How cucked can a nation be?

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Not as cucked as you, They look pretty happy, more than what I can say for you.

>Sarah Nowak
Least she's Jewish.


>How cucked can a nation be?


Hitler is weeping in Heaven right now for his lost Germany.


i give her 5 months until the "alleinerziehend, mollig, Datingpech - Glück durch Muffins" followup video

So we are going to act surprised when she makes a video about being single?

Someone post the polish version with batboy.

So I looked up who this is and she's a former playboy girl and was on reality TV a few times, now does modelling and make-up tutorials and shit like that.

Why are you looking up this garbage, OP.

wtf is dat

Waiting for the ugly baby pic and I'm single now.

Peaceful einzelfall refugee of peace.

German anons please tell me this doesn't happen frequently and it's just a Sup Forums meme to rile me up

just kidding you're fucking doomed

Looks like someone suffering a terrible allergic reaction in the face. Holy fuck.

random asyl walking around in a mask with a hammer, whats wrong with that? are you some kind of fucking bigot?

we're not that much different desu, already 55% white and plummeting fast

even trump isn't deporting fast enough nor is he stopping non white immigration

its over for the west

>this whole fucking channel


jesus christ

>If children in elementary school have no interest in learning German, they opt to learn Kurdish instead


Now if that is not going to turn in to a maco capuchino Vanille shit feminst

>just kidding you're fucking doomed

I don't understand the Sup Forums mindset of giving other nations shit for getting blacked.
It's like a bunch of kids who are all stuck in quicksand and laugh at each other because some are sinking faster than others and some are already neck deep in shit.
In the end we are all fucked.

now that's actually disgusting

it doesnt happen. and im a non german.

German girl like german all girls do with their respective races.
Racemixing is rare no matter the place. and most germans ive met, although nice and accepting in the not cucked way, largely date other germans

that's polish surname kek

If you're anti white women then you're anti white.

the absolute STATE of that like-dislike ratio

Her world will be all over when he beats her. Then she'll be a single mother with a mullato bastard and zero sexual market value.


how can I be pro white women when they happily breed with dysgenic monkeys?

Dude, she's making youtube videos and is clearly a massive attention whore, she's that kind of shitty human being.
Stop dating women on tinder or other dating website.


'Breastfeeding - with false tits! - Is it possible?'

I hope my grandfather who fought and died against nazis could have seen this before the end.

> He would have laugh and die a smile on his face

> I guess i'm just gonna thanks the jews for him

Absolutely destroys the genepool and inflicts a unseen genetic disease on your entire population.
How can they be this retarded?
No wonder the makers of democracy laughed their asses off at the thought of women having a vote.

look whos talking fucking africa

>all that german girls contgratulating

jesus christ I feel bad for germans.

might have polish roots but it doesn't matter if the german audiance of a half fucking milion wtf loves this.

reminds me of this guy

He didn't bash your skull in, did he? Now stop crying.

I think she just has an interracial fetish with how much emphasis she puts on the fact that she's pregnant with a niglet with the emoji and shit

>living as a single mom 2.0

>Hurr durr it's all about the pleasure it causes in your brain, follow your instincts user.

>Another Polish bitch with a quadroon monkey.

>I know Hans, but women here don't give birth to as much mulattoes are germany does right now

> you guys are clearly FIRST on line
> why don't you thanks the jews ?

What does it read?

>way more likes than dislikes

Sup Forums WTF

Some poetic justice in that nation that infected the world with Marxism, Natsoc, Nihilism, Frankfurt School/Critical Theory and destroyed Europe multiple times will be gone because of the very same decease it created.


Bad Sup Forums bad.

redpill time

development of case numbers and suspected cases in 2016
(changes in % to 2015)

header: key, delict, recorded cases, germans, foreigners, refugees

total crime
violent crime
attempted murder
dangerous and serious bodily injury
group rape (fucking lol got its own category now)
attempted rape

I saw their "how we met" vid years back

She literally pixked that poor guy up from the club when he was alone and leaving

>hehiji he was so drnk but i insisted, hes such a hot black guy
Absolitely degen

German women are disgusting desu

Context please.

it reads that non German make a disproportionate amount of crime

she is polish you idiot

Neger was

what the fuck, why is Germany so obsessed with the USA, why do they WANT to have fucking Black Lives Matter marching on their streets?

>they even earn money by being sorta 'controversial' and 'edgy'
well huh this polack coal burning slut is having a nigger baby? time to get them sweet attention and ad revenue

also post the pic of the similar yt couple which ended in a single mom

guy in van asking randoms for reasons why he shouldn't vote AfD. the old guy goes full retard says
>asyl bring joy, culture etc. to Germany
>they don't deal drugs anymore, they sit around like managers
>they love hitler
>hitler was an arab

older guy is fluent German so yeh, this is the fruits of (((integration)))




Germany die in 1945, now is just a shadow. Boomers keep voting for people like Merkel, they care just about pension and shit, they don't care about future. Most of the boomers live 80/90 years here, 20 years on pension maybe more.The young generation is full of nu-males, cucks, and betas. The future of west look like shit. so RUN, RUN east europe/australia/japan or russia if you have some money. This is how a german look.

If she wants to mudshark that is her choice. She'll pay the toll, one way or another.

That she is using her social media platform to spread this degeneracy to impressionable girls is unforgivable.

She should be put to death. She is of no service to her people in life. Let her be of service in death as a warning to those who willfully undermine their people.

>In the end we are all fucked.
that's where you're wrong, kiddo

Nowak is a bohemian name, probably czech

It's the same all over Europe. When I was in Copenhagen I was surprised to see how common race-mixing was there

How do we trigger the ameriniggers to finally start sending the nukes flying in our direction? Because we desperately need them.


There's a massive component of Sup Forums that is incredibly immature and stupid.

What a surprise.

the absolute state of Generation X

shit translation m8

He asks them for one reason why he shouldnt vote for the AfD.

Bla bla bla yaya, we work here, we bring culture.

Guy in car: You should work, you dont do anything here. Stop dealing drugs here

"We don't work, work comes to us" - Some stupid shit

suddenly telling that they love Adolf Hitler and he loved the arabs. Without the arabs and their oil he could never built his house in munich (?!?!?)

"Heil Hitler" End

Very bad german from them

White men happily breed with dysgenic yellow monkeys so both need fixing

Polish jew, plenty of those



what the fuck

>that like to dislike ration

it's dead Jim

Here hair is dyed and she looks certainly as if she is burdened a bunch of gentic short comeings. Is she jewish?

>with a bunch of


You are bad Hanz but so are we, the USA exports cuckoldery, BBC propaganda, kike wars and so on.

Why are literally all German women so fucking ugly? What gave them those awful genes?

i love that my family went here to south america after the war, my fatherland is cucked af

Jewish cunt sacrificing her womb for the sake of spreading diversity to young impressionable minds, no doubt with help from YouTube.

She doesn't care about the baby at all.

Her last name is Nowak, shes a polish jew


Checked these sweet numerals of truth

Like i said her hair is fake blond, her last name isn't German.

These bitches never learn.

Hotline miami 3

these type of posts are used to humiliate german men by anti german/white activists or to push german men into racism/nationalism by white nationalists/German tribalists. Also other countries/organisation might want to destableise Germany or the EU.
Is my observation rational?

Whites are at replacement birth rates in this country. Our percentage of the population is going down because we are being out bred. Whites aren't going to disappear as a demographic in this country any maybe if we tighten our welfare programs hispanic birth rates can go down.

do you live in germanY?

Thanks, i was already suspecting it.