Regarding "gay face"

>A new computer program can recognize whether a face belongs to a gay or straight person with uncanny accuracy.
>Stanford University researchers Yilun Wang and Michal Kosinski developed artificial intelligence software that used deep neural networks to extract features from 35,326 facial images, and then classified those faces by sexual orientation.
>The program correctly distinguished between gay and straight men in a whopping 81% of cases, and between lesbians and straight women 71% of the time. The more pictures the computer had to work with, the better it got: With five photos of a single guy, the AI’s accuracy shot up to 91%. (For women, it just bumped up to 83%).

This is how the (((scientists))) are trying to normalize homosexuality.
The results would imply that people are either born heterosexual or homosexual in order to develop facial traits that can give away your sexuality.
The MSM is trying to advertise the studies albeit the lack of documents on it.
It's a step towards normalization of pedophilia.
Think for yourself and fight fake news.

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Pretty based if you ask me. I want to be able to identify fags via software

I know someone from my academic past that could tell if people were gay from watching their facial expressions for 30 seconds. He was always accurate and also was the first person to ever tell me that fags are created via long term soft abuse by the mother.

So he developed a sixth sense for spotting gays just as we have developed one on spotting jews?

>It's a step towards normalization of pedophilia.

its as if you were talking normally... then just turned around and started shitting all over the floor....

No need for software. I'm gay. Now what you little manlet?

So you two had sex then?

holy shit just think of how close we are to detecting pedophiles from face alone!

Spot on, behind every fag is a disappointed mother who wanted a daughter

at least the c-ucks and liars are still doing something to self identify

I can do it 99% of the time just by calling everyone straight since fags are a completely negligible share of the population.

But yeah, they look weird.

>I want to be able to identify fags via software
This, surely

Imagine if this software could spot pedos,

The whole reason these researchers did this study was to set off an alarm bell about algorithmic computing and machine learning. They did it because they felt it's worrying how much information we offer up when so much can be learned about us from modern computing. Case in point, the algorithm was able to determine OP is a faggot based on one post alone.

bet you this propaganda project is going to be embeded on snapchat and instagram to push for globalism through lgbtism

>tfw too ugly to be gay

bullshit. I know a faggot who had a weak father and a sister. I'm pretty sure the dad was at least partially responsible for him having no role model in his life and turning him into a faggot. the mother not at all.


he's fucking gay

imagine if it could spot niggers!

A real life gaydar

Based and baseline-understanding Swede.

But could you get 99% (or 91%) when 50% of the photos were straight, and 50% gay? Yeh nah.

Pence has got kind of a gay, pedo face come to think of it. Do you think .... ?

Not really, the guy in OP's photo however...

Tfw it doesn't fucking matter because I can't be bent. Let the whole world go gay, more pussy for me.

if you're gay 50% of the time you're still gay

>The results would imply that people are either born heterosexual or homosexual in order to develop facial traits that can give away your sexuality.
Yo hol up, if they test it on baby face, you might be correct, but if they test it on adult, the argument can't hold up.

There' s no reason for our generation or anyone after us to stay in the closet (only if you wanted to).

Why would anyone need this?

It is impressive, doubt I could beat 75% then. And I wouldn't have a chance with the lesbians without a scale.


>This is how the (((scientists)))
Shut up moron. Its really interesting just from a scientific point of view

No his sisters were in the media and successful and he was around entertainers off stage IRL all the time as a child. Zero fag although I am sure he would deem you to be a faggot in much less than 30 seconds.

I wouldn't doubt it. Homosexuals often have brain patterns that more closely mimic the opposite sex, so it more than likely alters chemical production in the body and gives a different, distinct look to the person as they grow.

be honest, how many of you are genuinely worried about this because you have a weak beta jaw?

The eternal german

>A new computer program can


also here is the link since OP is a fag

And here's the archive

Timestamp or gtfo

Lol, he had a gaydar.

>He was always accurate and also was the first person to ever tell me that fags are created via long term soft abuse by the mother.

Explain plz

going to assume it's because gays unironically look like eunuchs

That's pretty spot on.

It the look they get from trying to mask all their cocksucking.

Really? are you saying you wouldn't be disappointed to have a homo son/grandson

>He was always accurate and also was the first person to ever tell me that fags are created via long term soft abuse by the mother.

Lol at the betas this shit would incorrrectly identify as one of those virgin vs chad memes

They should stay in the closet, marry a woman, and produce white babies. 'Course that's asking a lot of the wife, and children for that matter (Alison Bechdel's "Fun Home" --

I already explained he was around entertainers as a child and noticed all the mums of the known faggots were very similar and the father either not around or ineffectual and dominated by the wife. He also could tell if a woman ever had an eating disorder as well probably from watching actresses interact with their food.

>Scientists have invented a computer that can identify a gay man by his face alone.
>It's the face that's buried in another mans asshole.

Would suck for it to mess up and label you as a fag if you fall in the 9% error margin.

Gaydar is a real thing, ask any gay. This doesn't suprise me. But I don't see any practical application for this. What I would like to see, is if this technology can determine 'pedo-face'...

I want it to take a picture of my face to see if it's gay.

>Now what you little manlet?

Post your ass

sounds like he was projecting tbqh. you should look him up sometime. probably has a hubby by now

Don't bother, I can confirm you are

>was the first person to ever tell me that fags are created via long term soft abuse by the mother
This is spot on. I've also noticed that men sometimes develop "the gay face" AFTER coming out as gay, eg George Michael.

we're just one short step away from scientists developing a literal gaydar

>The results would imply that people are either born heterosexual or homosexual in order to develop facial traits that can give away your sexuality.
>you are not born one of the two things
>you can choose your sexuality
clean your room, now.

Why? What consequences would result? Your friends call you fag anymore than they already do?

What is long term soft abuse faggot

Are you implying he wasn't always gay because I am pretty sure he was

Sorry, I'm not used to people calling me a fag like you are. Where I live, it's not a good thing.

Yeah, and start lisping. There's a mystery there.

Still, what bad consequence would result if it did?

Yes, it was pretty well-known, but it was only after he came out that his face became obviously gay, it's something around the mouth. It makes sense that if you're pretending to be straight then you would look at least a bit straighter.

The algorithm is 100% accurate. It is just that people lie about being homo, the women more than the men. The researchers did not take into account posers pretending to be gay, or pretending to be straight.

I too can detect gays just by looking at their faces, the same way drug substance abusers can be spotted by looking at their faces.

Imagine the applications in a sharia country.
Sharia patrols walking with literal gaydars, then arresting everyone detected and deeply investigating their life.
I bet these scientists never considered this, but that's going to happen eventually.

>the same way drug substance abusers can be spotted by looking at their faces.
how's that

I don't know, George Micheal always looked very very gay. He didn't come out until the late 90s I think

I wonder if it's the same across race and age. If so you could probably find the "gay gene" and then screen babies.

If there's a physical link something in the human blue print has to be common in causing it.

Lisping is not a mystery, it's a method to signal other gays in the vicinity.

This program can be easily tricked. The facial map and algorithm can be distorted based on your angel and facial expression. Thats why it identifies gay men, because they have a more pleased, upward facial expression. It predicts based on photos and expression, not on your actual facial structure.

>Wants a computer to tell him he's gay
>J-just for fun though guys
Just start smoking pole if you haven't already, you're obviously a fag

But look at him later, he's developed the gay mouth

Why does it matter if someone is "born that way"? If a murderer is born a murderer, is it any less bad?

god, you're a faggot


>fags are created via long term soft abuse by the mother
This is entirely accurate. Every single fag I've known, heard someone tell me about their life, or even just saw a stray confession from a faggot on any board in this site is the same.
Very similar lives that lead to very similar mindsets, which in turn influenced how their brain works. It doesn't matter if they're fucking or being fucked, they have the same traits that influenced them at the earliest stage of their life, an idea similar to what Freud theorized regarding someone's sexuality and upbringing.

Calling bullshit on that "facial expressions" stuff though.

I gotta say, I'm a tall handsome Chad in NYC. Constantly get mistaken for a faggot because I respect hygiene and shave so I don't look like these bearded animals. Trying to earn enough $ to get the fuck out of here. I swear to god, Gay men and women are legit fucking pedophiles, all of them, idc what they say or what you hear, when I was 19 a fag fondled my groin, and I beat the living shit out of him. Gays need to be fucking gassed, they are a serious threat to humanity and plain progress.

Who pretends to be gay? Though I can see why you would nowadays.

If somebody would do one that identifies trannies it would cause a shitstorm and actually be useful.

are you denying that homosexuality has a strong biological component?

>one that identifies trannies
It's called "eyeballs".

What the fuck is long term soft abuse

> actually be useful.
How? most trannies are obvious anyway

Every annoying cuuckpost is an OC teenage nude you never get to see.

No one shares with a crab bucket.

Still better than tripfags though

he had plastic surgery, obviously

>read it in his voice
Thank you for the laugh, leaf

We could finally determine whether anzu is a girl or girl (male). Liberals would hate it though and that makes it worth it for the PR potential.

I don't know exactly what he meant, but every pooftah I've ever met has had a close relationship with a very overbearing mother.

Emotional abuse.

Long term psychological abuse because they are a male or by virtue of maleness or masculinity.

Every time I've found out about their childhood, they were raped or molested.

Wtf is long term 'soft abuse'?


>giving a shit about homos

That software isn't very useful unless it's installed in a hunter-killer drone of some kind.

Sounds like the plot of a sci fi movie... The Cocksucker Report, in which our fugitive hero has to find a woman and fuck her to prove to the authorities that their technology was wrong



What Would Neo Do?