How did you find this place?

When/why did you start coming on Sup Forums? Not just Sup Forums.

I personally have visited everyday since I heard this place was investigating PEDOsta's emails that were released by Wikileaks.

Other urls found in this thread:

A friend in highschool told me about Sup Forums. I really only would go to Sup Forums to find memes to send to my friends, but I really had no clue what this website was or how it worked. That was about 5 years ago. Fast forward to last year, around March/April 2016. I had become an avid reddit user, (not a cuck, just looking at the front page and more memes) and hopped on the T_D train pretty early on. I started to learn how to use the website during the great meme war. I never posted, always lurked. I still rarely post on here. Man the meme war was something special. After the election, I would come on here every day for the banter. Now, I come here every so often, almost always after I see something HAPPENING in the news. Kind of a terrible site, I think its funny but sometimes people are a little too racist with the name calling.

based man in tree brought me here

Back in 2007 when I found my dad's hidden folder of pictures of my kid sister, had a subfolder called "Sup Forums Hansen Fuel"

2010, a friend in London introduced me to it. Since then my life has gone to shit. thank you friend.

>trans channel muslim love

I always assumed that people were turned into conspiracy theorists by this place.

Turns out some people are retards before their first visit. Interesting.

Came for rare pepes, ended up turning full natsoc

Fuck off newfag who said you could post and what the fuck kind of shitty faggoty post is this

Go back you're not welcome

Lurk for at least 10 years and try again

came for porn stayed for dank memes

pretty much cured my porn addiction

11/10 post you can stay. All these newfags need to fuck right off back to ebaums world

I came from 9gag

Went to shut down the pool one day for the lulz.

OP is 100 correct on why I found and continue to lurk and occasionally shitpost

You are Literally autistic if you don't think there are conspiracies against you and your people going on in this world

Googled TheAmazingAtheist during my edgy teenage years and found an article about him on encyclopedia dramatica. Clicked around on that site and it kept talking about Sup Forums and Sup Forums until I eventually visited the site myself

After I got used to the gore and other such things I just stuck around

After usenet died, I switched to image boards and I found Sup Forums quite quickly.

A twitter account on Trutherbot that dropped libertarian red-pills. That was 3 years ago, I've been lurking ever since.

I was fucking this chick and she told me her bf was making a gay ass website so I decided to check it out for shits and giggles. Never thought I'd stay here more than him.

Is this an accurate recap of how the Habbo Hotel Raid golden years went? Need confirmation.
Also, it's just a fun watch in general.

Shit, forgot link.

I've been here pretty much since the site went up. I was literally searching something like "she-ra nude" and found this site.

I thought it was pretty stupid, no galleries and retards babbling next to the pictures as if anybody cared.

I didn't actually post anything or really read much of anything that anybody posted for years.

I am probably way too old to be here, I've never really related to any of you about anything.
But whatever, I'm a dramawhore, I love drama, I like seeing people bitch about stuff (but in an uncensored way, where people are not giving a shit about posturing to maintain some e-persona), I don't know why I like this kind of shit, I just do. And /n/new/pol has been perfect.

I'm not into the whole raiding shit, although I did help with sohh and with kimmoa, because it was just too godamn funny to stay on the sidelines.

I still fucking hate those stupid tryhard kids who were so concerned with not forcing memes that they buried "condoms a must" which could have been great (we found sohh's sysop's husband cheating when he got phished). You know who you are. Nippleheads.

Sweet blog newfag. How does it feel to be cancer in digital form

then go back to reditt nigger

Zimmerman trial. I should have left after, it could never be better

Also I started browsing at the end of april. I hate everything talked about Sup Forums and I was curious. Some youtube channels dedicated to Sup Forums culture and history helped me a lot to get into this.

Motivators made in the pre 2007 good old Sup Forums showed me the way, but I came only around 2009.

Mister metokurs earlier vids
Specifically the tumblr vs Sup Forums video

That picture. It's perfect.

I really can't remember how I got here or how long it's been. This place is a black hole.

Sup Forums raided the mlg pro forums over some faggot ass wedding/honeymoon contest back in 2007. Fucked our shit up bad

People kept mentioning it on NewGrounds and GoGaia so I decided to check it out for myself.


>be apolitical normie
>gamergate happens
>"huh that's weird, why is the media being so biased about this?"
>mizzou happens
>"wow that's really stupid, why is the media siding with crazy, overly-sensitive people here?"
>all my favorite websites turn into SJW garbage heaps
>see people get doxxed for having wrong opinions
>whole internet and news turns into leftist circlejerk
>"hmm Sup Forums is probably still alright, it is anonymous after all"
>"politically incorrect... that sounds promising"

Now there's no going back.


I came for funny images

This. Found Sup Forums because underage ban trying to be edgy on other sites.

Sup Forums memes, Sup Forums users shitposting on yt, pizzagate

Got here during the Scientology fiasco. Been here ever since.



when i noticed reddit is too cucked

I started coming to Sup Forums for the porn, around 2006 or so. I used Sup Forums for a bit but that quickly got repetitive. Then I used, and still use Sup Forums and Sup Forums somewhat casually to get some info on vidya or anime. Started checking Sup Forums around 2012 I want to say, maybe earlier. Mostly just looking for reaction to certain news and political events, and then started using it more and more since it's probably the best source of news out there.

some faggot named gungix from my old WoW guild introduced me to Sup Forums years ago

I heard about it on CNN

i played gmod idiot box on the gmod tower server as a kid when suddenly someone in the theatre would play a boxxy vid.
i fell in love with her and then i looked her up on youtube. then i read the youtube comments and saw someone mentioning Sup Forums.
thats when i first ended up on Sup Forums. after that /x/ and then Sup Forums.

If you are not here from before 07 please kill yourself because you will never experience Sup Forums.


Happened across Sup Forums when I was looking for anime around 2005-6, didn't start browsing Sup Forums till I watched the news and it said every country was in debt out of curiosity I looked for who this debt was owed to thus began this long and arduous journey maybe 2009-2010.

>be me at 13
>into anime
>cool pics on 2chan
>search forums for english anime site
>find Sup Forums
>see cp
>been here ever since
>become an adult and a parent
>get more into politics
>finally make the venture over

Out of curiosity did you find who it was?

I don't know how I found this place or how long I have been here.

he found out that the commercial system doesnt work that way.

Lurked here and there for good off color memes until the "abortion bill" incident.
Now I lurk every time there's anything in the news I want to know about or to get my Nazi fix for the day.

oh shit sorry
i accidently wrote gmod idiot box
i meant i played gmod on the gmod tower server.

2006: Find Sup Forums
2010: Get tired of Sup Forums
????: Return to find Sup Forums
2020: Reelect the Trumpster

It was during 9/11. Dark times.

>yfw Sup Forums is your home board


Wtf I can't triforce.

I got this reference

sup Sup Forumsros

Hanz is on the mark here learning about how banks operate with fiat currency, usury and fraction reserve lending should be staple red pills because of how easy they are to understand and money is at the core of all politics.

My name came up on this board in association with some videos related to the Berkeley riots. Since I am a Professor studying restorative justice from an anti-authoritarian perspective, I was very curious about the purported use of my bike lock to assault fascists. I am also interested in further researching poetic justice within the prison system, in particular the showers.

Holy fucking kek

mfw i discover Sup Forums ,then Charlottesville habbens a week later.

I used to go on Sup Forums and enjoyed participating in mass coordinated online pranks like getting Taylor Swift to go sing at a school for the deaf but then Sup Forums was created in 2005 which involved even better online pranks such as getting an orange tinged brash reality TV star elected as president.

I like it here do you?

When i was 14 a friend was watching rekt threads on Sup Forums and i was into beheadings andbother gore shit.So i started to lurk more and more and then i witnessed the birth of Sup Forums from /new/.
I was also a hardcore racist and loved national socialist asthetics so i loved Sup Forums in its younger years.This place has always been shit but back then we still had gore,raids,doxxings plus really good posts from time to time and no faggit spaceing.

>Sup Forums. after that /x/ and then Sup Forums.
The holy trifecta.

I got trolled hard in the ass in random forums and those fuckers were leaving hints, was 2011. Furries with dick and tubgal out gave me the rest.

I was a SA refugee
Originalfag here

Friend in chat talked about Sup Forums during a CS match in 08. Been off and on. I didn't really start digging in again until 2014.

After totse fell apart I joined one of the sites that sprung up from its ashes. Some guy was trying to get everyone to join Sup Forums because of how similar it was to that totse replacement site (shit talking and trolling).
Some years after i joined Sup Forums to see what happened and here I am.

Honestly can't remember. I used ytmnd a lot. Then some shit with newgrounds happened and then heard about Sup Forums. 05' 06' timeline. Been here ever since.

Found out about Sup Forums back in 2005 from

back in 2004 I was browsing the official Classic Battletech forums and some one pointed me to /tg/ been here ever since.

Years ago for anime.
Unlike you worthless redditfaggots coming here just to shit this place up.

Lurked Sup Forums for memes and fake greentext stories and slowly went over to Sup Forums with Sup Forums's decline. And Sup Forums.

I came to Sup Forums in 2006 originally. Spent a few hours on it before getting aggravated with the layout. I was pretty young and too stupid to figure it out. I didn't even really know what it was. Back then I was on all sorts of forums. One of the forums was some stupid French cartoon site called "gnomz". I was a bored 14 year old discovering the internet and playing diablo nonstop.

I rediscovered Sup Forums in 2009 and I browsed /adv/ and /new/ at first all day at work. Before Sup Forums I didn't have a home board. After spending some time here I feel like this is the only place that somewhat matches my political ideology and is full of anons with a sense of humor similar to my own.

You're here forever user. It's okay though, we're all here forever.

I found it whilst browsing on Tor ages ago. I started with Sup Forums but that was a cesspit, came to Sup Forums and lurked for a few years. Whilst I supported GamerGate I got tired of it on here, came back shortly after. Became most active last year for Trump and Pizzagate. Enjoyed making memes and infographs tbqh desu.

started out with /b got tired og the faggotry, always knew the world was shit even before /pol , started lurking more and more lost really good friends when trying to redpill them about the jews, wish i could turn back the time

Around '08 I started going to b and then I ventured to pol.