How did you first get red-pilled?
i lived near black people
Bush and Kerry were both running against each other but they were both from Skull and Bones. That's when I first understood we had no choice at all.
By Hacking the CIA
Years ago when I got called an anti-semite and attacked by a bunch of Israeli shills for talking shit about the neocons. I'd never thought about the Iraq war and the neoconservative political movement as a jewish racial thing before that, and I suddenly realized I didn't know dick about dick.
moving to the USA, dealing with POCs for the first time
sort of went this way too
I went to a middle school that was 50% nigger.
I then found Sup Forums around 2006 and laughed at nigger/kike jokes
>Over one year ago
>Southpark SJWs are funny lmao
>Look up their song on Youtube
>End up on PJW due to recommended videos
>See more of his videos then discover The_Donald
>Discover Sup Forums, Murdoch Murdoch, JQ, etc.
why is the first post always the most accurate post
Wiiliam Cooper's "Mystery Babylon" series
Everyone should listen
>daddy, whats wrong with those people?
Pic related.
Love him. I think I'll see him go down guns blazing full 88. Like many of us.
>Wiiliam Cooper's "Mystery Babylon" series
What the fuck is that?
Idk I was red-pilled since I can remember. Probably bcs my whole family always was
Born ready
Super redpilled dude.
Died 20 years ago.
Mystery Babylon is the truest form of redpill
You don't get it. He has to play the game.
He said muslims run the FED.......
being homeless during my "best years"
During the run up for Brexit and realised how cucked the lefty remainers are.
My father grew up in the hood and so did I technically. Went to school with a lot of blacks and minorities so it built up over time.
The CIA owns him. If he doesn't say certain things, he'll be killed. I've said too much already.
Going to a public school in California and dealing with niggers and mexicans everyday.
I visited Louisiana...
The Zimmerman Trial
It seems like the only way to avoid that in CA is having a lot of money
i was born and still live outside of NYC.
when i was 6 walking to a bodega with my aunt in jersey city, i heard gunshots on the way and saw two niggers hop a fence in ski masks and run away with two duffel bags
>grew up in a black neighborhood, but made friends with the neighbor kids
>grow up always believing in the far left stances
>used to say shit like "Yes, Obama should be king. Monarchies are more efficient than republics. You don't need to own a gun, and some Communist policies should be implementated."
>go on youtube one night, see that they're having some sort of gay pride thing
>immediately after they had one
>see all of the videos on the front page are just "brave" coming out videos
>ask myself "How is it brave to say you're gay in this society where everybody heralds you as a hero for being gay?"
>Immediately start noticing cracks in reality, notice that affirmative action is just discrimination, that the Duck Dynasty dude lost his job just for saying that the Bible says something
Now I listen to Moonman every night to help me sleep.
proof NYC area is the most redpilled on the planet
my views haven't changed since before i hit puberty
I've been redpilled since I was a small child because I'm intelligent
I took the blue pill
It all started with bohemian grove, been traveling the rabbit holes since
>my dad told me about the shadow government when i was a kid, even showing all the symbology on the dollar bill.
>then i played mgs 2 when i was around 11 and i started connecting the dots.
>9/11 happened
>8 years of bush
>8 years of obama
>redpilled deep down, but too indoctrinated to actually know it or do anything about it
donald trump winning is what broke my conditioning. the whole campaign and just all the redpills i was swallowing daily turned me into a completely different person.
i only recently started getting into race realism, so i still have a ways to go.
By my government taking my blue pill as it was a illegal weapon.
that millennials are so bluepilled shocks me
we lived through 9/11 and 2008 in the least white country we've ever had with more access to information and examples of blatant censorship that we've ever had
we should be an entire generation of right wing militants, but we're 90% bluepilled faggots
They've been on Sup Forums for god knows how long and still don't know what the redpill is.
The redpill the Holohoax and nothing more. Not SJW issues or politics or race. It's the holohoax because the entire matrix of the shit you mentioned is totally built on it. The entire MODERN WORLD is built on this one lie invented in the 1970s.
Redpill yourselves anons and stop being posers.
Also William Cooper is a /x/ retard who leads you down endless rabbit holes like Jones.
This pushed me over the edge from having occasionally Archie Bunker-ish views on minorities to going full 14/88 GTK RaHoWa NOW.
It's been a wild ride, and I find all it takes to redpill folks is to simply, plainly state the facts vis a vis blacks and crime or jews and academia/government/culture and plainly rebut their emotional-appeal answers with fact-based reasoning until they've exhausted their emotional energy and realize that they have nothing to show for it when it comes to actually countering their ideas.
I was listening to Neal Boortz and he played this
Long fucking story, but it's my OC copypasta, read it or don't whatever.
I attended a majority Asian boarding school, and saw ethnic tribalism first hand, but did not think much of it. I wanted to be better than the 'rednecks' and 'oppressive Christians' from my home town. Pursued an anthropology major but dropped out. In retrospect, the cultural relativism and marxism and (((other))) influences was strong,and maybe I was unconsciousy rejecting it. I worked for several years in a substance abuse and mental health facility. Very eye opening on the failures of both culture and the state government.
I went on a long backpacking trip to Japan (one may call me an outdoorsy weeaboo). It was great to see a society with such pride and history, and less overt crime. I now realize it is mostly because of homogeneity. I also admired Scandinavia (more on that in a bit), but did not realize the same truth.
I'd been a passionate environmentalist for years (raised in the Scouts, and if you don't care for the land, why fight?), and even delved into anarcho-primitivist ideology (Derrick Jensen). Milquetoast, facebook, HarryPotter-obsessed neoliberals had always disgusted me as vaucous hypocrites.
Ferguson etc. happened while I was doing a national service program in heavily black and hispanic areas across the country (and once, hilariously, in an OrthodoxJew neighborhood-the memes aren't far off!). Poverty and generational trauma alone couldn't explain or excuse all of what I saw and heard of, but I was in denial.
Started reading /redpill/ 6 or 7 years ago.
Found that website at google when i tried to search "how to get girls" or something lol
obviously i know about the holohoax. everything i stated is what lead me to look into it.
i had lots of family, friends, teachers and others around me who constant lied and made false promises. Im so used to it that i have a perfect bullshit detector like a 6th sense. The only thing a have to do is stay truth to myself and the liars would eventually collapse on their own unable to maintain their bubbles of dreams and fantasies. Eventually the Truth will always prevail, even if it takes lots of patience. At the end it's the Truth is the only redpill you need.
pt 2
The Primaries began and I was a Bernie Bro. Here is the thing, I saw Japan and Sweden/Finland (had been a big fanboy from metal bands and cross country skiing), and I wanted America to be like that. I thought Bernie could aid that. I was not aware though, how Sweden was falling.
I briefly dated a trans girl for a while (did not do anal!), sure, call me a degenerate or a fag. But through her and her fellow friends I realized how incredibly delusional, entitled, damaged [from abuse, drugs and (((porn)))], imbalanced and subversive they all are. Not at all like the brave or saintly image media wants to push. On top of everything else wrong with them and how they are useful pawns of the enemy, they really do want to live life on "easy-mode." Of course beyond virtue signaled coddling, it don't work like that. Anyway.
DNC corruption was evident and alienating in the primary. I had been delving into some soft redpills from the likes of Jack Donovan in regards masculinity being under attack and global consumerist culture being awful. I highly recommend him for normies. He is gay, but the world would be far better if more gays were more like him. He is a bit of an edgelord, sort of the mirror-Milo.
After going crazy for a few days after the election like most lefties, I wanted to understand the Trump voter. I am from a rural plains state but was living in Seattle, so I had already grown tired of my coworkers' mocking scorn of any person in red states. At this point the SJW, anti-male, anti-white rhetoric began to accelerate. I still thought of myself as an "ALLY," but I was increasingly alienated by incendiary (now obviously cutural Marxist) rhetoric. So I talked to all my Trump-voting relatives.
when I was old enough to date females
I agree. You can also blame it on status signaling via social media to whatever (((they))) want to push.
Good stuff, keep posting.
pt 3
I started getting into Libertarian and Civ-Nat youtubers like StyxHexenHammer666, Aydin Paladin, Blaire White (I know), Sargon and Molyneux who lined out and broke down an increasing array of leftist foolery. Researching the Election itself, I learned about memetics (kek!) and discovered Styx's video on Red Ice. whooo boy.
Red Ice was my first full AltRight media experience. I learned about the rapes and crimes in Europe everyone was ignoring. The Social Democracy in Sweden I idolized and wanted in the US was falling apart due to an invasion of violent savages adherring to an incompatible religion. Germany was worse off and UK and France and the USA not far behind.
Learned about South Africa! This was almost as big as the Europe crisis for me.
Red Ice and Sup Forums redpilled me on the reasons and interests behind demographic replacement. Kalergi, Frankfurt school, Barbara Specter. Startrd to explore JQ.
Antifa's shenanigans in Berkeley confirmed I couldn't identify with any strains close to anarcho-communism like maybe I did at 23.
Moved onto Jared Taylor and more AltRight channels. Started reading Evola and MacDonald.
Learned about the Weimar republic. Rhodesia, and the current genocide in South Africa.
I have always been up for physical health and challenging myself, but now I am growing professionally and putting down roots to make myself a more attractive husband and prospective father. I am helping my family more. And training with firearms.
And actually I feel like a stronger environmentalist now. I am conserving the land for my children and people's health and spirit. Not just because of an abstract ethic.
I can no longer unsee the ways the (((media))) programs us.
learning about the bible in school when I was 14 we had a lesson around the Jews that were enslaved in Egypt and the plagues that God brought upon the Egyptians, I innocently asked "why does everyone hate the jews?". I noticed how the teacher suddenly became very defensive and asking why I was being rude. I asked again, this time explaining that in History class we are taught about the Nazis wanting to kill all the Jews, in Religious studies we are taught about the Jews being enslaved, and that we keep hearing about how the Jews have had a hard time in the past.
Teacher tells me I shouldn't call them "jews" but should call them "jewish people" and that I should learn to be more respectful to people and their faith. She completely brushed off my innocent questioning and wrongfully accused me of being hateful in front of the entire class. Needless to say that stuck with me and after nearly a decade of looking into these things, the truth has been somewhat revealed. Wherever the jew roams he uses cheap tactics to steal money, he clips coins (as documented numerous times) to melt the scraps into more coins, he lies and scuttles about in the darkness causing misery and hurt for self gain like a vampiric bottom feeder.
Its the mindset of the Jew that is most apparent nowadays; believing that they are without blame when knowingly committing an immoral act to feed their greed by suggesting "What does it matter if I have done this? Somebody else will do it if I don't...". It is this justification of sinful greed at the expense of others that will always render the Jew as an enemy to humanity.
Yeah, but I find that's a shitty one to open up with when you're trying to redpill new minds. You need to have them aware of Jewish political/financial/cultural influence and what ends they use it to pursue, first. Once they understand that, it's not too hard to have them understanding why Hitler might want to round (((them))) up and strip them of their political, financial, and cultural power.
When they understand the parasitic nature of the rootless Jew, only then they will understand why losing that power was such a big deal to them, and why they'd go to such lengths as fabricating the holocaust to ensure that white nations would never again call them out on their typical Jewish bullshit.
Went to a wedding full of (((New Yorkers))) this summer. They really are smug bastards. When your power-level is hidden, and everyone's drunk, those merchants will be candid with a good goy about their hopes and plans.
I try to drop subtle pills on FaceBerg now for my overwhelmingly far left friends... Mostly on the crisis in Europe, and antifa. Mixed results. I know I will be outed someday. I hope to make some new friends so I am not alone when that happens.
Hoping to have some kids before the war starts. But I realize that is a longshot with my advanced age and poor financial decisions I made in my life.
TL;DR: Europe rapefugee crisis and South Africa was the turning point, really.
Stefan Molyneux on his truth about trump series
>Sylvi Listhaug
I moved from Louisiana to Washington State and somehow became more red-pilled in this libtard state
>Building up a long time
>Anti-Republican because of the neocons
>Leaned against Hillary because she is a war mongering neocon
>Then Feb 2016, Hillary launches 4 months of #BernieSoWhite smear
>(Secretly rooting for anti-interventionist policies of Trump by the end)
>Wikileaks, Seth Rich happens. Bernie sabotage uncovered, buried by media #pissedoff
But the final red pill was:
>Me: follower of Stephen F. Cohen at the Nation
>know the truth about Russia and the Ukraine
>"Muh Russia" narrative starts
>PropOrNot.com happens, targets CounterPunch, AntiWar.com, other leftie sites I like
>Wall-to-wall 24/7 Russia hacked the election narrative
After that:
>Started reading the other sites on propornot's list
>ZeroHedge, every day.
>See Paul Joseph Watson videos. "Holy fuck, what's happening in Europe?!?!?!?"
>Watch Molyneux, and he convinces me of the inherent degeneracy of leftism and identity politics.
>People are actually burning signs that say "Free Speech" at Berkeley. WTF.jpg
>Still don't trust the zionism of infowars or breitbart.
>Watson retweets nontolerantman
>nontolerantman retweets St Frexit, and Mr Darcy
>Read Mein Kampf, Turner Diaries
the fuck? what libs ever said "obama should be king?" you one of these people who demands kings and needs a strong man to lead you and shit?
>ask myself "How is it brave to say you're gay in this society where everybody heralds you as a hero for being gay?"
This is the dumbest shit i've ever heard. you are aware of context right? Like how gay people were discriminated against until only very recently? And this sort of thing was the way we got gay people the right to marry and shit?
Also all you red pill fags... you know that whole thing comes from a movie made by two trans siblings where the red pill is given by a black man to a man questioning capitalism? The matrix is capitalism and the red pill shows you the system is rigged to keep us all complacent. You understand that right?
I hate to admit it, but it was Gamergate.
that's because the sheer amount of lies woke you up
I got fully red pilled after trump anounced his running for presidency back in 2015
May nigga Polo hip me 2 da site back in the 0nina. Been bussin at likes ever since senpai
In short: Trump election
I was like 13-15 started reading online about ww2 and fell into the rabbit hole.
Retard alert
Gamergate did it for me.
Redpill is a term invented by two trans women anyways, don't be so autistic
People either forcing me to say things or say that I as an adult with the right of free speach can not say something is an act againts my right as a human and everyone else's right. Therefore becoming redpilled
Was I leftist when I was a kid, grew up and realised I actually hate leftists. Then I friend made me a nationalist and showed me the JQ. That's it.
Well said
Thanks, friend Norway
I moved into the west.
Before I was a nigger lover.
through the art world. realised everyone talked the talk and didnt walk the walk. Researched into why this bullshit culture exists. Lead me to postmodernism/cultural marxism.
The ADL said that claiming American Jews have some loyalty to Israel is antisemitic, but Jewish kids at my school never pretended that they didn't. Then realizing the preponderance of Jews in the media, etc.
True. However the process and timeline of how they became trans should itself be a Red Pill. They attended a sissification dominatrix and basically brainwashed themselves and fed into each others' bullshit enough to destroy themselves.
Transgenderism is a mental illness, and I'd say, in some respects it can be contagious.
It's always been an ongoing process.
Zoe Quinn, a suitably garbage Helen of Troy for the war of this garbage age.
Gotta love that double standard.
Shit yeah. Hanging out with enough theater people will drive any red-blooded man to fascism.
The Wachowskis, they made "the Matrix."
I was always hihg IQ
>meaning woke and mserable
I don't know Andy's deal, but turning (outwardly, I highly doubt he's on HRT or had his junk lopped off) trans as Larry did because he has this kinky dom/sub relationship with his turbo-dominatrix of a wife and tying him up and torturing his nuts with her stilettos while she berated his shriveled little cock and told him that he was a pathetic, worthless excuse for a human and didn't even deserve to be called a man just wasn't doing "it" for either of them anymore (it's degenerate AF, but it makes me at least respect him for finding the kind of deep happiness and sexual satisfaction that's so elusive for so many of us) is something that I at least respect a hell of a lot more than the typical
>I'm a limp-wristed, effeminate faggot but can't stand the fact that I'm an effeminate, limp-wristed faggot, and so I'm going to delude myself into thinking that I was really a woman born in a man's body and that somehow if I just take enough drugs and mutilate my body enough, I'll be able to negate the trillions of Y-chromosomes in my body that code me as male, and anyone who questions that is a bigoted piece of shit
reason why the other 99% of trannies are trannies.
I hate how politically correct everything is now. You can no longer just say "black paint."
Now it's "Jamal, will you please paint the fence?
The short answer is I got sick of lefties telling me what was and wasn't problematic.
The long answer is more petty and retarded.
>big FE fan
>getting excited for Fates
>game launches in Japan
>story sucks balls, but Awakening turned out decent over here too, so maybe it'll be alright
>Treehouse takes over instead of 8-4
>they fuck up the voice direction
>they fick up the support lines
>they limit release of a 3-game cart to an impossible to get Special Edition
>but I still believe the game will be alright
>they remove the entire face-petting feature
>I'm not allowed to brush my waifu's twintails anymore
>they laugh at and make fun of everyone pissed off about it, calling them creepy & weird
>Neofag supports Treehouse unquestionably and parrots the same opinion
>but almost threw a nuclear shitfit over rumors of gay marriage being removed for the only two characters available
It was that point I went redpill and never looked back. If only I could've seen the look on their skinnyfuck, Starbucks-sipping faces when Donnel Trump won the election.
Never try and seperate me and my waifu.
The Wachowskis and their rather, uh, "unusual" reason for becoming trannies honestly doesn't bother me 1/10th as much as the other 99.whatever percent of trannies who legitimately have deluded themselves into believing they're of the opposite sex.
I was very similar.
The DNC fucked up, and their alienation of progressive white men will echo for years.
I live in the forest away from the city. My family owns about 5 acres of forest surrounding my house.
I tripped mushrooms with my best friend who lives near us.
I had the thought of why our area's were so much cleaner and nicer then the city. Why most folks in my neighborhood had blue eyes (us included) and why we don't lock our doors.
Then I thought about the forest and how since everything is trying to kill each other, it became apparent groups of people are competitive.
Then I thought about why my parents raised me in at 98 percent white town.
I became racially conscious at that moment. Then I realized what was at stake, and I should get a really good career with a white wife, and give the same life to the next generation after me.
I've always been redpilled.
And vaporwave was originally made by communists to represent a marxian critique of capitalism. Doesn't matter, we still made A E S T H E T I C S ours
This. There is no redpill or bluepill.
Before that "trip" I never thought about being white at all.
haha didn't realise the other one did the same. what a mess
kek at pic related.
It is amazing how deep the programming goes, but how also the programming will sabotage its own narrative if prodded ever so gently from an unexpected (albeit reasonable) angle.
I couldn't stand niggers even before that. Probably started getting worse in 2007-08
When I realized trump was a jew loving kike
Dick Masterson on biggest problem. Cucked one of my childhood hero's and taught a valuable set of lessons.
You fucken snowflakes.
Ahmed was praised because of the way he was treated by the local PD.
You idiots always make it about the clock. Because of your untapped engineering potential.
Please go into more detail, what kind of plans did they have? What would they gain in their mind?
Meant to add:
And to me, publicly identifying as a woman because
>when your dominatrix wife tells you, her slave, to do something, you do it.
is weird, but on the same level as people who get PA's or pearls implanted under their dick skin because they'd otherwise run out of new/exciting ways of driving their girlfriends up the wall. It's extremely degenerate on an individual level, but doesn't really increase societal degeneracy (especially in the way that traditional LGBTwhatever advocasy does, at least), and it honestly makes me a little jealous that they have such exciting sex lives, desu.
after seeing what this PM is doing to my dear Canada I switched from liberal fag in order to save my nation from goat fuckers and trans fags