What the literal fuck!?
What the literal fuck!?
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liberal* fuck
Please America, annex us. Its over.
I would have left if I had the money... but we're pretty socialist so that's not easy...
Fuck it, burn the ___, pay the ___
Also sage
But I heard German women do this as well. They go to Jamaica and other afro countries to bang black guys.
Just come here and refuse to leave when your travel visa runs out. Apparently that's perfectly acceptable now.
>to lay with them
I thought that only worked in Canada if you were Muslim?
Don't tell me you retards believe this? It's click bait
Your talk about fairness, and projection of personal morality upon the state, limiting immigration, banning abortion.
Are just ways to protect your right to successfully breed with a superior woman.
Woman of course do not share the same hardwired biological impulses you have.
That's why they have no revulsion towards foreign men and no problem with infanticide. For a woman their primary goal is child fitness.
Which means stopping rape (unwanted men), abortion (killing unwanted babies), and open borders (bigger pool), legalized cuckoldry (actual and monetary via family law), supporting their illegitimate children via the state or stepfathers. (Welfare, entitlements, etc)
Guilt, sympathy, and female collectivism are used to push gynocentrism aided by the matriarchal Jews.
We are all hardwired wrong. And due to this faulty hardwiring we have become a gynocentric feminist matriarchal cultural Marxist shithole.
You are here to restore balance to the male female paradigm in order to gain better breeding rights for yourself and your male kids.
And don't forget about the Domenican Republic. Also a hotspot for western women, German ones. The British ones go to Africa.
...it's still something to wonder about. You don't hear a lot about guys in their fourties suddenly deciding, hey, you know what I need to do? Fuck third world women, they'll have no limits when it comes to me.
(And if they do, it's highly criminalized and shunned by society as sex tourism, which is always exploitative and supporting the terrorists, unless it's white women letting fuck themselves by every single person with a dick bigger than her husbands and with no money whatsoever.
I pontificate it is driven by hardwired biological instinct. I never say that instinct is inaccurate.
Only that it is wrong to the extent it causes us to act in a dangerously irrational way, or in unconscious ways.
For example a coal burner will have a black child, hang out with blacks, but still be incredibly racist and never live in a ghetto. Her brain bifurcated reason to allow breeding and out group genetics.
No rational woman would do this because it is a wholly irrational act with horrible outcomes which are so obvious we all say burn the coal pay the toll. A sad commentary on this very phenomenon.
However we are blithely unaware of this dangerous subconscious drive within ourselves
Explained in full in this video:
good. big money for pharma (((soon)))
Then get a tan, grow a beard and act offended whenever an immigration agent asks you about your religion. Also make sure to speak purely in broken English, the kind that ensures that you would never actually be able to get a job in this country.
Front of the line.
kek. This is fake as fuck.
White men go to Asia, especially to Thailand, to fuck. And some also to Cuba and south-america. Black women are disgusting.
>daily mail
sounds legit user
These women are literally sucking rancid homeless cock just to make a passive-aggressive political point.
Can you even imagine being that petty and pathetic? I bet their mothers are so proud of them.
Wasn't sure if fake until the last sentence. Kek
I want the Britain to burn.
Not surprising you heard something that wasn't true
Uhh, why aren't they all being arrested for raping those poor underaged children?
liberal cuck*
I don't understand this graph.
University profs telling them it's the right thing to do. End of college when?
June 30, 2015.
Fuck off.
This is true, but as Hans points out it's called "sex tourism" and is demonized. The inverse is not.
I'm serious you cunt. What the fuck is it supposed to mean? Germans would welcome refugees from these countries? Why are they welcoming German refugees into their own country? Or does it mean that these countries welcome refugees into Germany, which makes even less sense?
It isnt real right?
It means Anglos are shills for refugees
Anglo pussy was made exclusively for the BBC.
Those fucks are just trying to demoralize us, aren't they? Fuck this. I used to care about freedom and equality and doing what's right, now I just can't wait for the fire to start so I can watch these fuckers burn.
How about fuck IN
One of the best "redpills" discovered from the pickup community.
Who cares? The British have been on the decline for decades
Can I get a source on that graph?
Piss off cunt, if you have such a weak attitude as to give up your country and its peoples, we don't want you. Fix your country, instead of ruining the work of other countries by immigrating there. If you cannot change your nation for the better, what can we expect you to do here?
>t. Cuck
>women are whores who will fuck anything that moves and only become human beings after the age of 40
Is there literal anything newsworthy here?
I'm not defending this, but it's hardly exclusive to Britain. Middle-aged American women regularly go to places like Jamaica and the Bahamas, to get fucked by younger black men. There are entire businesses dedicated to it.
Keep seeing this fake shit being plastered all over the front page, big surprise its an American.
>Slags visit a slag heap.
I'm actually the husband of the girl pictured in the article. She fucked 300 of these immigrants before her cunt was raw and had to leave. She's now pregnant with triplets and will be having them back in the UK. The 300 suspected husbands get to enter the UK on family visa's through her. While my wife has the triplets my 11yr old daughter is going to head there and let some 100-300 migrants finish in her.
>Pic related, my daughter
Talk about a coincidence.
The Pathway that HIV infections going to Europe is the same places migrants come to Europe. How Bazar and totally unrelated.
Source: BBC
I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that an american would be posting this nonsense.
Catalonia gaining inde as a natsoc state soon and here you have the sliders coming in.
Migrants come to Europe the same route that HIV does. How Bazar and totally unrelated.
How is this news? Brits have been coming here to fuck the fire juggling niggers that hotels hire to keep you tourists entertained.
I remember 2 years ago there was this huge fight in the hotel I worked at because a brit in his 30s found his wife banging a Nigerian luggage boy. I have seen with my own eyes british women drunk off their heads trying to fuck literal chairs.
Have you ever stopped and hought about it. Things like this is probably one of two things: 1) completely false drivel manufactured to promote liberal ideals and provoke those against them, 2) an actual account of whay a few liberal weirdos are doing and the media is pirating it as a widespread occurrence in order to promote liberal ideas and to provoke those against them. Whatever it is, it all comes down to another way that the mainstream media is working hand in hand with the government to weaken the people through division.
>be some dirty stinking useless african monkey living in a tent in some shithole town
>10/10 college girls swarm you to feel better
>be an average local white guy with a stable abive average Income who owns his own flat
>literally zero attention and constantly turned down by women
REEEEE what the FUCK
>asks for proof that article doesn't exist
>when he should ask for proof that the article exists
Just research the headline you fat fuck
>How Bazar
Stupid phone poster
so they're forcefully importing impoverished persons from africa to abuse them
yeah, absolutely no one saw this coming. no one at all, liberals can do no wrong of course, just ignore all the rampant racism coming from them behind the scenes.