>The Stanford University study claims its software recognises facial features relating to sexual orientation that are not perceived by human observers.

>"Gay faces tended to be gender atypical," the researchers said. "Gay men had narrower jaws and longer noses, while lesbians had larger jaws."

How will narrowjaw longnose FAGS ever recover?

How will you hide the gay now, closet Sup Forums?

The game is up.

>composite gay face is just your average numale face

with a big bushy beard

but Sup Forums told me gayness is a lifestyle choice and has nothing to do with genetics

If they can determine who's gay and who's not then what stops them from determing other things?

Why the fuck is the average non-lesbian woman a fat fuck?

>tfw the Lesbian Girl is hotter than the straight one

The averaged straight female face is fat because she doesn't have to do anything to attract males.

The averaged lesbian female face is thin because lesbians have to work harder to attract females like straight males.

Like most aspects of sexuality it's usually related to what occurs in the womb - the exposure to testosterone is often a significant factor, and will influence a human's mental make-up even from birth.

So in a way lifestyle choice matters, but typically that of the mother, their environment, and so on.

Genetics will obviously have a role in that, certain genes will combine with those environmental elements to produce certain outcomes.

And societal influences will again act as another "modifier" on that behaviour, but it mostly serves as a repressant or an aggressor, it can't really rework what's ticking underneath.

Like literally every aspect of humanity it's a combination of all the above factors, we just aren't at the level yet that we can pinpoint all of them and figure out exactly which combinations produce what outcomes.

Anyone trying to attribute complex psychological structures to a sole factor is a fucking moron. We can also easily gather that homosexuality is not selected out by evolution, so like any atypical behaviour is probably the outcome of something else beneficial, we just aren't aware what exactly that is.

We can also assume that when comparing averages, genetics are obviously going to provide consistent correlations, but like any average it says nothing about the individual, so jt is largely irrelevant.

>Implying I don't wear Trump t shirts while fucking boipucci
You guys should try it sometime

so most of my exes looked like lesbians apparently

no wonder I got cucked

I legitimately used to know composit gay face.

Gas yourself

>leftists create a machine that literally stereotypes people based on their physical features

Why is the lesbian so much hotter than the heterosexual woman?

>There are people that can't spot faggots/dykes on the spot via facia features or speech patterns - not even vocal tones, just the pattern of their speech

Faggots have narrower, almost gaunt features facially. They will be nearer to the perceived "model aesthetic" than most actual men due to the fact that faggotry results from a higher than typical estrogen level. Their faces will have a vague feminine quality that you usually can't quite put your finger on.

Dykes - actual dykes not "teehee I experiment once in awhile to get men to pay attention to me" types - are the opposite. They will look mannish facially, will typically have a lower vocal pitch (closer to an 18-20 year old male) and their body language is more assertive and outward projecting. As with faggots, this happens due to homosexuality originating from a hormonal imbalance. Dykes will have higher test than normal women.

Both sides likely originate from an opposite-sex twin that was present in utero that was absorbed during the first trimester (when the fetus is still reliant on the mother's thyroid for hormone production) but the hormone intake from the mother doesn't adjust to accommodate only one fetus.

>even skynet knows you are a faggot

Good. Now we can go out and hunt faggots.

good genes good smarts good manners good people good looks, its not rocket science

Thats why there has got to be a subversive catch to it. Maybe it does expose THE GAY but all the gay people in hollywood and jumping around in the street like flaming homos dont look like the pic in OP related

>Human with functioning brain detected.

Where'd you get those reasoning skills m80? Trafficking in contraband intelligence is a serious crime.

>Gay men had narrower jaws and longer noses
>longer noses


>when u swear gay is biological so you go out of your way for years funding attempts to prove it and you finally figure out a means of associating it with science by making a program that recognizes physical differences in those with homothink but all you end up doing is verifying the effects of xenoestrogens and other products have upon both the consumer and their offspring

Does anyone else think this is all bullshit and they are just trying to convince all the white guys they are gay?

I'm Syrian btw

Redpilled homonationalists unite!