Should US annex Mexico?

US will get a lot of tacos, oil, silver, gold, hot chicks, cool weather and beaches, yes or no?

>hot chicks

pls paco, 90% of your population are gutter rats.

If anything the US should nuke Mexico.

Go back to guatemala you nigger.

We already get all your oil anyway.

we need them

Americans should get preference for small business loans in Mexico, and we should be able to send our kids to school there for free, as well as use your hospitals when ever we want without paying for anything. Also, we should be able to buy property in Mexico instead of merely lease it for a century. Deal?

marry, fuck, kill

We would annex poverty, AIDS, corruption, the most violent criminal organizations on earth, another boarder with no wall.
I like Mexico fine, but as Mexico.

Spics are ugly. I don't want to see more of them.

t. another spic.

Fuck all three, marry all three, let them have my children, then kill them, then fuck my daughters

>should the us become poorer and lower its average IQ by more than 10 points?

>And all we have to take in return is a hundred million Mexicans


Fuck off Emily

You make this thread everyday you nigger. We need a reason to annex you.

They're quite ugly.

Look into their eyes. They have no soul.


Yeah i can clearly see their penises.

>rinse and repeat until their mud blood has been thoroughly cleansed.

>hot chicks

Most of your women just turn into fat and short goblins past 21. Not to mention fucking retarded level IQ. Falling for the Latina meme is the dumbest shit you can do.

Won't happen. We're already killing dune coons in the Middle East for oil.

>not taking the latinapill
Theyre 56% white anyway. They cook. Clean. Crazy in bed. Just look at their mothers to know how theyll look in the future

Spic for yourself, Paco.
-a content spic

Mexicans are literally gypsy tier subhumans,if there is any semblance of inteligence left in the US they will not do it.Plus mexicans will be majority in about 60-80 years.Lestados unidos des america.

Massive shit load of illiterate welfare bums.
Never forget Mexico helped the Nazis in WII and cheered during 9/11.

We have enough Mexicans here as is. Why would we want to make more of them our citizens?

Just the north please, pretty much every girl is somewhat pic related.

fuck no. there are already too many people who can't speak english here

Mexicans are based bro-tier, I'm white and my best friend is a red-pilled Mexican

Let's go, annexico