When are you faggots gonna realize climate change is a very real issue...

When are you faggots gonna realize climate change is a very real issue? Do you need to be fucking neck deep in water to realize that maybe you should have put aside being an edgelord for once?

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>that first panel

the only way in which that is signifigantly better than the other panels is if your need to be right is so all-consuming that it matters more than the deaths of others

tl;dr: only an insecure prat equates holding an opinion with some form of blashpemy that ought to be punished i.e. a democrat

Climate change is metal as fuck


Fuck you lust for carbon taxing.


*check flag*
*move on*

*check flag*
*ignore and only read threads that subscribe to my world view because echo chambers*

Like a mad monk preaching armageddon the left preaches climate change in order to push at people a tax for air.

>holding an opinion

It's not a matter of opinion.

>I'll believe the planet is heating up due to anthropomorphic CO2 emissions when they show me (1) a physical model showing that ppm quantities of CO2 are heat-reflective (I highly doubt this since I'm a physical scientist who actually works with CO2, but I'm open to scientific proof) and (2) non-gerrymandered data showing that the planet is actually heating up (existing data sets suffer from obvious sample bias and unexplained revisions).
Now you're going to start hyperventilating that I'm anti-Science.

that's wrong
I know you want to pose the issue as being a simple "connect the dots" of evidence and anyone who doesn't is defying basic logic, bt thats 100% not the issue

even people who agree that climate change is being caused by people disagree on what should be done, holding the minority of those who may not believe in the science as the same as all people who disagree on the methods we deal with climate change is simply a straw man argument


Let's say humans are causing the planet to warm. Having less children means nothing I'd you invite millions of third worlders over here. Paying carbon taxes means nothing if the biggest polluters have no obligation to change their ways.

When the faggots at the top do something to deal with

Since youre clearly not living in an echo chamber, you'd surely have no problem reading a quick series on what it means to be a climate change skeptic:


>climate change has been a thing since well before global warming was ever shilled
>call it global warming then global cooling implying it's man-made
>get blown the fuck out
>call it climate change (man-made), never denote that you mean man-made climate change when saying it's climate change
>what you really mean is global warming but are too much of a chickenshit retard to fess up to your own mistakes
This is such a Jewy piece of shit thing to do. And they only shill it to Americans.

China is responsible for the most global pollution in the world.

97% of scientists believe climate change is real.
3% of those scientists believe that mankind has had a significant impact on climate change.
Of those 3%, 10% believe that legislation can do anything to abate it.
And last, about half of those scientists believe the first world countries are directly influencing climate change as much as third world countries.

So yes, i disagree with 0.015% of scientists.

>lefties pretending to give a shit about the environment whilst insisting that Sup Forums doesn't
I don't believe for a minute that you actually care if the planet is livable, you don't want to have kids who'll see it anyway.
Meanwhile, we're here trying to continue on the white race. Of course we'd rather they have a clean planet to live on.

97% believe its man-made, you lying sack.

This too.
I'm an environmentalist and I try to curb pollution at any step I can make. Litterers are garbage themselves, and we should reduce all plants except hydroelectric and nuclear into rubble.

These fucks try to tell you that your car not being an inefficient piece of shit is the reason Earth is dying like a bunch of fucking primitives who take the sign of rain to mean a sacrifice has worked. They don't lobby against coal plants, they don't go after big energy or pharmaceuticals who contribute a massive amount of waste to our oceans and lands.
They absolutely do not give a single shit about the environment or have been brainwashed into believing anything they're told by a Jew.

Climate changers are basically a doomsday cult, aren't they?