They produce and contribute more through taxes ,whats the point in feeding nigger refugees and merkel?
Should Bavaria secede and leave germany? Just like Catalonia will leave Spain
I don't know, to be honest.
But what I do know is that the only people who voted for Donald Trump are rural and suburban retards who wish they could fuck their own relatives.
City people and intelligent people all voted for Hillary Clinton.
Yes secession is the key to bring europe back to its former glory.
Berlin is a big shithole which leaches off the blood and sweat of bavarian farmers.
Same as Vienna as long as those urban molochs of socialism are around there is no hope.
Hell yes. I would even come home for a visit then.
Fuck yeah, Germany would be crippled forever without Bavaria financing all the place
The EU would collapse, because gibs couldn´t keep social system running in Germany and thus would need to cut its budget
Jesus. How many irrelevant, meme countries does one tiny continent need? Even Lithuania shouldn't exist, if you ask me. The Baltic countries should be absorbed by Russia. You can become autonomous regions, like Chechnya. At least that way you'll be relevant, but you can still keep your language and culture. Estonia is already half Russian, so you'll barely notice any difference.
>You can't have culture because they already killed mine
Brits always so salty...
Not everybody has to be inbred, Ahmed
I thought Munich is a shithole like every other bigger european city.
Catalonia is a meme, they will never leave Spain.
yeah, total balkanization, ya'll invented this shit, fucked us over and out, so you deserve these tasty fruits of infight and total chaos
I'd love to see Germany split up; we might see a return to the old, cultured, philosophical Germany. German militarism is a perennial cancer on the face of Europe. It gave rise to the Seven Years' War, the Franco-Prussian War, the First World War and the Second World War.
Bavaria is not a shithole like yours, idiot
Bavaria is financing all of Germany
They matter, unlike you
If they leave, we may observe the total dissolution of the EU
At this point they should.
A lot of krauts will not like it, but is probably only way to save germans by this point.
I worked in Bavaria and local people there are very based, to the point saying "Hitler did nothing wrong". Munich ofcourse as any other big city is a cancerous hellhole.
If you let Bavaria be seperated, it would become a very conservative state which rides on patriotism. Sticking with Federal Government will just lead to more victories of more lefty degenerate states Rhine-Westphalia and Berlin which will pursue more pressure enrichment on based state like Bavaria.
United Germany is basically done by this point. It gonna have the same fate of becoming multicultural dystopia like will UK and Sweden inevitable become.
Balkanize entire europe and let the most nationalistic states survive and grow.
Prussians controlling Germany isn´t a great idea
They are Russian tier retarded and French tier butthurt
Yeah Prussia really fucked up germany
>City people
>pic related
agree, why not just have a single european country with autonomous regions?
That's the reason why bongs should have stayed in EU, after all we could have been more relevant and giant competitor to US and Russian Behemoth.
Who cares what policies EU makes after, am i right??? Being relevant™ and stronk™ is after all more important than preserving you're national sovereignty.
Fuck Farage and fuck Brexit!
do it. do it now!
I think, that you´ve mistaken a snow-ridden shithole with some oil with China
I voted Remain.
Can't debate that.
I meant more US and Russia combined as in behemoth.
Good, Good. Let the Black seed flow through you.
Russia would an african tier without any natural resources
>kek republic
>opinion worth listening to
>Retarded inbred (((Brit))), who voted for Remain
>Opinion not even worth looking at
Back after the war, Bavaria was an agarian shithole that got a load of money from the rest of germany to pay for industrialization
Die in your shithole nordcuck, you are probably a protestant too.
Source or gtfo
Bavaria is pieceful with european history culture and values unlike rest of germania
you're too stupid to understand what happens in time, once upon the time we had a good laugh about Czech tourists and your complete country ... enjoy your time you stupid fuck
This Greek is educated
This Turk is not
>arguing about real country
>1post by this id
>talking to former crown countries of worth
fuck off nigger and suck some haram cock or whatever you do down there
Oh, my fellow Subnoric brother
Welcome to this thread, full of cucks and retards