereotype.

south park takes the piss out of everybody

hahaha wow you right wing SJW's are so easily triggered xD

like, calm the fuck down losers who even cares its just a joke xD

maybe try getting laid for once in your lives xD

You can't deny that Dumas, and that kid, are both really ugly

>it's the fucking Alexandre Dumas poster again
Fuck off and take him and his relatives with you.

>The new season of the cartoon premieres Wednesday with the episode "White People Renovating Houses."

Sounds like the ep could be about gentrification

It's LITERALLY over, Sup Forums! You just wait until the LITERALLY tens of hundreds of South Park viewers see the next season!


no kys shill

No such thing as an "impurity." The mind of man is spiritual. Do you think that the shape of your skull or the colour of your skin is what makes you, you? Do you think that your race rather than your actions are what makes you a good person?

Nah the renovation is about the statues.


He is raising the son of a black stripper. I wonder how much she cheats on him. Probably a lot.

>spend a whole season bashing Trump
>"we're done with political shit guys!"
>shit on a political movement
Also, people still watch South Park?

Alexandre Dumas, pere was a quadroon.

His father, Thomas-Alexandre Dumas was the mulatto. He led a far more interesting life.

> a general in Revolutionary France and the highest-ranking man of African descent ever in a European army.[1] He was the first person of color in the French military to become brigadier general, the first to become divisional general, and the first to become general-in-chief of a French army.[2] Dumas and Louverture (appointed a general-in-chief in 1797[3]) were the two highest-ranking officers of sub-Saharan African descent in the Western world until 1975, when "Chappie" James achieved the equivalent rank of four-star general in the United States Air Force.

He did reign in some of the Insanity of the war in the Vendee (the first genocide in modern time).

For a good movement there is no bad publicity.

I forgot mah picture.

The dude is a literal Cuck

how can you be on Sup Forums, of all places, AND NOT GET THE JOKE ?

Remember when South Park could make its own jokes and wasn't just a half assed parody of current events?

Is South Park infected with sjw or do they just make fun about everything?

Will you contend that the Chevalier de Saint Georges, the friend of Mozart was ugly?

"Champion fencer, virtuoso violinist, and conductor of the leading symphony orchestra in Paris. Born in Guadeloupe, he was the son of George Bologne de Saint-Georges, a wealthy planter, and Nanon, his African slave. During the French Revolution, Saint-Georges was colonel of the Légion St.-Georges, the first all-black regiment in Europe, fighting on the side of the Republic."


Are they still mad that Trump and the American people blew them the fuck out last season?

I liked it when they were outrageous contrarians who pushed the boundaries(like showing Muhammad). Show became boring and convoluted a decade ago.
Stick of the Truth was funnier than any season in the past ~8 years. But then again, it was about that long in development.

Why is it so hard trying to remember ten good episodes from the past ten seasons? I think the only episode from the past decade I've enjoyed is the Border Patrol game of tag and that's because it felt like the old episodes.



They "make fun of everything" in the same way American history x "made fun" of nazis.

They propagated the SJW views and disguised it as a "satire".

Do you think the vessel which contains and sustains the spirit of any given man is unimportant? Absolute retard.

With very few exceptions the consensus was that your physical being was something of importance and in European mythology and traditional spiritual tradition your people, that being those who are related by blood (race), were a sacred thing. Even with Europe turning to Christianity this was a thing until much much later after the Great Schism and Protestant rule came about.

Even the Old Testament has the execution of race traitors for a reason. Fuck off with your retard shit and actual read a book. If you want to ramble on about spirit read Evola and Guénon. Now I'm going to go to the gym since I actually care about not being a physical waste, you nigger lover.

>they got halo marching with them lmao
>they got star wars marching with them lmao
>they got captain nipplesuck marching with them lmao


Exactly. I was watched all of their episodes for years, over and over again. Ever since last year, I promised myself "never again". Looks like it'll be an easy promise.

People will unironically use South Park references as arguments and turn the tide against the movement. There's a reason people use propaganda. It's super effective.

This. They're going to bash antifa in a later episode. Lefty media has already gone after them and with the exception of last season they do a good job of attacking people on both sides.

if they made an episode about the nigger looters looting shoes during the hurricane it would have been a better start for the season.

The breast cancer awareness episode is objectively the best episode of South Park ever made. It's actually perfect.


>reminder that Matt and Trey don't even write the show anymore and haven't for quite some time
>they just voice and business

So PC Principle, smelling own farts, and the whole Yelp and new restaurants thing wasn't going after Liberals and SJWs?

They should have done Kekistan vs. Antifa

That would have been the smart thing to do.

South Park got bofto so hard the whole season 20 was unwatchable. Plus the creators are literally my wife's black son tier.

it was always a pice of shit, like most american """comedy""" shows and animations
fucking shitty shit, couldnt stand it even as a kid

>"the make fun of both sides"
they went hard on leftists 2 seasons ago, now they're handling the extreme right wing

They literally named the jew last season

I am pretty sure that their latest game is trolling the sjws by adjusting the skin colour by the game difficulty.

Remember PC principal and the PC bros. They are putting the sjws in the shoes of bullies who only care about pussy. Which is awfully true except they don't get laid.

>white people are inbred, stupid and racist
I thought South park was good at comedy, this is the most played out joke there is.

>They're going to bash antifa in a later episode

Start holding your breath, I doubt that will happen.

>Non archived clickbait
>Cartoon on Sup Forums


But when Sup Forums does that the media says it's a van exploding hate machine fuelled by white anger

>South Park is back for its final season

PC Principle was not going after liberals, it was propagating their views to a new audience.

All that other crap is not even political.

yeah, he even as dumass in his name

>they went hard on leftists 2 seasons ago

But they did not...

Why say something that is not at all true?

best post

Reminder that Matt Stone is a jew, and Trey Parker is a literal cuckhold (married a single mom)

For newbies:

Go on YouTube and watch Murdoch Murdoch

Just like they went after Obama, Clinton, Eric Holder, Occupy, BLM, Nancy Pelosi, James Brown Whig.

You're fucking delliusional.

LOL jesus christ.

We democracy now.


For real?

Like everyone else who mocks the protests, they're making them seem like a joke and harmless. That scares some people.

and so southpark committed the polar opposite of naming the jew. They named the Sup Forums. This ends the career. not even by our hand. just no longer get taken seriously.

Trey. Matt. It was nice back in the 90s i guess. Congratulations on betting on the wrong horse for the third time.