There are currently NINE threads about or related to Pewdiepie...

There are currently NINE threads about or related to Pewdiepie. The sticky suggest that a singular thread be used when posting about a topic.

When are you going enforce your own rules, janitors?

Other urls found in this thread:

is this nine or ten?

>There are currently NINE threads about or related to Pewdiepie.
Now there are 10.


Are ecelebs the equivalent of the Kardashians for nu/pol/?

No, we are allowed to have a thread which discuses the current state of Sup Forums.

OP is a faggot. Janitors are too busy moving women hate threads to /r9k/ because their wife will be mad at them otherwise.

but I second this, my faggoty-friend.
Please kill this thread and 90% of pewdiepie threads.
thanks janitor-senpai

Ten threads about 9/11.
Almost zero threads about politics.
Mods are dead, friends. Learn to filter, or just flee. Shariablue just changed tactics and is shilling us as the problem to sjw's. Then the mindless hordes do shariablue' s work. Mods do nothing, because they are dead.
I'm off to work. Good luck lads.

-----------------------> Reddit/VOAT
>Things are different here
>"Idea" flow here...they aren't pinned or forced

Just piss off with your meme flag and let the mods do their work or better yet let the other threads die out and stop bitching

>9/11 on 9/11
>Not political
It's one of the biggest event's/false flags in american history numb nuts.


People yet have to explain why did buildign 7 collapsed before any plane hitting and why explosion started inside and not from outside

Sup Forums didn't have flags to begin with, or ids for that matter. Stop droning on about "meme" flags and neck yourself, or ask Ahmed to help you out.

>whines about too many Pewdiepie threads
>makes a Pewdiepie thread
You stupid motherfucker

>lgbt flag
literally a faggot

What are you hiding?

Because the admins are lazy bastards who dont give a fuck if the rules are broken.

Racism is only allowed on Sup Forums.

If you can't handle serious political discussion and just want to nazi larp, this board isn't for you.

t. summerfag

pol does allow you to fly the nazi flag though, your logic eats itself