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Dalai Luftwaffe. Also, no.
Can we get a Burmese / Buddhist flag in the dropdown menu?
no fight on baced gooks
"It's Not Buddhists Killing Muslims In Myanmar, It's Rohingya Muslims Killing Buddhists From 1947"
Doesn't the swastika already satisfy that?
This is lazy half thought out governent response.
There are literally so many other methods to dealing with the problem including realtime examples from other countrres. Im convinced Myanmar is a monkey nation.
They don't want your solutions, ukfag. In their minds you started their problems and they will have their own solutions.
This is the first Buddhist country to assert a Buddhist Nationalism.
It follows Sri Lanka's longstanding battle with Hindu Tamils and Bhutan's ejection of >150k Nepalese illegal aliens (USA took 66k of those btw).
They got this.
oops, meant >this isn't the first Buddhist country to assert a Buddhist Nationalism
go back to facebook
1like=1 prayer
>They got this
They obviously dont since they are comitting universal crimes against humnity that every nation subscribes to.
Ashin Wirathu speaks to the heart. Meme his character. When I first saw him, I became so happy. These Buddhists are meme gold.
top kek
When Buddhists fight back against oppressing Muslims they are called the terrorists.
Are based buddhists succeeding?
Muslims chimp out, want to create their 100% homogenous muslim state, get BTFOd by buddhists tired of their shit and all the muslim world cry for genocide.
FFS the mudslimes were originally from Bengal and moved to Rakhine during british colonial times. They can fuck off back to Bangladesh.
its gay
fuck you faggot. team buddha
Vainillafags are so easy to spot. Always butthurt, like mudshits.
> be Rohingya
> Start religious conflict
> lose
> cry about it
>be Christian
>go to Myanmar
>"active religious conversion in this country is forbidden, follow the law and integrateā
>be mudshit
>migrate 60something years ago
>ignores everything and tries to install sharia law
>practice forced conversion and rape buddhist women
>chimp out, kill and remove natives
>refuse to integrate, call yourself Rohingya and demand for clay
>get BTFO
>cry as victim
they saw your solutions
and decided that it sucks
you "solutions" involve inviting the people you're at war with into your country, giving them unlimited welfare and jailing anyone who points out how retarded that is. fuck you and your "solutions" nigger
Fuck the Islamic scum
fuck every single one of the media journalists that prop them up
fuck every disinformation propagandist that spins the reality of this situation
every single Islamic bitch and journalist that deliberately twists this situation around should be eradicated
everywhere the Muslim goes, it destroys the culture of the land
everywhere the Muslim goes, there is death and destruction
everywhere the Muslim goes, people either die or are forced to fight back
when even the Buddhist must fight back, then there is certainly something wrong with the religion of Islam
the Islamic scourge must be purged from doing any further harm to the Buddhists
May the Buddhists find protection and strength in everything they do.
how hard would it be to convince aung san suu kyi to write the burger's 2A into law in myanmar
yeah, they should just go on facebook and like someone's post, make a public notification that they are engaging in prayer, and then light up a building, all the while inviting more Islamic faggots to occupy their lands, homes and government jobs and featuring them apologizing to the Muslims who just got busy killing students and cops and civilians.
Place a gun in your mouth and press the trigger. Not everyone is as suicidal and retarded as the UK is to their domestic threats.
doesn't make sense
are you calling buddhists nazis?