This is the best version of Latin America, its solves 90% of their problems
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>Malvinas aren't Argentinian
I'm ok with this.
Sick meme Jose
no this is
How about we just give it all to Uruguay, clearly the best country on the continent.
why would you want to merge the shit countries with the good ones?
> 2017
> forgetting the British Falkland Island of Queen Elizabeth of Britannia.
By genocide, Espacio de vida (liebensraum) for uruguayans.
We should have kept all our gains from the Spanish American and Mexican American wars, sans any natives that weren't mostly european.
Enforcing an English language only policy in schools and government.
When WWII kicked off, we should have backed the Germans and cowed the UK/France out if it.
Then we should have taken all of the Western Hemisphere and purged the remainder of the natives.
And supported the purge of Africa an the final stamping out of Islam/Judaism.
It would be a beautiful world if we had chosen this path.
But no, we chose to destroy our own people instead.
Have some mapuche electronic music for the effort it took you to write all that bullshit.
Can a chilean tell me whether there's a big amount of whites there?
t. uppity gringo
Fuck off
>>Malvinas aren't Argentinian
No such thing as Malvinas.
Brazil's south is full of really amicable whites.
No, I don't want all of that, if anything we need a rollback of territories
>Brazilian Canada
>millions of hue's on welfare
There's some, but most people it's mixed race.
Mapuche mixes from the south look completely different than aymaras from then north.
Woops better quality
>More fucking bolivians in our country.
No fuck you.
wtf why do you have a low quality version
>Malvinas aren't Argentinian
Indeed. They are white.
almost trips of truth, still truth
I'm ok with this and I approve this. Now... make it happen.
Obviously for fucking with people
I will make Colombia great again and you can't fucking stop me, Peru, ecuador, panama and venezuela are MY clay, get the fuck out.
win-win then no?
I approve this.
no you're not, it's either chile controlling all or borders staying as they are
Those don't have to be changed, unless the cucks decide to send sand-niggers and pavement niggers there.
this is just plain bait. Can agree with the mestizo law. The first spanish colonials (men) had this law to breed with indigenous women creating a lazy spic. Else is just wrong, whatever nukes pls
oye está wena esa wea
Chile, where are you hiding all those white camwhores whores?
Can you post picture examples
It's ok as long as we deny pacific access to Argentina and Brazil.
j-just wanted to remind yall we wuz certified natzeehs and shit
>Dividing my country
Fuck you burger
we should make Cono Sur a country, a federal country
>Removing Argentina and Chile
we could be allies! fuck brazil
This it's the typical german mapuche mix.
Also known as araucano-goticos.
They look pretty cute.
>They look pretty cute.
For you everything looks good amerinigger
as long as we have a coast, I'm a-ok with any map posted here.
They usually are.
What's wrong with the chilean race paraguayan friend?
They look a lot better than the Mexican Mestizos we get
>south brazil is white
Hi Uribe
Gringo women are faya
>What's wrong with the chilean race paraguayan friend?
fren? uwu
Best ally.
Shut up province
I'm OK with this.
>Uruguay empire
>including brazil
>The Uruguayan War[A] (10 August 1864 – 20 February 1865)
>In a combined offensive against Blanco strongholds, the Brazilian–Colorado troops advanced through Uruguayan territory, taking one town after another. Eventually the Blancos were left isolated in Montevideo, the national capital. Faced with certain defeat, the Blanco government capitulated on 20 February 1865
We don't even speak the same language as they do.
kek all of the sudden we have a shit load of Brazilians and Congolombians in Vancouver now
What part of
>Spic containment zone
does no one understand?
chile will always be the skinniest bitch out there.