Why did the French forget the bataclan?

Why did the French forget the bataclan?

I remember the night the attack happened. Over 120 French civilians murdered in a single night by Islamic terrorist. And in the city of lights, one of the capitals of western civilization no less.

I remember thinking to myself that there was no way the French would let this go, there was no way a terror attack of this magnitude would go without retaliation or even discussion of banning muslims... yet somehow it did.

Why did the French turn the other cheek bros? Over 100 men women and children murdered in one night, and no action was taken.

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Because (((certain groups))) control the media and people forget everything if you dont remind them every year at last

Refugees welcome!!


French are cucks of the highest order

Main Stream Media enforced amnesia!

because French are cucks

It hasn't even been a year yet and they've already forgotten though. Over 100 people were murdered in a single night and we never hear about it anymore as a reminder which is ultimately what this tragedy serves as. It can't serve its purpose as a reminder of the dangers of radical muslims if no one actually does any reminding.

i would rather have been in the twin towers when the planes hit than in the bataclan that night desu

something so psychologically fucky about 4 gunmen shooting and blocking exits

French might forget but i never will. This night fucked me up hard.

>It hasn't even been a year yet
>November 2015

Apparently more than just shootings happened but it was never really confirmed
Bro hasn't it been two years?

For the same reason that the global leftist media is defending savage muslims that got fucked up by Budhists. Multiculturalism and Globalism

The only reaction was for our politicians to push a new gun ban unto the whole of the EU, never-ending state of emergency, new "patriot act", new "hate speech" laws, more state surveillance, more armed state goons on the streets, the right for cops to be armed even when they are not in service, guns can be confiscated at anytime from the people without any legal procedure, just whenever the local prefinct feels like it.
And most of the people aren't even aware of any of that shit, because they never used any of the few rights we had to begin with. The average Frenchman is so cucked that he doesn't even ask or want any right, he just wants the state to control absolutely everything in his life, and will welcome more state intrusion into his private life with open arms.
Coming next : a license to be able to use a chainshaw. I'm 100% serious.

>120 murdered
It was worse. The hostages were also raped and mutilated.

Oh shit my retard math aside I don't think two years is long enough to bury this incident either

Honest question, what would muslims have to do to actually finally get a response from the cucked masses? How much worse would it have to be than it already is?

Terrorism has no religion. Realize that the vast, VAST majority of muslims are peaceful.

ya, i read somewhere that a dude was hiding under the amplifiers with his gf and the fucking gun man detonated sucide vests and the explosion felt like getitng hit by a car even through the amps

they also apparently tortured everyone after etc

just imagine not being able to be one of the people who got out on time

Do I even need to point out your flag at this point?

Its not at all about how worse it is or not.
Its about how media is reporting about it.

Also lets face it, the Terror we see recently has way smaller dimensions than the regular crime we saw by non european migrants for the last 20 years. Yet nothing happend in all that time, its all the media and the (((people who control it)))

Hey, I put a French flag filter on my facebook profile pic -- I did my part!

Why did they murder Tetris blocks?

Also remember when Sup Forums thew firecrackers at the bataclan vigil? That was fucking funny.

You're right, now I feel like I helped the terrorists by not doing that myself. Gosh darn it!

no one died at the bataclan, it was another hoax

Attacking the Louvre is going to be it. If there's no French response after that, it ain't never coming. If it does kick off, London will go on the same night.

Liberals do not not feel empathy, they just want to look trendy. they don't really care that people are dying and forget as soon as the medias stop talking about it.

>I remember the night the attack happened
I started a thread about 9/11 a couple of hours before it happened. It went slow at first, but then burst in flames.

Russian anons were impressed.

Easy access to entertainment and distractions.

Dopamine dulls the pain.

this. the French are notorious cowards

Very few modern Europeans feel anything at all. Look at their dull eyes, their apathy, their total lack of any assertion outside of the hedonistic. Look at the modern European, largely ignorant of our past, and uncaring for anything that we were or what we could become.

>the whole purpose of this sort of culture which we live in today, as Evola and other thinkers have put it, is not to have transcendence at all. It’s to keep man at a certain level. Ultimately, a level of consumption. The expulsion of energy, the repletion of energy, the consumption of goods, the depletion of the consumption of those goods, the need to consume even more of such goods.

Unless we can regain that sense of the transcendent - the religious urge - we'll never have enough energy or passion to defeat what plagues us: our own sense of defeat before the battle has taken place.

I remember telling my brother that ISIS fucked up this time.
>You do not do something like this to a NATO nation and get away with it. Get ready to get nuked.
But nothing happened. I'm still sad about it. I thought we were the most cucked but it's every western country. We are all fucked

The neighborhood around the Bataclan remembered by voting Macron 95-5

> Because most frenchs are cowards and faggots whom deserve nothing but death

> Just another west european country that needs a cleaning

As I said, it's largely a spiritual issue, one of a sense of divine purpose even in the mundane. All these terrorist attacks would never happen to a mass of people with some sense of spiritual strength, not just because the Islamists wouldn't dare provoke such a mass, but also because they'd attack and defeat the assailant by their awareness of their larger numbers.

The reason these attacks are so devastating is because most people feel themselves to be alone in a crowd, and without support, and therefore flee and make themselves easy prey for the attacker.

bah, there is so many terrorist acts, Bataclan feel like another day!
part and parcel already.

What can be done?

We forgave our guns, and lost control of our country that day. We cannot fight back against the Muslim hordes, we cannot fight back against those that lead them against us, we cannot fight back against those that took our guns.

No matter what we ever say, no one will take us seriously if we're not holding a gun. They can easily drown us under fake protests, lead us against one another, forcing us to waste our time, energy, and what little remains of our resources just to fight this pointless war, which will never end because no side has the means to take down the other.

And if weed want to up the game and fight back for real, we'd be facing the lowest odds of any conflict ever, and most of us, too scared to rebel and lose what little they acquired, would rather oppose it. We're backed in the tiniest corner ever, and if you have a solution, all of France is listening. But we're not seeing any realistic solution, aside from completely suicidal ones, and we're just not down to that yet.

Fucking kike, we hate them without you trying to reignite a fire you backstabbing nation undermining rat.

We need revenge...
One man have to sacrifice his life and become the next crusader...

I think I teared up when it happened. My attitude has since changed about the French. Fucking faggots.

They need to forget so they can remember the newer attacks.
Eventually they'll forget what it was like to live in a country without everyday violence. The joys of diversity.

Thats only one part of the problem, the austrians can have guns, yet they wont do shit against the massive ammount of rapefugee crimes.

Guns will be usefull, but only after the system has collapsed (what will happen at some point)

That insulting cartoon of a weeping "everyfrenchman" is part of it. The managed culture has a process for normalizing and forgetting. Remember it is their position, not that they will do their jobs, but that you will just have to get used to this. So you are allowed to wimper like a conquered little bitch with the expectation that your womanish emotions will never lead to any sort of resolution.

This is the ultimate weapon that has been inflicted on us. Not the loss of guns, not really, but the loss of a desire to use them in the first place.

This is why America has more guns than people but is still heading to minority European status after 8 years of a black leader.

The spiritual and the emotional defeat came long before it existed in reality. Many dissidents behind the Iron Curtain had said much the same thing, like this from Solzhenitsyn:
>We don't even fear universal nuclear death, and we don't fear a third world war. We have already taken refuge in the crevices. We just fear acts of civil courage.

It's also worth remembering that two of the most fearless anti-Soviet dissidents - Solzhenitsyn and Walesa - are religious men.

This is why I talk about a loss of spiritual courage and a group-soul that emboldens people as a collective. People today throughout the West live totally trivial and atomised lives. Unless we can fix this all political, economic, or military, conversations are pointless.

>one of the capitals of western civilization no less.

>(((western civilization)))

the muzzies have one good thing about them the kill faggots and other degenerates.

Bush didn't go after Bin Laden either.

i was in living in the 11th when this happened. Was with friends seeing a movie (spectre, horrible)when news of the attack started spreading. In the days after the difference between rhe paris souche and te invaders was evident firstly in demeanor. The blacks and north africans were biting their tongues to conceal half smiles, their self control wojld fade when they got drunk and would start relativizing the event against so called past injustices. The further you went toward belleville and the outskirts the more bold they became, the more prominent the aura of celebration.

The french dont like to speak of it because they are proud culture susceptible to shame, when is the last time you heard a frenchman utter a word about vichy

for all of their interest in psychoanalysis, they compulsively fail to realize the impact of failing to examine trauma lucidly, for all its ugliness, and thiis attitude of avoidance reverberates through the culture. no one is better than the french at leisure. no one is worse than the french at facing and confronting violence. Precisely invert that paradigm and you have their main enemy -- moors -- joyless animals who however revel in violent cultural conquest. france is doomed.

Guns themselves are useless and meaningless.
The reason enemies of the Constitution babble about rifles that are never used in crime but are silent about Chicago handguns is because of the crucial meaning of negative rights: is government a freely entered contract applying natural laws or a god who does whatever he likes?
Europe must push for negative rights and expect that this will take at least a decade (for every year of which, the German will whine, "there is no point").
tldr y'all niggers need Castle Doctrine and the right to self-defense.

>Bush didn't go after Bin Laden either

i wonder why becuase he was a literal cia operative and supported by the us?

This, now too late we see that the irreplaceable value of faith is precisely that it is not science.

How can this guy say that? Bush was right there every time a Bin Laden needed a jet ride.

Make a flag photo on FB
Not all muslims are like that blablabla
Hug shitskins
In that order everytime

We can have guns too. It just takes forever to get anything, and it's not as accessible as in other countries.

And then, Austrians aren't French. The French spend all their fucking time complaining about everything and wishing for a revolution. It's in our genes since forever. Simply we don't have the guns to put it into action, otherwise, we'd have a revolution every saturday.

That's true. Men today are mostly pussies. They don't even have any sort of outdoors hobby, and things like hiking, camping, hunting, fishing, are things of the past, it's too "manly", plus you have to get outside the comfy big cities with Starbucks at every corner to do it, where there's no data network. Even our military is cucked to oblivion, especially in the highest ranks. Most French would just refuse to fight if a war occured, and just flee elsewhere, refusing to defend others, and even to defend themselves.

Guns would certainly help push that "male" culture that's slowly vanishing, and push again that idea that all French people are bound by a non-written pact, to protect each other, and our country, against aggressors. Maybe our ancestors should have written it down, because this implicit and obvious pact is long forgotten now.

dont forget the puppet dictators the set up
and the opuim wars!
before you start calling out muzzies see what the goverment (((kikes))) did.

You are talking about french here. They have never experienced muslim battles on their soil, they do not know how to react, especially in this day and age when they have the option to keep quiet and their eyes closed so that their comfy lives can go on for another year. France was good at fighting battles in foreign countries when their enemy was at its weakest as opposed to on their own soil on equal grounds. Way more will die and when they will wake up it will be too late. France died at the French Revolution and the corpse had an involuntary spasm between 80s and early 00s that (((they))) got scared. Then came the accelerated downfall. The worst gypsi neighborhood in Romania is more safe than some parts of Paris. Let that sink in before you faggots enter defence mode.

>and no action was taken.
except shooting him? to death?

> Teach us senpaï

Oh common, you could use Trucks, knifes, bombs and what not. But you wont, you and your people are pussified like the entire western civilisation.

Let it go, the west is lost and this is due to our weakness, yours as well as mine.

The first to intervene were the military. Well, they had no right to intervene, so they remained outside the Bataclan, with their military training and loaded FAMAS, waiting for the police, while listening to the shots and screams.

Took some time to kill them.

Because banning muslims is unworkable in the real world, where legal and political mechanisms exist to protect religious freedoms ect. You're asking why French society didn't spaz out and immediately abandon democracy to reinvent itself overnight.

Grow up.

Or don't, and continue to be the perfect foil for mainstream opposition to your point of view. Whatever.

>Oh common, you could use Trucks, knifes, bombs and what not.
Against who?

Our elites are protected by a militarized police, and ghettos are filled with illegal guns and bombs. Do you realize we're held at gunpoint by both sides?

Read about the scientific revolution. We dont need religion. All tue problems youre listing belong to the working class.

Your ancestors conquered Europe not mine. With such a proud and rich history, how some of you became the fucking traitorous cucks is beyond me. I mean, (((they))) brainwashed en masse but fucking hell, only the opening of one of your history books should have erased any indoctrination instantly. The other way is to do it Eastern Europe way - be at war with them constantly for a couple of centuries while no one around you gives a shit. Bonus if they want to kill you as well. You'll get quite a new world view in a couple of generations. I've heard that the countryside is still French both in ideology and genetically. Still some hope.


It's the discussion no people on the right are having, because it starts with the accusation that what is happening is largely self-inflicted, at a cultural level. We gave up our collective spirit, the volfgeist if you will, in order to live shallow lives of hedonism and excess. People feel that as long as they can get drunk, watch television, fuck randoms, and work a shitty job in between, their lives are set and that's all they need.

But you can see in the cultural mood of people that they're profoundly lost and alienated from everything around them. And they believe that as long as they can continue such carnal lives their needs are being met.

I believe that a large part of the anger people feel against Christianity, and the Christian traditions, is because they feel as if it has betrayed them and left them adrift and meaningless.

> [Heidegger joined the Nazi party] because he believed that you cannot have a society where death has no meaning, because life has no meaning. And you cannot have a society which bases itself upon the absence of the religious urge, however you define that urge and whatever system you use. Because if you do the reverse you will end up with a society which has two values beyond subsistence: Shopping and Fornication.

All of these attacks would be pointless without the collective backing up the one that did it.

There wont be a defeat of the elite this way or another, the west is to pussified to take on a fight such as this, if you would have it in your genes you could fight it anyway. But you wont, because you are just another weak faggot, just like me and everybody else here.

Let it burn, the west will get its punishment by its own actions

They fought the muslims at Tours.

The most sickening thing about this was the amount of information that was silenced by the French police and government officials. Like the fact that the attack was livestreamed, all the rape that took place, the beheading while people were alive, the genital cutting off while men were alive, and having their own dicks and balls shoved in their mouths while they were alive. It's unbelievable that all that was suppressed, and that when it did finally come out, it was a slight blip in the news, followed by silence from the people of France.

Because Macaroni told them it's part of normal life and to get used to it.

Fuck censorship.

>We dont need religion

We clearly do. A culture that doesn't have an element of transcendent will and drive to the divine will ultimately perish, because they'll have no weapon to fight against those who do not fear death because of their religious drive.

Nothing is forgotten, it will all blow over sooner or later, which isn't really a good thing.

Because their nation has nothing in common other than wanting to invite more Muslims in. They don't care if their own countrymen die.

>The most sickening thing about this was the amount of information that was silenced by the French police and government officials. Like the fact that the attack was livestreamed, all the rape that took place, the beheading while people were alive, the genital cutting off while men were alive, and having their own dicks and balls shoved in their mouths while they were alive. It's unbelievable that all that was suppressed, and that when it did finally come out, it was a slight blip in the news, followed by silence from the people of France.

Don't be so islamophobic, these crusaders had it coming for their crimes against muslims.

t.typical european leftist

>But you wont, because you are just another weak faggot
Not a kamikaze bomber for sure, because as you said it, that's all we can do: mimick their actions, except they work for common, unarmed people, not against the police, military, or shitskin mafias. I think we'd do even worse than them if we tried.

Unless we get our hands on a magical provision of guns, we'll have to wait for the day death is preferable, and that day, the French surely will go out with a bang.

No, there was an inquiry, it was debunked. People who said people had been tortured or else didn't know what a gunfire wound looked like. They thought taking a bullet of AK47 would make a neet little hole and there would be a few drops of blood spilling. People don't know what war looks like. That's why they were confused.

LOL. Someone just decided "yep, better take a pic real quick before emergency services get here"
bad false flag is bad

stop being a cuck
they only create such threads to call cucks like you
just ignore those niggers

>What if history led us to the point where east europe becomes the shelter for what's remain of proud and non-degenerate west europeans and together, east europeans and what's left of the west work together, unite, prepare and take back the world which belongs to them by blood right

>What's if that's actually the only solution to it all ?

good posts

Read what I've been saying. Modern people are so drowned in their own hedonism and consumption that they barely feel anything at all.

It's as if they were shocked by someone springing from the bushes shouting "boo!", and they immediately started masturbating in order to orgasm and override the fear response with one of pleasure.

People will not be affected enough by any of this enough to act, lest their risk what little comfort they have.
>A very large part of the British people today consists of lazy, mindless, scruffy and indolent slobs, lacking even the elementary personal pride that is the basis of pride in nation and race. They chuck litter about our streets with the same abandon as they get drunk in foreign tourist resorts, bringing disgrace upon their country as much as they annoy the local citizens and police. Young football mobsters are the worst of these species and, although they may be deemed a small minority of the population, are nevertheless a minority not equalled anywhere abroad.

>Another large part consists of those who are sober, respectable folk, who behave properly in private and in public, who do an honest day’s work, who look prim and smart and who observe the law but who are total sheep when it comes to political awareness, let alone political action, and who have cultivated the faculty of isolating themselves behind their double-glazed windows and privet hedges into a little private world of their own in which they are responsible only for family, home and job and can ignore the filth, squalor and bankruptcy of the country around them.

>Will a nation today compounded mainly of these two elements “wake up” and take its destiny into its own hands, turning on its misgovernors and recovering its will to greatness? Not a chance!

John Tyndall was talking about us, but it also extends to the larger population of all the European brotherhood.

Your reply makes no godamn sense you fucking imbecile.

Nobody forgot you fat pièce of garbage

Diversity is the categorical imperative of Western nations. It doesn't matter how much it harms them, it must be seen through for the sake of itself.

no, I'm asking why the French made no measures to ensure that hundreds of civilians couldn't be murdered in a single night by radical religious fucks. I'm asking why it took the police 2 hours to go inside the bataclan. I'm asking why the French don't give a shit that their armed forces stood down.

i've never even heard of this happening.. although the word 'bataclan' does seem familiar. thanks for the info OP.

Because Sportsball is on, and the attack only lasted a night.

>I'm asking why the French made no measures to ensure that hundreds of civilians couldn't be murdered in a single night by radical religious fucks.
Measures have be taken. Bad ones, not a plain ban of all muslims, but hey, stuff was done.

>I'm asking why it took the police 2 hours to go inside the bataclan.
Because no one took proper care to warn the police, and once they did, the first on scene were military, that were ordered to stand down.

>I'm asking why the French don't give a shit that their armed forces stood down.
We do give a shit.

Try being better informed next time.

In place of religion and fearlessness we have intelligent, pragmatism. The west is on top of the food chain because of this.

>all that blood smeared about as if the bodies were dragged around

Any ideas what cause this other than it being a hoax?

bruh that baby is gonna vomit when it grows up and realizes it has breast fed from that hairy ass saggy man-tit.


Where is the intelligent pragmatism in allowing Muslims to rape without punishment but jailing people for saying that that shouldn't happen?

Nope. That picture doesn't ring any bell. Weak attempt at making us islamophobic OP.

They cut off guys genitals and put them in their mouth

How the fuck does it produce milk??