Featuring the man who was cucked to death
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Literally nothing wrong with wanting to fuck Jack
top meme show of the decade
Hellfire and Nyanta consoling each other.
How does it feel knowing that this anime won't have gory deaths?
They'll just happen later.
I wish I had known when this show was being crowdfunded. I would have loved to be able to say I dropped money on making Mayoiga real.
Is /k/OTP still alive? Any cute moments between them this episode?
I hope all the retards who said Naana "bullied" Mitsumune now know what bullying means and will stop abusing that word.
Based, thank you man.
Hellfire chasing after Nyanta when she freaked out, maybe.
Not much.
>gets rect
she should have used a real gun
Hellfire was too short to join the nip military, so he talked to a doctor about getting a fake tit implanted under his scalp, but chickened out
Absolutely fine, because I'm not retarded enough to assume that this is Another 2 when it wasn't fucking marketed that way.
Both Blood C and Another were a gore fest at this point. Nice meme though.
Still alive. Nyanta ran away and Hellfire run after her. Aww they're married. 結婚おめでとう!
Finally, a newfag-free, decent thread.
>the fucking zoom on her :3 at the end
so lovepon got raped by a budhist priest
does mari okada watch hentai or rapist budhist priests are a common thing in japan?
Fucking kill yourself, Sup Forums
I think bullying isn't the right term but she took advantage of him.
There is literally nothing wrong with taking advantage of men.
>mayoiga thread
No need to be so upset. Where did Sup Forums touch you?
I agree, decent is an understatement. They're often great.
How to watch mayoiga properly:
>get the raw
>open some loud music
>set the speed to 4x
>yfw he really dies
I like how that scene cuts from her holding the gun straight up to holding the gun completely to its side.
This guy gets it.
Fuck you. Watching any anime at any speed multiple is cancer.
since mayoiga started other threads became more peaceful
>not ejoying glorious Mizushima ride and Okada writing
the webm should be named /k/
Rapist religious authorities are common in general.
Best girl
Rapist authorities are common in general, not just religious ones.
remember some Sup Forumsnons cried when almost none of us feel sad when Judgeness died?
None of us cried today
btfo Mikage
on the bright side they didn't break her hymen with the gun
Why the fuck is Lovepon such a retarded character?
Some daddy's/stranger's old bullying isn't gonna end you in this state of mind.
I was expecting an huge trash backstory but it's just that.
Little kid may have hurt her head during the beat up and damage her brain making her retarded in the process
It's cut too short before she pleasures herself with the gun to be called /k/.
No one cried when Judgeness died but people started feel sorry after a week. Maybe it will happen again.
True, true. People in power will abuse it any way they can.
Why didn't the monk fuck the loli instead?
You're right, they should've called her Jambalaya.
He did, it just wasn't mentioned.
>implying this is the full story
Wildest ride since Samurai Flamenco
Why are you lying ?
That's just fucking ugly
T. Feminist
Should I drop this shit?
This show was full of retarded/annoying/chuuni characters that I hope that they should die and yet they're still alive.
People in positions of authority using their power and influence to get easy and non-consensual sex is pretty common, both in fiction and in real life.
Especially religious figures, because they're automatically put in a position of moral authority and trust that's far more abusable than simply having a lot of money or being someone's boss. Basically, they have an easier time getting away with it because nobody dares make the accusation that a respected religious figure might be less respectable than the public is willing to admit. People who are aware that something bad is going on will turn the other way because the image of a moral authority as morally pure is seen to be more important to society than justice, and because few people would dare go against an important social figure for fear that there own reputation will be destroyed in kind.
It happens everywhere. It's just one of those common, underpinning facts of sociology.
But isnt the basics to lie down and pretend to be dead?
Hellfire Oppai edits when?
There is only one chuuni character.
Did I miss the stream?
I thought metroids could fly.
This would be actually spooky.
Laughing train on the other hand is just ridiculous.
It happens at the same time every week.
Mikage died
Nyanta died then became a ghost
Masaki is a ghost
Hellfire is literally retarded.
>I'm a manlet so why not have tits implants in my head to be taller
>It's... afraid
Is this the new Starship Troopers movie?
I've never tried watching it before now.
You wouldn't bully Nyanta
That silicone make me laughed so hard.
I want to bully Hellfire on Niconico.
No bully. He just wants to be a real soldier.
It's the Japanese remake.
it's like hairy under the silicon
oppai head
Get the fuck out, newfag.
For non moon speakers
-Lovepon's mother fucks with the priest because she needs money, she has debts left from Lovepon's father. She also scolds Lovepon for making the priest angry and making things difficult for them.
-Niconico people laugh at Hellfire's videos. Hellfire wanted to have silicone in his head to get a few more cm so that he could get into the police/army. It is implied he actually did it (his head hurts, as the doctor warened him)
-Nyanta story is explicit.
-Mikage was sure he could get the toy prototype and everything ready for the toy show, but the executive thought it wasn't possible with this deadline and that it would damage the project to fail at the event. At the event preparations, Mikage saw that nothing was ready and was told that the supplier would get the stuff by june 20, although the event was on june 12. Mikage was sure to have had an earlier date confirmed in the email, but when he checked again, he saw that it was actually written june 20. He fucked up and mistook the date.
-Koharun exaplins that the song says tht things hidden in one's heart are shown.
-The newspaper article mentions that a 16 years old girl named Aida Masaki disappeared near there. Everybody starts to think that Masaki is a ghost.
>tfw an asshole hits you
>tfw he lefts you with a few brain cells, giving you only the chance to keep up with a few words
>tfw you're only able to shout out SHOKEI SHOKEI SHOKEI like a baby would ask for her mommy when he wants to breast feed.
>tfw nobody gives a fuck about you because you're the little autistic kid of the crew
Lovepon had an hard life
Masaki is pure
She doesn't know what that fucking giant thing is
Fuck off haters
Okay. Sorry.
There's something about girls bullying girls that's so hot.
How the fuck do you put a silicone in your head.
Genderflipped Mayoiga when?
We'd all be rooting for Dahara and shitting on Varukana for being a bitch. You know it.
>she's trying to communicate completely different ideas but all that's coming out is SHOKEI
>the murder attempts are out of sheer frustration that she can't convey what is inside her brain
What the fuck, are her boobs growing every episode or something?
Where do you think you're going, geekboy?
Not as hot as girls bullying guys.
Man, I can't wait for Jack flashback.
It's gonna happen, right guys?
Literally the worse NTR I've seen all year. This beats Kayo's NTR by a mile, at least that one had a timeskip. We see the glorious NTR play out step by step in front of our eyes this time.
the thread is finish
The same way you put silicone in your tits.
Make a hole, stuff it in, stitch it up.
Sup Forums would fucking hate female Valkana so much. She'd be the single most hated character of the year.
>1241 / 183 / 135 / 10
I thought I was watching hentai here. Did she cum?
Wow wow wow, what the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the /k/ommandos, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on lost villages, and I have over 300 confirmed executions. I am trained in ghost warfare and I’m the top sniper on the entire bus. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will execute you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of operators across Japan and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, nya. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking diejoubu, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can execute you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare mohawk. Not only am I extensively trained in machete combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of my waifu and the local army surplus store and I will use it to their full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking eggs. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn jark. I will kidnap and shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
should have used a real gun