Meanwhile, in Austria


Other urls found in this thread:



same thing is happening in the uk though

>daily fail

lmao yeah okay


>It's another 'Americans getting angry over something they read on Breitbart about Europe' episode.

>old, non-fertile women is adapting immigrant to western society
>Sup Forums thinks this is bad
On which side are you guys?

Race traitors. Don't be afraid to shame them on the street. And when the pet Nigger attacks, take out your hammer and give em the hammer to head treatment


Austrians are cucks

Slide thread.

The Future Führer
Vote Basti, he has the biggest ears

>growing trend
sensationalized news.

the biggest ears and biggest balls.
Based Kronprinz

Heil Kurz

You mean Führer. Basti is about 5 inches more right than Strache. He will reopen Mauthausen, for sure.

while I think this kind of cuckery is disgusting, I also think posts like yours are larping faggotry

Austria could singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week TOP KEK AMERICAN PIG SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Austrians are ITCHING for a war with USA. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the shitskins and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY American pig shit they see. When Austria is done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it

Pic related: Two of our Eurofighter Typhoon Combat Jets

Believe what ever you like to believe. This is half:chan, only a fool would take anything on this site serious

>people unironically shilling for Kurz

You guys would vote spö if Kerns son would take up the party tomorrow and say the same shit as Kurz, it's unbelievable.

There is no other option. We need the GREAT coalition, they harmonize so well

If we can afford to buy fuel for them, we could invade America in half an hour.


Your systems are infected with the Trojans to prevent you from doing anything, that the USA doesn´t wish of

They promise all kind of shit now which they could have done the last years


The women buying them are completely hideous.

t. country where one in 6 newly weds (and that's only people who actually bother to get wed, not just fuck) are interracial couples

pretty sure this one was fake

you don't want the youngest /bundeskanzler/ ever?

With our upcoming elections, are austrian poltards interested in a discord channel?

If yes:

ich hoffe, das wurde dem kronprinzen schon persönlich gezwischert


@everyone who is shilling for Kurz: fucking kill yourself
There is no difference between ÖVP, SPÖ, Greens and NEOs.
Kurz even said himself Austria should take in 15.000 rapefuguees every year. If he uses the same tricks as Kern its 20.000 a year. With family reuinion 60.000 a year. What a great fucking CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE