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First for cumming in a white vagina and furthering the blood-line of your noble peoples!!
a happy white family? that's not progressive goy!
Germany NO
meh the afd poster is an old one but it is true that the liberals know how make some top notch propaganda for us. this one is my personal favorite.
I'm a fascist and see the traditional family unit superior to the new family units. Fuck race mixing as well.
I'm all for white nationalism but god damn you national (((socialists))) should be nuked and exterminated. Fucking marxists/socialists faggots.
inb4 muh socialism isn't really socialism, it's a special super secret white socialism, better than socialism, it's socialism. Socialism. National (((socialism)))
please clap for national (((****socialism***)))
>already discredited
>already gone
Who cares. Fuck Deutschland.
Reminds me of that video of the blonde muscular "nazi" the fat numale and his niggress pet were watching.
I can't tell if it's done on purpose or leftists are just fucking stupid.
This looks like the ideal life, right down to the doggo. Aren't we meant like it? The headline says "How the AfD would like to live". I'm baffled.
Topkek, if this is acutally off-putting to Germans, they are beyond saving.
ok they got my vote now
I would want that family as neighbors.
won't you be sad when native germans are completely extinct? even a little bit?
We are reaching levels of current year that shouldnt be possible.
How do we save him from extinction lads?
hello Goldstein
If you happen to be a goy, which I doubt, you better do some actual research before you go on sounding all retarded again
Germany NO
I'm a pure white german immigrant to the US. Don't disregard every different opinion as a jew shill, you sound like a leftist who calls everyone who doesn't agree a nazi. Maybe you are a leftist...
Prove to me why your brand of socialism isn't socialism. Go on.
>Prove to me why your brand of socialism isn't socialism. Go on.
are you the kind of a person that thinks that anything other than absolute anarcho capitalism is communism? If you answer yes then explaining anything to you will be a utter waste of time. If you aren't then perhaps someone will find the time I don't.
actually no, I'm not that guy. So please explain and convince me. You need more people, start with me. I'm already a white nationalist, why should I be a white socialist nationalist?
The Aryan is any non Semitic Caucasian. Nordics are just one subrace of the Aryan. Iran literally means "land of the aryans". All Indo European races originated from the Caucasus mountains. Nordics are the albinos of the Caucasian race. There is nothing superior about that.
Because Corporatism. Or syndicatism. If you're really a nationalist, you're not in favor of capitalists exploiting your own people. You want the workers to have their share, and the business owner to have theirs.
If a business is treating their workers bad, the government will help the situation as best as possible. They will work out what's best for the business, and the workers. If we're a nation, we're on the same team. There's no need to screw one sect of the populace, so some mega rich man can fuck 12 year olds in his spare time. Private property is kept, businesses are ran by individuals. The only time the gov comes in, is to protect the workers if need be.
Found the fags.
I'm genuinely confused too. Has a normal family become the new edgy taboo thing now? What's going on? I want a nice girl, a doggo, kids and a gun, that's all I want in life. That's all anyone should want in life - security and love.
I don't understand this world, man. What the fuck has happened to us.
"Iran" means "land of order", they called their uncivilized neighbors mostly from steppe tribes "Turan" meaning "lawless lands".
Some German parenting magazine warned people to look out for happy couples in parks playing with children, who have good manners, especially ones with light hair, as they're probably secretly hard-right wing Nazis.
No shit.
There's also the British advert that said going to the gym and hanging out with friends were both potential signs of l far right terrorism.
Really man, this whole shitshow has just become one big joke. It's like a tragic comedy - hundreds of millions of men sacrifice their lives over centuries so we can give our countries to third world barbarians and argue over whether or not men can use the women's bathroom.
It is the jews. Everything natural and wholesome and good must be made to look perverse and vile while everything perverse and vile must be made to look natural and wholesome and good.
Check Hollywood, academia, TV, and the music industry if you doubt me.
Why do they hate this? A successful family is problematic to leftists now?
I don't doubt you. I know this shit already, but what gets to me is how easily so much of the population has been demoralised and brainwashed. Countless wars couldn't stop them, but invading them mentally and raping their spirit has proven successful in the end. Tragic.
Has anyone seen the new video where Cailon exposes the hooknose kike (((Ezra Levant))) at (((Rebel Media))) for stealing donations? He literally made videos asking for money to make a documentary about Christians fleeing persecution in Syria and then stole all the money without actually making the documentary. He also explains why Lauren Southern was fired from (((Kike Media))) . As if things could get any worse...
it always was, it's the focal point of their activities. Undermine and destroy the strong family unit and society will crumble
Pooland pls
Haha Natzis are so silly. Who would want an attractive and loyal wife when he can be in an open relationship with a fat whore?
Who would want to shoot real guns when he can shoot them in battlefield one playing as African German Nazi?
Slovenia pls
Call me Austria instead. GOTT ERHALTE FRANZ DIE KAISER
>quintessentially Slovene: the post
This is how the left meme.
I told them to stop but they don't listen.
will germans be able to fly their flag again?
Hey Brazil. I heard there's a lot of support for white nationalism or the alt right (can't remember which one) in Brazil. Us that true?
>implying the left can into anything
I was a national socialist for years. After a couple days on this board i think i should become a communist and i am slowly recognizing the white male as the enemy of not only humanity, but the white race itself. The fact is with the rise of artificial wombs, nobody needs white men anymore.
They work less and are on government adssistance more than their own women. Hoe fucking sad and pathetic is that?
I no longer want to preserve this joke of a race, and i think i suffered enough abuse at the hands of the far-right male community and i am effective immediately anti-white male, and thereby pro-white.
Fucking kek, stableboy cant contain his urge
You aren't white mr.Jew
Just shows you how cucked my country is when a "conservative" newspaper is mocking a conservative family.
Simply unshackle him.
ok schlomo tell me again how this story is true
Spotted the Jew/
I'm a fascist and I'm against the nuclear family because it breeds disunity, dependence and disparity within the nation.
The Jews have it figured out yet again. On Kibbutz all the children are raised collectively, given the same start in life and learn from an early age to be independent.
it's more of a "libertarian right".
due to the complete lack of economic knowledge, corruption and hightaxes coming from our government the Ancap movement is growing fast.
Also it's impossible to have white nationalism here, and nobody even knows what alt-right means, it's either right-wing or left-wing.
It resembles the same linear and one-dimensional utopia that Hitler thought would happen. Also, nothing is stopping you from having your own family like that; nothing except yourself. If you want it, work for it. Don't have it be some weird political mandate that everyone should follow.
I wish that were true. White "men" (lol?) Are sad woman hating losers. Youre all awkward virgin nerds with no balls and aboveall no purpose. You accomplish nothing, all you absolute disgusting fucking little snot nosed bitches do is whine and complain and your own women have toi take charge. Meanwhile you sit on your fat asses and ridicule the women trying to save your dumb asses. Your country should be nuked. White men make me sick. Just a few minutes ago i was of the total opposite opinion. But you scumfucks really changed my mind. White boys should collectively drop fucking dead.
Sincerely from the bottom of my heart i mean that
No. Fake news trying to discredit our "Trump", a guy called Jair Bolsonaro. Just like any normal leftists, they scream racist, fascists, white supremacist, xenophobic and so on at him, and I guess international propaganda is beating on him as well. He's a very probable winner on the next year's election.
BTW, he's unironically a National Socialist, although the people calling him Nazi never realized that.
That haircut just reminds me of greasy wops.
Gods seems like a fascist too and he likely agrees with you user.
If you honestly view a happy family unit as cliche you're an actual nigger.
This is the most Jewish post ITT.
Wait what the fuck. How is this bad?
Ērān "(land) of the Iranians," genitive plural of ēr- "an Iranian," from Old Iranian *arya- (Old Persian ariya-, Avestan airya-) "Iranian", from Indo-Iranian *arya- or *ārya-, a self-designation, perhaps meaning "compatriot
Yeah, the aryan nose is majestic
>ancapistan soon
Wtf i love brazil now
Cliche? More like timeless.
I look similar to the guy on the very bottom middle but blonde and a longer broader forehead, but ugly.
you're both right
no actually I have no idea wtf you're talking about
Ayoo snow bunny U wan a piece of this black king?
I saw some study that said Brazil ranked #3 for support for the cause, or something along those lines. I don't have it on me though.
my nigga
Yes. Been putting off the BBC meme for too long.
Fuck white "guys" honestly im done with these pussies
no u
>Ancap in Brazil
Are you retarded? As I see it, it's the traditional conservatist mentality that is rising, which there's little to do with Ancap.
Most traditionalists will never support a system that doesn't have a government, on the contrary, many are advocators of military intervention, which is basicaly facism.
Time of the month Doris?
Average white guy.
Pic related hates women.
Pic related is civic nationalist who refuses to name the jew, except when youre a woman and logically are disgusted by him.
Absolute shit trash repulsive fucking white boys. Kill yourselves
Good one eugene.
Im going to find a bunch of big black guys and i will suck black cock from here to fucking zimbabwe.
Alright first of all y'all gay so
Ok Serbshit
Sit down australoid skinny queer, your accent makes me vomit.
>first of all y'all
Do you speak english you inbred fucking retard? If you could thatd be nicre
you're bad at this
lurk moar before trying to troll, faggot
>artifical wombs
> don't need men
Who is being replaced by those wombs, schlomo? Who does that leave as the sole reproductive input?
You need to be way more subtle. It's obvious you're attempting to elicit an angry reaction because your father molested you, but it's way too obvious.
somebodys butthurt lol
>die Kaiser
Janez pls...
Honestly i am. I wish i werent white. Idc.
Hope you die chicken necked little white boy
Waow youre so smart. I dont lurk to be like you absolute pitiful nobodys.
You will be replaced and you already are being replaced. There are more women in the world than men. More women work than men. We have all the legal rights in everything, we are immune bitch. You have no reason to exist literally none. Your fucking time is over
K cool. And when your misshapen downie skull is revealed when im sifting through the wreckage of your desert wasteland from a nuclear breeze, i will laugh at it, examine the dents for amusement, then i will take a hammer to it and grind your retard skull to powder and drink it in my coffee
I don't get it.
Dat turbolarp lads.
Sage down to Africa.
His dick is bigger than yours
Oh look, it's you from the other thread. Making just as pleasant a contribution to this as the other one I see.