Did God curse black people?
Did God curse black people?
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why would God curse black people?
>Africa is Eden populated by manchildren
Does anyone has the pic related to this again?
Their literally beast of the field. We're cursed with them.
cause they black
Some scholars believe yes due to the curse of Noah towards the children of Ham.
Maybe Ham "raped" his naked , drunk father and was sentenced to servitude for Jafet and the other brother.
If anything, God blessed them. They are a net drain on civilization, yet get to enjoy all the fruits of it.
It could be considered a curse to have no certain-death adversity, or anything to struggle for. Without struggle people can't adapt and evolve. I'm sure there's some biblical story about this.
>Did God curse black people?
No, they're just an intellectually inferior and more frequently (chaotic/undisciplined) aggressive breed of human by statistical means. Whites make better sheep being smarter and less prone to disorganized violence which means they're better at large scale violence.
According to scripture all people on earth are rooted to the sons of Noah and made the Caucasoids, Negroids, Mongoloids.
Japheth was the father of europeans and Shem was the father of asians
Yes, the descendants of Ham were cursed. The reasons why aren't very clear, some Catholic tradition says Ham forced himself access to the Ark of the Covenant, Jewish tradition implies that Ham raped his own father Noah when the latter was drunk and sleeping. Other rabbis imply something equally shameful.
What is certain is that Ham (name literally means black in Hebrew) and his offspring are cursed until the End of Days.
Quoting the visionary the blessed Anne-Catherine Emmerich:
(on Cain and his antediluvian offspring)
>But God replied that it would not be so; that whoever should kill Cain should himself be punished sevenfold, and He placed a sign upon him that no one should slay him. Cain's posterity gradually became colored. Cham's children also were browner than those of Sem. The nobler races were always of a lighter color.
Note that Ham's descendants mixed with the last daughter of Cain after the flood.
>Cham's descendants likewise had similar relations with the evil spirits after the Deluge, and from such connection sprang so many demoniacs and necromancers, so many mighty ones of the world, so many great, wild, daring men.
>I saw the cursing of Cham. But Sem and Japhet received from Noe on their knees the Blessing. It was delivered to them with ceremonies similar to those used by Abraham when giving over the same Blessing to Isaac. I saw the curse pronounced by Noe upon Cham moving toward the latter like a black cloud and obscuring him. His skin lost its whiteness, he grew darker. His sin was the sin of sacrilege, the sin of one who would forcibly enter the Ark of the Covenant. I saw a most corrupt race descend from Cham and sink deeper and deeper in darkness. I see that the black, idolatrous, stupid nations are the descendants of Cham. Their color is due, not to the rays of the sun, but to the dark source whence those degraded races sprang.
Source: I'm a nigger
AMA, Sup Forums
God cursed us by making us have to deal with them
No, East-Asian mongoloids, Turkics, Iranics and whites descend from Japhet, while Middle-Easteners descend from Sem (he had the least profilic offspring)
The negroid is proof that the jewish god either does not exist or is evil.
So does this mean no black person can be saved?
Get the fuck out.
Really? it's confusing though how Japhet was father of geographically distanced peoples
would be funny if Ham got turned into a racist word.
Earth is a false paradise, so whatever treasures they gain on it are futile with regard to the eternal afterlife.
God cursed white people with blacks.
Jesus was Aryan
Not really, remember this was quite a while ago, more correctly said Japhet is the father of all Eurasian peoples.
Japhet in Hebrew both means "beautiful" and "may he extend" as God foresaw that the Jews would reject Christ and foretold very early that He would elevate the children of Japhet above the rest until the start of the End of Days (aka the Great Apostasy, we're living in it right now).
God isn't real. Black "people" are actually homo erectus, a non-sentient animal species. In fact, the existence of niggers is the best proof we have that God doesn't exist, since no god would ever willingly create such abominations.
For his own amusement. If the Abrahamic God does exist it's pretty clear he's a shitposter with a fucked up sense of humor.
God objectively gave them an Affirmative Action advantage by littering their lands with lucious forests, fertile lands, precious metals and useful ores, strong beasts, and a lack of cold weather to hinder progress. They still fucked up.
No not at all. Even in Cain and his descendants was some good. If you embrace this as a black person you are saved like all the rest of the Christians. Just that the nature of the blacks as a group is more savage and ungodly compared to the Semites and Japhetites.
I think this needs no additional proofs.
because their ancestor was vile and evil
Yea that makes sense, so are japanese sons of Japhet too?
You're such an idiot.
Japheth. The man's name is Japheth.
From the Hebrew name יֶפֶת (Yefet) meaning "enlarged".
Not beautiful, not may he extend, enlarged. As in, more people would descend from him. He founded the Asian and Caucasian races.
Please kill yourself, if for nothing else than my sanity at having to correct all of your posts.
Stupidest post on the internet.
Ham was not cursed.
Ham's son Canaan was cursed.
>believing Jewish fairy tales literally happened
Our own women don't want us and white dudes sweep them up. Not entitled to white girls either and world sees us as nothing more than entertainment and the butt of all racist jokes.
The life of the black man is true suffering.
God doesn't exist son.
Niggers lived on another continetnt and evoled differently.
>God doesn't exist son.
Yes they are.
dunno, I never met that nigga and neither has anyone else
It's like asking if God cursed the dung beetle.
white people fucked (cursed) black people. Damn white devils oppressed this noble race for 200 years at least in america. White people = diabolical demon-seeded race from hell.
Are jews decedents of Shem or are they a whole nother can of worms? I've heard that they're decedents of satan
And there comes the protestant heretical puritan again. First off doesn't matter if I say Ham or Cham, Japhet, Japheth or Iapetos in Greek you insufferable puristnigger, second you can take you John Hagee-tier kikery elsewhere.
>descendants of Ham
actually they did happen
I hate how politically correct everything is now. You can no longer just say "black paint."
Now it's "Jamal, will you please paint the fence?
They are descendents of Shem, but the Ashkenazi are probably Khazars, or at least a lot of them are, also converted Greeks and Iranics.
Ashkenaz was a son of Japhet and associated with the Scythians (and later the Slavs). So they probably refer to the patriarch of the people who live on that land.
Jews are cursed though, Synagogue of Satan. Because they rejected Christ and asked Pilate to crucify Him. After God destroyed their temple and scattered them, they devised a new, unholy religion Talmudic Judaism (as they lost their original priesthood too).
>all archaeological evidence shows they didn't happen
>written by Jews, known for lying about everything
>christcucks believe it
Wow. You guys will be first to hang on the day of the rope.
you know jack shit, boy
>>all archaeological evidence shows they didn't happen
No. Black Jesus did.
Note: Black Jesus doesn't exist.
No, they just developed with different environmental pressures that made them less intellectually advanced then the European.
>descendants of Ham
>Raped his own father Noah.
So Noah was porked?
they fucked themselves over.
apparently while we fucked neanderthals and cromagnons, they fucked something a bit more retarded
we punched above our weight whilst they settled for less
No. God blessed the nigger with superior cotton-picking abilities, but niggers cant even use their God-given talents.
Ham just saw his dad Noah naked and shitface drunk in a tent. Noah for some fucking reason decided to curse Ham's son Canaan's descendants.
Cain killed Abel. As punishment, the LORD decreed that Cain and his descendants could not hold God's Authority (priesthood) until the Curse of Cain was removed by the LORD.
Ham, the son of Noah, married Egyptus, a Cainite woman, and they had a son named Canaan; and their descendants became the Canaanites.
Canaan's sons Phut (Poot) and Cush migrated into black Africa, which is why many black African tribes had the blood of Canaan (and Cain) in them.
Many black Africans have the blood of Cain in them, and they cannot hold the Priesthood because of the "Curse of Cain".
The Curse of Ham is an extension of the Curse of Cain.
Ok kiddo, that's enough internet for today
No, not the descendants of Ham.
Canaan. Ham's son.
I second that.
There is more truth to the inspired texts than modern people are willing to accept and that will be the reason for the downfall.
The offense against the drunken Noah was intentionally left out of the bible so as not to make the exact same offense against Noah.
Something happened.
That's all we know.
God is a superstition.
>The offense against the drunken Noah was intentionally left out of the bible so as not to make the exact same offense against Noah.
And you know less than that, papist, as everything you have been taught is a lie.
i know that feel
No evidence of Jews in Egypt, no evidence of King Solomon or David or kingdom of Israel, no evidence of any of it. Jews are liars, and you're the dumb goyim who believes their fables.
The bible has a certain terminology to describe things e.g. when someone said "I want to know you" that would probably mean "I want to rape you to death" in our modern understanding.
When the bible said Ham saw Noah that probably mean something related.
kek I bet you're a pagan larper, pathetic
Didn't you get fucked by Irma?
It's uncertain though. What is certain is that Ham went into Noah's tent while he was naked and intoxicated and apparently Noah was able to recollect at least that event. It's not certain why he cursed Ham's son instead of Ham himself.
If there is archaeological evidence, present it. There isn't, so you can't. Fact remains, you believe Jewish fairy tales that have no evidence at all except that Jews say they happened. You are a dumb goyim.
I'm not wasting my time trying to source shit for some autistic faggot on Sup Forums lol
I was under the impressions that black skin was the curse. So the implication would be that God cursed someone some middle eastern fucks and they turned black.
Maybe he's shit testing them. He hasn't done them any favours so far, that's for sure.
Evidence for all of it, actually. Learn to use google better.
>Are blacks a curse from God?
That's not the biblical narrative.
Canaan was cursed, and from his line arose Nimrod, the builder of the Tower of Babel, in Babylon.
Just as the world was blessed through the people who brought about the Messiah, the world was cursed by the people who brought about Mystery Babylon, which even to this day is practiced by Catholics.
White people are the descendants of adam and eve, while black people evolved from jungle monkeys.
>The life of the black man is true suffering.
You must have committed great crimes in a past life, that or you're a young soul that needs to understand the meaning of suffering
No, they just aren't human, they have no soul, they are in the same rank in God's hierarchy as animals that we are supposed to watch over.
>animals have no souls
>I worship a rabbi as the creator of existence
>Pharasies killed my rabbi so now I'm larping on Sup Forums
t. christcuck
if he is real yes
Aren't you a negro by any chance Tyrone? Sure sounds like a familiar negro gobbling
>black people evolved from jungle monkeys.
Not enough time has passed for evolution to happen.
Also "people" :^)
Some cursed shit basically experimented on monkeys and...well the rest is history imho. No other explanation I can think of.
Too many blue pill Christians make us look retarded, it just gives shitposters like this ammunition to mock us >muh black skin
Then what the hell gives them such small brains? Makes them act like animals? Makes them ugly as fuck? (Not made in the image of God) and how are their bones so weak? How did blacks get memed in to being "genetically stronger" if their vitamin D absorption is so weak? Why do they have sickle cells? Why do their eyes look like black animal eyes with brown sclerotic coating? Why the prognathism dog-looking face? Why are their eyes slanted to look like a demon? Why do Buddhists think that hell demons are niggers?
Sorry, you can't claim that a negroid was a descendant of Noah, and that his wife was carrying 3 different races unless you want to purposely make Christians look retarded.
This one?
>The Curse of Ham is an extension of the Curse of Cain.
this is true, it became a double curse so to say
all the reason why good christians do well to shun niggers, especially do not procreate with them, or your children will also carry that curse
yes, fuck you and your God
t. John Hagee kike-fellating gluttonous nu-prot
The only people cursed by God are the Jews. But, looking from another perspective, you could say that all those who are not predestined to salvation are cursed.
>what does a pair of glasses or a candle help, if the owl refuses to open his eyes ?
low iq
more aggressive
how is that not a curse
well i guess their dicks are bigger and they are more attractive to women.
>Just as the world was blessed through the people who brought about the Messiah
this kike-lover again ! What exactly of SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN you don't understand
Jews' convenant with God became null and void when they crucified Christ. Period.
>he world was cursed by the people who brought about Mystery Babylon,
aka kikes and freemasons
>Too many blue pill Christians make us look retarded,
yep, like the heretic John Hagee and his mutts for instance (there's one in this thread right now)
Not true. The descendants of Ham are clearly and literally cursed, even before but just like the Talmudic Jews.
>fake myth about bigger dick
>ugly as a sin
*bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark*
>tfw you eventually get outted and BTFO
Your dog shit is going to get utterly wiped out. Can't come soon enough. Dog genocide, best day of my life.
What do you have against John Hagee and who are the mutts you refer to?
I recently saw the guy say that Lord Jesus didn't come to fulfil the prophecy of the messiah so the Jews can't be blamed for not accepting Him, which really I didn't expect. So I'm open to listening to you.
Which lineage of people is made in the image of God? Do they look like dogs? No of course not.
please watch this link:
he is 100% right