Well, Pol, I'm tired of reading how this was an inside job while everybody is failing to point out WHY (((they))) did it?

>For the record, I don't believe in the nanothermite hypothesis, or the controlled demolition. Its much more easy to get suicide mudslimes to do the job. They are fucking crazy enough, just like religious mk-ultra.

So why did (((they))) do it? Well, the previous year, the Taliban took control in Afghanistan, and baned the poppy production. The only way to overthow another government, in order to police the production of opium is to create a false flag attack. THE VERY FIRST CONSECUENCE OF THE ATTACK WAS THE INVASION OF AFGHANISTAN (To restore the poppy production).

Exibit A: Taliban's Ban On Poppy A Success, U.S. Aides Say - DATE: MAY 20, 2001
> nytimes.com/2001/05/20/world/taliban-s-ban-on-poppy-a-success-us-aides-say.html

Exibit B: Now Afghanistan's opium poppy production goes into more than 90% of heroin worldwide.
> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opium_production_in_Afghanistan

Exibit C: Heroin Addiction and Overdose Deaths are Climbing (Pic in FP will be statistics of this)

Other urls found in this thread:


Heroin kills WHITES

Why does nobody bring up the false flag anthrax attack?

Who is the drug dealer?

Good job ahmed, keep working (or else...)

Wow, mudslimes are really into HEROIN drug DEALING in order to destroy Kuffar and fund (((ISIS))). I wonder (((who))) could be profiting from this.

Wonder why the jews protect so much their mudslime drug dealers? They are the ones that sell the shit to whites. That make little white girls addicted in order to sex traffic with them.


More about mudslimes into the heroin market

The resume:
> A) Taliban banned poppy
> B) The attack (((happened)))
> C) Poppy production was restored
> D) Heroin use (and deaths) have increased since then
> E) Mudslimes (Normally Pakis and Afghans) are the ones who are introducing heroin (and other drugs) into the west in order to destroy us.

No one's stopping you

A:) taliban banned poppy production - but like communism - some were more equal than others.
After the afghanistan cultural revolution, the warlords had staked out power, roads and infrastructure. grinding the country to a halt.
then they said - let us be the boss, and everything goes back to normal - except we implement islam heavy. (sharia spec)
poppies were never stopped from afghanistan. it was just concentrated into the warlords plots.
not for the everyman to grow a small crop to supply to warlords, who paid for it.
B.) Yeah it did, see
and remember, .gov tried to make the best of a bad situation.
d:) USA heroin deaths have increased. you also need to consider that black tar and #4 are classed as the same in reporting.
lots of black tar smuggled from mexico.
value for money, meth is more cost efective to produce, and precurser chemicals are available easier as used in many industries, whereas #4 precursors are heavily monitored.
poppies are still grown. but with the taliban broken its an everyman grow op again.
E;) yep, they still control the 'Silk Roads' and have the Middle Eastern Organized Crime Connections. but its a 2 fold. a.Attack the west. b. fund themselves/islam.
***Coincidently*** Australia uses poppies to commemorate Gallopili (ww2 aus invasion)
Its not that weird how wars are fought in areas where narcotics are being harvested to fund/fuel evil. Food for thought.

The .gov have been intercepting data at a hypercommercial rate since they were intercepting telegrams at the borders.
Now its moved digital.
the .net back bones are split and recorded.
It was also happening pre-9/11.
the only difference is the data analaysis.
Most of it was hand collated. Meaning a PERSON needed to review the emails,review the phone numbers,read the texts, work out who was the recipient etc.
(That has now gone digital, think facebook, linkdin etc. networking + some nifty AI)
Inter organisational sharing was strict and fairly rare.
Prism tapping was Above Top Secret(heh)
No-one wanted to show their capabilities.
The israelies also did it.
Who happened to have a High Value Individual in NYC who facilitated funding Mossad spies/informants. - gave him a breif heads up.
He got insurance.

So, thats the facts, and it runs like this:
The .gov knew something was going to happen. chatter of a 'pilot' - removed guns from cockpits fearing a self attack and wanted it to be stoppable.(think french alps)
Couldnt tell everyone in usa, :oh hi, heads up for planes falling out of the skies!" - terrorists would insta-win, public disaster - riots "cant .gov keep me safe?" etc.
Heard chatter it was imminent . So .gov ran the military 'exercise' to keep a lookout for the wayward plane.
As actual info re the ACTUAL ATTACK chatter was secret (owing to source) flight control wasn't let in on the real mission (that it wasn't training) hence the delay in military response.
Israel had mega taps and heard some shit was going down NOW and alerted the HVI to avoid work.
He called in and had the office closed for maintanance - to save his staff. He couldn't raise a alarm without showing Israels hand.

But muh jet fuel and beamz??
yeah well, thats where shit gets really spikey.

FDNY got as many people out as possible.
Also feds crawled it.
Determined it was unsafe to stand.
(get some jenga and pull a shitload out of one side)
That building was gonna topple and take out another block.
So: Evac the lower floors. and dump some charges.
Mil demolitions are not a thing to laugh at.
Thats serious .biz.
The big decision was made to drop the last of the towers.
It probably could have been much worse if they didn't.
Someone somewhere had to make a really big call that day.

TL:DR - Bad guys hit towers. it was an attack.
Your .Gov tried to minimize risk primarily, then minimize damage eventually.

Jet fuel can't melt steal beams

Also bump

>He doesn't know that the opoid "crisis" is caused by the drug companies.


At least something is. the leading cuase of white death is old age. The whites are making all the black babies brown and brown ones white i see the whole world being completely white if nothing balances nature and keeps your people from breading with.

Jetfuel doesnt make charcoal out of a human being.


There are at least 4 people visable in this picture of the hole on the North tower.
Jetfuel is supposedly melting steel beams at 2000 degrees at this moment, but somehow these people are heat-resistant,

Clean cut steel beams of the core.
So, not only did jet fuel melt steel beams that day, the jet fuel also cut the beams at a 45 degree angle.

What created the gigantic hole in WTC6?
Why does the hole reach all the way to the lowest level of the basement? Sub-level.
Where did all the material go that used to be in that hole?

How did WTC7 fall in its own footprint without damaging the surrounding buildings?

Literally cut by the rescue teams. All your posts are fucking stupid, i would love it if you showed me the 4 people in your first pic.

You're being generous by calling it the "nanothermite hypothesis". When someone tells you a story loosely based on non-existent technology, it's called "science fiction", not a hypothesis.
Come back when you have some science fact, Truthers.

They ultimately jumped because of the heat, which was mostly concentrated around the fires on the core columns and the opposite side of the floor.

How did this perimiter wall panel "surf" a block away?
Why is the airplane tire sticking in it on the wrong side?
Why is it bend inward instead of outward?

there's at least one: Edna Cintron. RIP

this is turning into an epidemic, also don't forget (((big pharma))) benefits this as well....

Heroin isn't the only thing made from poppy, there is also a prescription pain pill epedemic,
check this out:

This is a big redpill people, remember this and spread it.

I remember you from last night. what is the implication with this one? it had me scratching my head.

Shut up shill, you are tired of hearing the truth, shut the hell up

>i would love it if you showed me the 4 people in your first pic.


Thats bullshit and nots the official story, there is no jenga involved in that....thats garbage, fact explosions aka pre placed charges were set in the buildings by Mossad, thats a fact its not up for debate

Looking at the photo,it shows that it was at debris clearing stage, probably not cut by ground rescue workers.

No doubt, the building got pulled. something something - the greater good.
Better than the top half tearing off and wrecking more blocks.
But WOW! That corner pylon.. precision.
Thermal Lance or charges? I'm leaning toward both. Some are precision cut for direction. then the rest finished with remote HE shaped charge owing to the marks and survivability.
Great photo. saved.
benderneat.png not posting owing to subject.

The implication is that it was planted there.

Correct and the day before 9/11 a freedom fighter against the Soivets Massoud was killed off

It was all sent to jews, and none of the jews died, it was a psyop pure and simple with willing participants. Daschle voted for all these wars and supported Haiti and Balkans wars both times with each

The proff of charges being planted for 2 weeks is all over the place and UMS and etc. were there under the mask of the shell companies doing it people saw it, security was shut down by Mr. Silverstein the controlling frontman technician for the whole system

woah never seen this one.

Here is another one.

and the wall panel photo with the tire is prior to collapse or post? wouldn't be from the initial impact? I'm just to wrap my head around this

can we keep the thread on topic please? we aren't discussing the how of 9/11 but the why.

>Channels all nationalism/patriotism into rooting for wars that benefit only Israel
>"Lets fuck up those sandniggers in the middle-East! Murica murica! That'll teach em'
>Generates immediate sympathy for Israel
>"Dang, Israel must have it hard dealing with these savages. They are truly our greatest ally afterall!
>Justifies widesweeping anti-freedom laws under the guise of protecting the goyim (patriot act etc)
>"Eh, I support these new laws. Our goverment needs these powers to find the terrorists"
You can go on and on. Alot more reasons than the "muh heroin" meme. Although thats a bonus for them

Do you have any of the pictures with the random damages to cars in the blocks surrounding the building? Like one care with be burnt to a crisp while the cars adjacent to it are completely fine? Those pictures are the biggest redflag for me)
It had to be some sort of massive direct energy weapon combined with pre planted charges at strategic structural points as said.


The V shape they did it old school and spew crap about everything else to misdirect you

So this is the projected asbestos fallout from the 9/11 attacks. Asbestos is known to cause a deadly form of lung cancer known as mesothelioma which can have a latency period from 20-50 years.

How fucked are you?

Was this shot from 7?


Trapped convection heat does, these buildings were insulated... Learn thermodynamics




rareflag user from last night. alright.

ever met larry?


well shit i forgot about that completely turned out they managed to prove and link it straight to CIA

I'd like to remind everyone that the PATRIOT Act was drafted up years before the massacre that happened 16 years ago, was completed months before, and our previous vice president was the driving force behind it. Those who voted against it immediately after were subjected to the attempted anthrax attacks with strains pulled from US Army laboratories. The PATRIOT Act also looks like child's play in comparison to previous NDAAs passed into law. Aside from civil liberties, it's the same old shit, US starts another controversial war to fund both the drugs doctors prescribe and rock stars OD on. More importantly about money, centralized banks and the military industrial complex. Enough said. The same rhetoric led to the Iraq shitshow, Israel once again sheds American blood instead of their own and oil big shots (including Cheney) decide their blood is not thicker than oil, until we are to the point where the war hasn't stopped and we've been dropping bombs, supplies, money, and bodies all around the world to combat terrorism in the name of freedom as our corporate owned entertainment/information hybrid known as the media would like us to believe. The cycle of funding and starting wars before jumping in continues. It's usually not the senators, the bankers, their children, etc. It's us and ours, for them and the real enemy.

Like this burned to crisp bus that was standing blocks away?

sup bro. yeah fuck Larry. Larry is a cunt.

Hi Sup Forums, I had an idea I wanted to share with you all. I spent some time researching it, so I hope you get something out of it. Thanks.

If I focus on tower collapse hypotheses, shills argue with me endlessly about physics or structural topics that few people understand. So instead I focus my energy on talking about how israeli spies were involved in 9/11, and how the Jewish lobby shut down investigation of those spies. The actions of the spies are well documented in an FBI and DEA report and summarized in a few excellent journalistic articles. Tower collapse theories are not documented by any official body.

FBI report on Mossad spies caught celebrating after first tower was struck
DEA report on Israeli "art student" spies who visited sensitive DEA and DoD locations

Spy Rumors Fly on Gusts of Truth - Marc Perelman - Forward
The Israeli “art student” mystery - Chris Ketcham - Salon.com
Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies? - ABC News
Carl Cameron Reports on Recent Israeli Spying - Fox News
web.archive.org/web/20011213022226/http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,40684,00.html (original article taken off of Fox News website by aggressive Israeli lobby)
What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks? - Chris Ketcham - Counterpunch.org

Then what was this heat coming from? Jet fuel that burned for months?


Read up on Operation Northwoods.

How and who proves why....Yinion Plan, and Israeli policy..also the kosher police state in America



Wow... Real evidence n shiieet

Is it Nikola Tesla technology that you're searching for


Yes heat can get trapped and turn into an oven with lots of materials to fuel it

Its hard to find evidence when the evidence is classified n sheeit. Nigger.


Please enlighten me what materials can be used as fuel for months on end while constantly being doused in water.

This isn't really shocking, when I fuck OP's mom dry, the friction gets to about 2400 degrees, and we're fine.

there was no such thing as molten st-

forgot pic

Ben "Our Guy" Garrison comes through again!

for the no-planers-it-was-cgi people, hoe do you explain the sound of the planes recorded by multiple people? Did they have large speakers projecting the sound throughout the city? A few examples:


or I guess the speakers had to be in the towers themselves so that the delay of the explosion would be heard at the correct distance/time?



>the no-planers-it-was-cgi people

are paid shills to discredit the truth movement.

right i know for a fact your full of shit your even hiding behind a fuckin rare flag proxy you fuckin cunt

>mfw you savaged user this much

The WTC didn't have asbestos in it retard. If it had, it wouldn't have collapsed.

We need to talk, how can i chat with you based arubabro

Dude, if you don't think explosives weren't used you are lacking in mental competency. The only way those buildings were coming down was by demolition. A plane wouldn't do the trick. 10 planes wouldn't do the trick. Have to destroy the steel columns. Also WTC 7 cane down without being hit by anything. (((Fires))) took it down. Lol

I'm tired of this bs, only dr Judy Wood discovered what really happened. And since there was a crane crash in Mecca 9.11 2015 and strange Teheran building "demolition" 1.19 this year then usual suspects are on the hook for this one. + Bibi liked it throughoutly, great for the star he said, fantastic. Not to mention they are buddies with saudis - top article on 0hedge atm.
Yes the planes were fake, yes some parts of the state apparatus must have been involved to down defense, no there were no bombs, nor was any thermite used. There were no pools of molten lava, nor necessary debris, nor floding of Manhattan, nor seismic impact corresponding to demolition. Use your brain, you have all the key searches here. I'm out, tired of the same bs. Been arguing with 3 shills at once this morning, it's pointless at this point. They can't use it in any civilised part of the world anyways - would be documented, the story would resurface as it is burried under all this garbage now and it would be game over for the usual suspects.

Hit the Ice was broadcast on cable network AMC on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, about two hours before the terrorist attacks on New York City.

Come in to the rabbithole



Vid related

We'll talk later, if you dont mind. I'm making dinner atm.

>be israeli, worked in intelligence and explosives for IDF
>visit Murca for a few months, work for mossad front Urban Moving Systems (UMS) in New Jersey for some extra spending cash
>oh shit it's 9/11 boys!
>hop in UMS moving van with my 4 jewbros
>drive to a sweet vantage point at Doric Tower Apartments in NJ. full view of both towers
>witness the first plane hitting. Mazel Tov!
>Israel now has hope that the world will now understand us
>high-five and hug buddies, take a few snapshots for the memories
>but then some puerto rican housewife sees us with her binoculars. creep
>bitch writes down our license plate number
>few hours later cops pull us over
>"officer, we are not your problem, palestinians are the problem"
>shit, too soon. he didnt' even tell us what we were being arrested for yet
>kvetching intensifies
>taken to the FBI
>FBI make us take lie detector tests all day and threaten us.
>the foreskin on these goys!
>Our boss at UMS leaves for Israel on 9/12, leaving behind his entire business without telling any customers or employees
>meshuggah reporter at fox news does story about us
>but... Jewish lobby saves the day
>returned to Holy Land immediately, bad goys apologize profusely
>reunited with tearful family, get interviewed on late night isreali tv, smoke a fat blunt, qt jewish grill sucks my dick
>conspiracy theorists write about me for years, but they can't do shit. Feels good to be jewish, lol

the only thing spoopy about 9/11 is tower 7. That's literally it. However, for tower 7 to be an inside job, everything else would have to have been. Jews are going to hell for a completely unrelated reason.

Why do you think they weren't related to 9/11?
What is non-spooky about their spying, and the fact that they celebrated the attack?

>thinks were shills
>uses whatsapp

yep cant see the problem there left/pol/


Nah, I never assumed you guys were

Does any other race get this kind of treatment? The media and government doesn't even love niggers this hard. What are we going to do about Jewish privelage

We never forgive, We never forget

Someone try to refute

For youngfags, here's the Israeli trifecta behind 9/11:

>Dov Zakheim
Head of the Pentagon on 9/11. Major Zionist. Certified rabbi during his short Pentagon employment. Left SPC, an advanced military aero company
specializing in remote/automated systems, for the Pentagon shortly before 9/11.

Elite Israeli soldier and paratrooper. Spoke fluent Arabic. Trained in hijackings in Israel. Was aboard Flight 11, first plane to hit the WTC.
Lewin is on record as the first casualty of 9/11. It's reported he was stabbed to death by Muslim hijackers before it hit the WTC. He was in seat 9B,
directly in front of an alleged hijacker in 10B. His peers in Sayeret Matkal (Israel's Navy Seals), say he could not have been stabbed to death
(see WND.com reports).

>Urban Moving Systems
These are the five "Dancing Israelis" arrested on 9/11 for celebrating Flight 11 hit the WTC, before anyone knew it was a day of terrorism.
They were seen photographing the flight hitting the WTC from Doric Tower apartments in Jersey.
Their names are: Oded Ellner, Omer Marmari, Yaron Shmuel, Paul Kurzberg, Sivan Kurzberg. Their boss was Dominik Suter, head of Urban Moving Systems.
After 9/11, he was questioned by FBI, then quickly sold his home, abandoned Urban Moving's offices (for which he was sued over),
and left for Israel with his wife. These five Israelis were there to document the attack, and to provide services and transport etc before the attack.
Possibly only two or three "were in on it."

Dov Zakheim handled the government end. The remote control tech with planes. The coverup.

Daniel Lewin led the operation aboard Flight 11, may have spearheaded much more.
He either sacrificed himself or parachuted out of the plane (not far fetched, given SPC tech at the time).
Lewin was a huge Zionist. His Israeli poet dad Charles Lewin hates US.

Urban Moving Systems - interns of 9/11. Israeli grunts. Arrested because sloppy.

not sure, the back story I remember was that the pic was recovered from a phone found in the rubble.
