Powerful - Catalonia rises -Welcome new national socialist state
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Millions came united in unity against mur rape babies halalians
shits getting slided hard
whats catalonia
Wait... did Catalonia officially gain sovereignty?
>American education
is this because they hate muslims
yea im sure you know so much about random shitty US territories thanks to your education
It's a type of salad dressing at pondorossa if you still have those
Wait, I thought you were ironic? :___)
>catalonia, a big ass nation
>comparable to a shitty us backwater
pick one
>american education
well basically i was assuming op was looking for an excuse to write up a long detailed explanation about whats going on there including relevant historical details and i thought that someone expressing slight interest in this otherwise ignored topic would be enough to bring it out
I've actually been to catalonia and thought it was beautiful, but I am admittedly completely ignorant when it comes to politics in spain
Honestly I hope you guys win, and secede. It'll be an excellent step towards your independence, and I'm proud of you all.
Then your retarded system will fail, and I'll feel bad.
Basically Catalonia is since forever struggling to keep their culture with the central government actively trying to fuck fuck it in every possible way (castilian/spanish nationalists like this as their nature is to impose castilian culture everywhere). Also we're paying gibs since Spain as a country exists because we're more productive and they don't even want to negotiate about it.
People had enough already with this situation and started to try to secede. Spain's answer is: ohh too bad law doesn't allow it.
Can anyone give me a quick rundown on this catalonia thingy? My cat died a week ago and i'm still depressed and didn't got much news
Most productive region in Spain wants out.
out where?
of Spain, the Eu, etc. Are you retarded?
oh, sorry
but where are they gonna go?
but if they now in the EU doesn't that mean they are already independent from Spain?
Catalonia is a region in Spain. The regional capitol is Barcelona (you may have heard of it). The whole region wants to secede from Spain and form a new nation which means they would also leave the EU because they'd be a new country.
>Implying anything will happen
>Implying Catalonia isn't California of Spain
>Burger awareness
>Catalonia isn't California of Spain
Why is that a problem? We wouldn't care to be Catafornia, an intercontinental state united by Californian Hyperloop. That would actually be bretty cool
What is this Catalan shit? The Rhode Islanders a fierce distinct people they trace their lineage back to the dawn of time and now they seek independence they need it, it is their right. Fuck off Catalan you are Spanish Sand Niggers like the rest of your Europiss country.
oh ok, but are they good for it? my ex lives there now and i still miss her, i know it's been six years and she has a bf now, sucks ass.
Yeah don't forget to include Trudeau's Canada while you're at it so you can become the empire of your wife's son
Is Catalonia pro-shitskins or not? Are they protesting because they want to accept more refugees than the government allows, or vice versa?
im sorry
Same thing as always really. Europe is made up of countless nations and ethnicities and some countries are formed by several of them. One of these multinational countries is Spain, and catalans want their own ethnostate.
Thank you man.
Catalonia will have a referendum on october 1 to decide if it splits from Spain and becomes a new country. Of course spaniards are raging mad about this and since Catalonia is the biggest economy inside Spain they will do anything to avoid secession from happening.
Please tell me your ex isn't a shitskin. Anyway she has to go back.
One of the reason we want independence is to stop the spanish goverment from flooding us with shitskins. Having control of the borders and immigration is vital.
t. spanish gibmigrant in Poland
Since the restoration of democracy we've had only 2 left wing goverments out of a total of 11 elections. How is this comparable to California?
>One of the reason we want independence is to stop the spanish goverment from flooding us with shitskins. Having control of the borders and immigration is vital.
>implying you aren't the biggest refugee cucks in Spain
Separatist leeches are the most borring thing in the world. how can you still continue making a fool of yourselves?
to see your foolness from outside your echo chamber is delightful.
Thank you
lol, i love euros with their "big ass nations" no bigger than new jersey lol. We don't know what Catalonia is because it doesn't matter at all, the entire area could be wiped out and we wouldn't notice.
>we wouldn't notice
You wouldn't notice because you are a burger, not representative
Can I come if my ancestry is Sicilian?
i wouldn't notice because your entire country hasn't been relevant in over 100 years.
Smug Euros thing that they are the epitome of culture but fail to recognize their culture and its importance died a century ago. Good bye faggot welcome to the new world.
So is it pretty right wing? Like can we expect some far right nationalist group to lead them?
If Catalonia is so great, why don't I see it on the map?
you have to go back
>hey lets stop having anything to do with eachother
>Like can we expect some far right nationalist group to lead them?
I wish but no chance of a far right political party winning here. But at least leftist parties aren't strong here either.
Don't think so
Look at pic related and guess what will happen to Spain after we're gone, no wonder they're so butthurt.
Catalonia follows the same rule as Scotland in terms of politics
Madrid = bad
Madrid follows right wing
Right wing = bad
Also since Franco oppressed catalans and franco was right wing
Franco = bad
>Sicilian Ancestry
How the fuck did your family make it to SA? Were they Portuguese colonists from Angola that moved there or some shit?
>Smug Euros
You're awfully smug yourself, faggot.
What is Catalan language like? Is its closer to Spanish, French or Italian?
It's closer to occitan, A ded language of the south of France
Leeching so hard that even Stendhal record it
Will there be many Argentines who will fight in the upcoming civil war?
I know that it's close to Occitan but I don't know shit about Occitan itself.
>posting under Nazi flag
>instead of Anarcho-Syndicalist flag
Shamefurr display/10
>One of the reason we want independence is to stop the spanish goverment from flooding us with shitskins. Having control of the borders and immigration is vital.
Your region is infested with communists and marxists, one of the main political forces behind the whole Catalan separation is CUP (Communists).
If you think by separating yourself from Spain is going to magically solve the immigration policies you are for a bumpy ride Manolo, it is on the interest of your regional political leaders to have more of those peaceful muslims, just watch how the Catalan government, average street commie reacted after the Barcelona attacks, muhhh islamophobia...
Fuck you.
Catalonia today, Occitania tomorrow
Sounds just like us. Idiots suckered in to thinking the vote to leave was a vote for less immigration despite successive governments showing time and time again to have no interest in doing so.
>be catalunian
>get independence
>realize that your capital is the gay capital of the world now
hey man lets agree to amicably split and have nothing to do with eachother from now on
Kind off, I say it is similar to the Scottish vote except that Catalonia has never been a nation, this whole separatist movement started in the late 19th century.
>What is Catalan language like? Is its closer to Spanish, French or Italian?
It is closer to occitan but compared to these 3 I'm not sure, maybe equally close to all of them.
Do you even know what that text says? It's nothing about leeching.
So much implying for someone who knows nothing about us. If there is one single thing that is certain is that you have to go back Paco.
Money is money and if faggots bring the shekels then they're welcomed here.
I heard that idea from many people inside spain, that is the strategy, to be as pain in the ass as possible, so you will not leave, you will be took out.
But inside catalonia the separatist leeches are not the majority.
There are two types of separatists, one is the leech who makes a living from the independentist catalan government, people who is paid better than the spanish president. The other is the perfect idiot, indoctrinated since childhood WEE WUZ KANGZ style and controled by the former. Which one are you?
>One of the reason we want independence is to stop the spanish goverment from flooding us with shitskins. Having control of the borders and immigration is vital.
Oh my god AHAHAHAHA, their leftist government is actually ACTIVELY PROMOTING the income of rapefugees directly to Catalonia.
What a fucking poor misled soul...
I'm not sure what's happening, but it looks like a heck of a habbening.
You could ask for a national vote....I'm sure we all vote for you guys to fuck off with all your muzzies and niggers and take Murcia and valencia with you please
I would take Sikhs on my side any day, even more so if looking for independence.
Second Spanish civil war in...
Murcia independiente!!
>national socialist state
They literally can not stop sucking nigger and muslim cock lol
Franco should have asked the LC to bomb you to dust fucking hell.
You're trying to mislead, here is how it goes:
In Catalonia all catalans are separatists and wealth producers while most castilians are unionists and live off gibs of the firsts.
>Oh my god AHAHAHAHA, their leftist government is actually ACTIVELY PROMOTING the income of rapefugees directly to Catalonia.
Making things up on the internet, user I...
>They literally can not stop sucking nigger and muslim cock lol
Checks flag.
Jokes aside I know you're a spanish gibmigrant in Germany. 1. Stop sucking muslim and nigger cock. 2. Go back.
This. The Spanish central government are essentially neocons but "muh castillian"
they can fuck off
Spains equivalent of Commie California Seperatists
> catalonia
> national socialist
Why are there so many spanish gibmigrants everywhere? Just go back you useless leeches.
It's close to occitan therefor between french and spanish
A french can easily understand everything in catalan
Calm down Jaume, I'm just a pure french estranjer living in french catalonia, I know how catalans are
>first Gibraltar
>second Catalonia
>third ????
The Spanish state is falling apart
>All Catalans want independence
74,9% catalans votes
47,74% of voters were proindependence
Which makes 35,75% of catalans want independence
>National socialist.
Oh yes, the place where the far left party (Podemos) was the most voted party (the only region with the Basques) and the place with a party of hippies/antifa in rage (agsin, the only with the Basques)
RIP Spain, I'll miss you bros
You've had a good run.
>The region with a higher debt in Spain and a B economic rate
>implying I am an unemployed southerner
Dude, everyone in Europe hats Catalans. The same as with Basques, or Scottish Separatists.
You are all a bunch of leeching Commies with ideas above your station.
>but muh economic strenght
your economy is only doing ok because of Spain and gibs for Tourism. If you'd secced and swap Tourists for Terrorists (as your commie leaders want) you'll be broke in a heartbeat.
Also Spaniards are based and you are not.
catalonia will never become independent.
it's just a distraction from real problems spain is facing (african immigration).
mark my words. you'll see.
fucking shit. But are they as socialist/communist as the Scottish, or are they worse like spanish civil war antifa bad.
Why doesn't Spain government just kill these niggers?
catalonia will become indenpendant and will send a wave of movements across europe
you'll even see Kurdish state secede from Trukey
It seems that your indoctrination affects your understanding.
Translation for dummies:
Roughly it says that the catalans made the spanish import rules to protect their cloth industry, so they make the people in spain pay more for a less quality cloth than importing it from Britain
They are the communist part of Spicland
You're an idiot. Catalonia and Barcelona were the literal hotbeds of lefty sentiment during the Spanish Civil War. It's basically the South if the South was commie
That "big ass nation" is smaller than 41 out of 50 US states.
>A french can easily understand everything in catalan
Written maybe but not spoken, at least I only get some words when I hear someone speak french.
Then substitute the word spanish for french and that still stands for you. If you're not catalan then GTFO of our clay, we have already suffered enough with the invasion of spanigger gibmigrants, we don't need frenchnigger gibmigrants now.
> gibmigrants
> french
Come on, half of the catalans here are unemployed it's the french that are runing the shop, I won't go anywhere unless I have to leave this shithole for work of finishing my studies
And as a french I can tell you we can understand something like 90% of catalan if written, if spoken it's not that easy though
>spanish anons shill that Catalonia is like California
>muh Barcelona is a centre of degeneracy
>Barcelona actually doesn't want out and tries to prevent independence
>unironically calling xarnegos catalans
C'mon Manolo you can do better.
Because only castilian gibmigrants vote here in the spanish elections, same in the Basque Country.
Few know about us and even fewer hate us. Stop LARPing Paco, I can see through your lies.
In other words, Spain made import rules to protect its only industry. Wew lad, this is mindblowing right? Who could have thought that they prefered buying their own products rather than foreign ones?
do you even read