If Trump was serious about his Iraq War stance why did he vote for Bush in 2000 and 2004...

If Trump was serious about his Iraq War stance why did he vote for Bush in 2000 and 2004? Why hasn't he thrown Bush in jail for war crimes?

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Didn't he say Nanci pelosi should have asked for his impeachement?
It was one of the loaded questions during the debate.
Just checked: first question in the video

>Didn't he say Nanci pelosi should have asked for his impeachement?


>which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing
Referring to the fact he expected pelosi to ask for impeachment.
At 20 seconds in the video.
(That's the debate moderator saying/reporting this, not trump himself)

Because Trump is a cuck. He's literally Bush 2.0




>America fir-



>Republican national security

>Al Gore is president and this happens

Nobody could have known protecting America is so complicated!

Terrorist attack? Better abolish the constitution and repeal our liberties.

>Al Gore is President and this happens

Lol I remember how hard Republican voters loved that shit and made fun of liberals for caring about privacy rights

Then all the sudden a black man became president and they pretended like the govt just started wiretapping in 2009

This pretty much sums up Trump's first year as president.

lol nice

i g2g but solid thread ameribro

Hey cocksucker, remember to take your pills and remember the 6 trillion!

18 replies
15 posts
3 posters

gas yourself
