>JFK: Served when it was his turn
>Trump: Pussed out when it was his
Why Didn't Trump Serve?
>omg war is so bad my burnout grandparents protested vietnam and did a bunch of drugs
OP is a faggot.
Chicken hawks like Bush and Trump only want YOUR kids dying in other countries overseas.
bush did serve tho
Reagan also pussed out in WW2. I don't understand why Conservatives vote for draft dodgers.
Served deferment requests.
My grandparents fought in WW2. Their kids were the burnouts.
Trump had a broken foot. Are you presuming to know more than a licensed physician?
If so, present your evidence or STFU.
GWB was an F-102 pilot
So he served as a pilot in Vietnam?
Bill O'Reilly is another one. Graduated HS in 1968...didn't serve. Tons of Republican pussies.
The fact is AVOIDING being cannon fodder is the smarter way to be.. it shows you value your precious life rightly and have the inherent ability to preserve it ..
No, i think by the time he was flying they weren't operating F-102s in Vietnam (as a pilot you don't get to choose your airplane).
You're obviously biased, but the fact is that GWB legit served (unlike Clinton, Obama, and Trump).
In a squad of pampered Senator sons and fuck heads. He never did anything but pretend to be a pilot. McCain is a better pilot than Bush ever was, and that man shouldn't even be allowed to look at an airplane, lest it explode and kill 100 more sailors.
> stop talking about Clinton being a draft dodger. That's unfair and doesn't have anything to do with his ability to be president.
> Why didn't trump serve
The left still thinks we don't notice when the turn 180 degrees on an issue. They think this is Oceania, where people just go along with history changing in front of our eyes.
>implying there was anything of value to die for in Vietnam
Trump is anti-war.
>Continental Defense
He never left stateside
Fuck soldiers they're glorified welfare queens. Killing babies isn't a real job.
he's a coward
Why didn't both Clintons and Obama not serve?
I remember him claiming before the election that he in 100% fitness. What happened to the foot?
It shows you support the Commies but then again he's still a Russian cuck.
>liberals: war is evil, soldiers are baby killers, I will never join the military
>Trump is ineligible for service
>liberals: wow what a FUCKING pussy how could he not serve our country?
When will liberals be gassed?
>WW2 soldiers fighting for Commies are the real heroes
>Vietnam draft dodgers silently fighting for the Commies are the real heroes
How did Americans evolve to such cucks?
I suppose it's a good thing that we learned drafted soldiers are worthless.
100% civilian fitness and 100% military fitness are not the same thing.
>least interventionist foreign policy in 50 years
If I wanted foreign wars I would have voted for Jeb! or Hillary, that bitch was literally campaigning on bombing the Russians over her shitty email security.
Trump spilled his blood in Vietnam. He fought John McCain over the use of an A-7 on the Oriskiny. McCain did a dirty trick, shouted at Trump while Trump was trying to get in the cockpit, "Hey Trump!! Look a woman is showing her pussy!!" Trump looked and McCain dragged him off the A-7 and got in and launched. The rest is history.
Yea just like in ww1 and 2
Yeah, that's why they give Finnish NHL and NBA players free passes.
It should have been mentioned in the medical papers if he has health problems. But the reality is that he made those up because he supported Commies/Russians.
Serving in a war is for suckers. You get no respawns you tard.
>>JFK: Served
As a target.
>in all fields
Except if it's a racewar, right? Then nothing is more important.
I thought it was because you don't have to serve if your job directly effects the jobs of 20 or more people. I remember hearing that the star of Happy Days only agreed to act in the show because it would exempt him from the draft.
and viet nam, don't forget how successful that was.
JFK was a chad, Trump is a fad.
Why didn't obama serve?
Not a US citizen
Why didn't clinton serve?
Narcissistic drug user.
Why didn't bernie serve?
Why didn't cruz or rubio serve?
Anchor babbies.
You mean when we body dropped the Austrian/German forces?
The number one lesson learned from WWII/Korea/Vietnam for the US military was that drafted soldiers are worthless and they instituted policies specifically to make the military volunteer only from that point on.
In the 80's/90's it could be argued that there has never been a more well trained and well prepared fighting force in history - and that happened because there weren't draftees.
Still no evidence. Thought so.
About what?
Yes, because Bill Clinton was in the Army, and Barack Obama was a Navy SEAL.
This maxim should be shouted from every rooftop!
his number was never called fucc boi. jfk actually had his dad pull some strings so he could serve when he had a bad back tho, what a patriot
>only want YOUR kids dying in other countries overseas.
obama is the one who escalated afghanistan war and initiated isis.
You can't dodge the draft if you were never drafted.
why join a pointless war that has nothing to do with protecting your country
Yeah, support the Commies. Not surprised this coming from a Commie loving Brit. Stalin approves.
support the commies? umm no. there is such a thing as minding your own fucking business and not getting involved. this would avoid 60,000 US deaths
Trump is serving now. The Viet Namese are nothing compared to the MSM, BLM, Anti-Fa, DNC, GOP, NWO, Socialists, Communists, Rothchilds, Muslims, Clintons, etc., that's just the trash we know about. Thank God, President Donald Trump is busy saving the world.
>*Tap Tap*
Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.
>Fighting for zog.
Man knew what was up.
Kennedy ' dad lied about the whole thing. In fact Kennedy broke protocol but daddy took care of it. He abandoned his men.
off-topic, but did Obama serve? Just curious, never seen it mentioned before
Yeah, Anglos should have done that in WW2 too but praise Communism. Vietnam was a much better cause for Anglos than WW2 except if you're cucked.