Our boy is absolutely too big to fucking fail

Our boy is absolutely too big to fucking fail.

>Uploads new vid mocking other people's live stream fails
>Smuggly passively acknowledges him saying nigger
>refuses to apologize or directly confront the issue
>still getting 95%+ likes on every video
>still making millions
>youtube fans still on his side
>leftists seething with rage on twitter because they can't destroy him
>the biggest, most popular youtube is a straight white nordic man who says nigger and gets away with it

Other urls found in this thread:


wow. he's starting to look like Varg
för helvete

STOP looking like ME

that streams fail video was uploaded 4 days ago, and then taken down because it got flagged for copyright

after the nigger incident, he even acknowledged that he just recorded a stream fails vid

His aryan blood can not allow him to sit around and do nothing as niggers and jews destroy everything around them

I expected him to cuck out on this just like he did after the Charlottesville debacle. So I suppose I'm cautiously impressed.

DId u let your daughter and sister get fucked by ahmed and black from poorest country of earth and still eat their asses afterward?
Fuck off sjw cuck motherfucker

Fuck off with your e celeb cancer you underage faggot

Look at this hilarious reaction video


He wouldn't act like that if he had something to lose. But his large cache of Jewish Debt Coupons makes him immune to Bad Goy punishments.