Did the infowars broadcast just go dark on all platforms for anyone else right as Alex was talking about dropping all...

Did the infowars broadcast just go dark on all platforms for anyone else right as Alex was talking about dropping all he's been sitting on and that psych warfare jew Peiczenic was talking about how Alex is crazy for thinking they're gonna take out Trump and weirdly deflecting about how he should be talking about the hurricane instead???

Other urls found in this thread:


He's supposed to spill his guts in the 4th hour. We'll see if he makes it.

piecznik is a jew.

Is pieznik AJ's handler?

Hence "that psych warfare jew"

Ha my ID is "ehmehgerd4keq" with trip 4s, bonus

Alex's revelations are just like "happening threads" on /pol. It is the same shit all over again. Like Russia testing air intercept response times. North Korea testing rockets or whatever. I remember when he was hyping a happening for days. Turned out it was just Charlie Sheen being a truther, lol.

It will be nothing as always.


App is running.

>go dark on all platforms
>implying Alex pulled the plug himself
Nooo, never. Surely he's above that kind of dramaticism

Alex Jones is a jew who believes the official 9/11 story.

>Is pieznik AJ's handler?



I don't know about that. They seem to not like each other very much. Steve doesn't think too highly of Alex, you can tell, and Alex feels the same about Steve. This begs the question of why Steve goes on his show.

Yet Peiczenic blows smoke up Jones' ass constantly about how smart and astute he is... Probably just an old CIA trick to disarm him

Odd. The broadcast is a black screen.

steve pieczenik was the original FBI user

Alex is to stupid to relaizs he's being used to run an op. The establishment has been cozying up to jones. Rogerstone being one of them. Idk if he aware or not.

I got zilch

bullshit. piecznik is a kike

HAHA I rape babies

Peiczenic is FBI user according to senate user from this morning

>"FBI user" was never in the FBI

shocking isn't it

>"FBI user" was never in the FBI at any point

shocking isn't it

It's those pesky gluten-free reptilian vampire pedophiles again.

Also odd that when Peiczenik was arguing with Alex about the assassination plans, and how all the deep state guys are bragging about it, he said "we didn't warn Kennedy before he was assassinated"




Do they make trophies for everything? jfc




I was thinking the same thing. Today was revealing.

Alex is untouchable.

Alex Jones just admitted that he covered up black looting...
Idk what is going on now...

Steve sounded like a stereotypical Jewish grandpa when Alex asked him all this stuff about McMaster and deep state coup and Steve just goes
"Alex, I'm in the middle of a hurricane right now. Aren't you gonna ask how I'm doing? It's just rude-- here we have all these people without power and helping each other out, and the first thing you want to ask me about is some plot to take out the president? Be polite, start again and ask how I am"

I thought he was joking at first and then he kept running with it, you could tell Jones didn't know if he was kidding or not either

Steve Pieczenik is very interesting and knows a lot of stuff but he is cagey on what details he gives. Not sure if he is still plugged in with the CFR and the Shadow Government. Steve will often go into bullshitter sub-routines about former presidents having marfan syndrome and other stories. I want to believe him but he still isn't in my circle of trust completely.

>Steve Pieczenik is very interesting and knows a lot of stuff but he is cagey on what details he gives.
He was basically maximal autism during the election, LARPing as an insider to the Wikileaks action.
>Steve will often go into bullshitter sub-routines about former presidents having marfan syndrome and other stories.
Ding ding ding ding ding.

I half suspect he's cashed his old CIA chips to be in on the deep state propaganda action against Trump just to feel important again.

Do Not Trust.

Dr. P has been regularly confusing and angering his own audience on his blog and now website for years. His audience is smart, but even MIT Michael seemed to be having trouble figuring out how guys like Dr. P operate.

Best advice I can give is follow him in detail. It might take you some months to think back about something he signaled slyly. He's had to go ahead and be publicly wrong a lot in the past few years, but he damn well knows that comes with the territory, and that he's not going to be able to play it like he did before deciding to show himself in public.

>i don't even like marijuana
>but roger stone likes it
>makes me paranoid
>but still, it's a great plant

infowars is run by a ragtag bunch of stoners

i knew it

Watched that live yesterday. I get why he originally tried his best to downplay how bad the people of Huston are being fucked by "a small minority" cause the Jews want the race war to happen, so, I think a prudent response is to try and keep the fuse as wet as possible. On the other hand, one could also argue it's detrimental to not cover the prevalence of black looting because of the potential danger of people simply not knowing, and showing up at the wrong place at the wrong time and get raped by a pack of baboons.

Hopefully he "shoves it up their ass" as he said. Doubtful, though.

It was Binladen, not former presidents that have Marian syndrome.

Well I think Pieczenik is a somewhat a Trump supporter and isn't anti-Trump.
I think there may be some splits within the intelligence community about going full multi-cult anti-White, anti-America with the globalist agenda. I also thinks there are splits between major Oligarch factions, sort of the Industrialists vs. the Financialization crowd.
Nationalism has a real chance to revive America.

He said his sources confirmed that they've been drugging Trump for months, haven't seen the Peiczenic segment yet. Is Steve outing himself as a shill?

No Steve always strokes alex with complements and lip service

He very much is. Trump's campaign pretty much modeled the prior year's worth of Dr. P's writings (often fictional) about how the US could be turned around so as to achieve regime change against the neocons.

That was the early signal to me that there was a soft coup in progress.



He once talked about Lincoln having Marfan affecting his brain, also Kennedy having Addison's affecting his brain etc..

Right. That's because he's sewing together a narrative for his audience to thing along. You can't take CI guys at face value. They say what they say to control the minds of the people who listen to them. The good ones do this by weaving a potential reality out of truths.

That's what makes Sup Forums so powerful. "Anonymous" has been doing just this for years and thereby creating a CI-style beast that is what it is because that's what it knows and enjoys.

>potential reality
That's my boy alex.

Alex is a raging confabulator, but he has a huge platform, enormous entertainment appeal (just look at the endless threads about GAY FROGS or whatever else) and he's relatively easy to tug and play to get him to shout about this or that SKIP THIS BREAK THIS IS TOO IMPORTANT I KNOW I SHOULDN'T SAY THIS BUT OK
and then he blabs

So he's a goldmine for guys like Dr. P to both get a message out, be heard, and then get a massive fuss reaction and even more attention and debate about the issues that have been brought up. Dr. P took to republishing his AJ interviews with most of Alex edited out and these have become enormously popular at the same time they manage to more concisely communicate Dr. P's chosen narrative over Alex's. Smart move!

Infowar app is not loading audio or video
website is working fine though

It's obviously a Jewish conspiracy.


Dude they shut it down

AJ is awesome. Still watch the jerk.

>Does one bad thing
>Ignore all the other shit he's been doing for the past 40 years
>He's a jew now

>Thinking Alex has sources

He spoke to Trump twice in 2 years.
He probably got half a lead by Bannon once.
Don Jr probably said he liked Alex Jones once.

>AJ brings news after news for two years straight every day with new info based on his "sources"


The sun on the meadow is summery warm.
The stag in the forest runs free.
But gather together to greet the storm.
Tomorrow belongs to me.
The branch of the linden is leafy and
The Rhine gives its gold to the sea.
But somewhere a glory awaits unseen.
Tomorrow belongs to me.
Herr Ludwig! Sing with me!

The babe in his cradle is closing his eyes
The blossom embraces the bee.
But soon, says a whisper;
"Arise, arise,
Tomorrow belongs to me"

Oh Fatherland, Fatherland,
Show us the sign
Your children have waited to see.
The morning will come
When the world is mine.
Tomorrow belongs to me!



jews have decided to throw some crumbs to wait for the right wing revolt against zionist imperialism to subside then they will be back at it

Dr. P is in fact half Jew.

Lincoln had marfan syndrome

It's kind of messed up that trump hasn't done anything for alex even though he's abit crazy, he singlehandedly brought him more votes in the election than his entire campaign staff out together.

Nah he's straight up said on air that he's Jewish, did it the other week when a caller asked why they don't address world jewry on infowars

Few months ago Dr P was talking about the counter coup and how the white hats are in control and everything is fine. Fast forward to today and his comments seem way off the mark.

trump loves us more because we got green hats, user you dunce not everything happens in public

I know, I'm saying he's suddenly a (((jew))) when it suits you. In just one phone call you all forgot the last 40 years and now suddenly he's just a jew.

Fucking retards discrediting yourselves by the day.

You just negated the power by checking yourself.

That call was awesome. I couldn't believe Alex let him go on so long about Jew this and Jew that and you could see Alex's mind beginning to explode.

And then Dr. P was just like
>yeah, it's the jews

That was awesome.

It's not as if I don't know this shit about infowars, but it's still the most interesting radio to listen to and is more on point than most media.

Doesn't mean you don't keep in mind that they're probably all controlled opposition. In fact, with that premise in mind it's even more important to listen to them

Alex gets closer than anyone with a major platform. Even if he's completely legit, he would have to walk on eggshells like that or get shut down by the ADL

damn I missed this earlier. his radio feed went out, but the video feed was still going.

I switched to the actual Android InfowarsLive app (actual as in released by Infowars themselves) and the video feed was working, but the radio feed was dead.

so what the fuck was that shit Pieczenik was talking? wtf is going on?

and it was quite literally in the middle of that when the radio stream

Jones is controlled opposition? Are you retarded

I never rule it out, though it seems impossible to believe. I think if it's the case, then it's less that he's a sinister actor and more that he's misguided. But I genuinely enjoy listening to him.

proof? He is 70% entertainment 30% truth you are just to dumb to discern the two leaf. Do your own research and you will see almost everything Jones says has truth to it.

Only wifi, cellular data isn't working for me

I always called him the WWE of news.

Does that make him controlled opposition? You HAVE to know not everything he says is 100% factual, that's not his show. He's not trying to be the associated press.

I can't stand Steve. He basically admitted they assisted JFK in one of his recent videos. He appeared happy about it too. Shill...

Yeah it's a good move on Alex's part considering he wants to be the big important tip of the sphere guy. He's actually great for the scads of lesser platforms who dislike him and then are motivated to say more loudly whatever they think Alex is wrong about or leaving out.


Hes not controlled opposition he just cant go full retard on air. AJ was calling out Bilderbergs and trying to get into Bohemian Grove long before people even knew about these. Dude is genuine and extremely well read even if he gets it wrong sometimes.

everything he says is not true, they are exaggerations and that is the entertainment part but when you do your own research and follow the narrative, when he plugs stuff that is true it sticks out, then you see that he is trying to tell very relevant truths w/o getting shut down or sounding completely schizo.

That's a narrative Dr. P has been building for a long time about the means usable for regime change. I would suggest looking up what he had to say about having to take out Yeltsin for being ineffective after having worked to take down the USSR, and putting Putin in to run the show properly.

Then go on to find those odd posts he makes saying Putin is the root of all evil. His own audience freaks out calls him names because they don't get that it's just a threat to emphasize a particular narrative that could be used to undermine Putin.

Like I said, I like his stuff, I just try to keep an open mind which includes the possibility that he's a gatekeeper of sorts that fills you in on the "classified" stuff so that you feel like you know what's really going on.

Although even if that's the case, the spirit of rebellion and skepticism of the establishment that he instills in the masses cannot be a bad thing

He's a liar. He worked for State Dept and then globalist jobs, like a CFR. Said he founded and was an original member of Delta Force. Said he was on CIA anti terrorism task force. Hes a pencil pusher.

sounds kinda like fucking McMuffin lmao.

For example, he's a big time civic nationalist. I understand big tents bring big audiences, and he wouldn't get anywhere being racist, but I believe the race issue is what western civilization hinges on. So no matter how much truth he tells about the rest of it, this one critical misconception could undo everything

>tip of the sphere

Doesn't matter. That's why other platforms exist for people to graduate to, and many of those unabashedly pose the race question, and then people can decide if that's a relevant factor or not. Anybody who never graduates beyond Alex is never going to be more than "close enough" about anything, regardless of what you want to think about race as a key underlying factor.

Listen closely to the way Alex speaks. He often just lets his lips flap around, and so it sounds like he's saying "sphere." Even funnier, you can tell some of his staff really admire him because they'll start to pick up some of his pronunciation oddities.

>The 60-foot high memorial is shaped like the stump of a felled tree, symbolizing a life cut short.
>It is encircled by 51 concrete columns, one for each of the 50 states in the United States plus one for Washington, D.C., that nation's capital.
Max chutzpah.

Who keeps shilling this guy on here?