Mestizos are proud americans



I don't mind the spics that much,we should unite against the black scourge. Spics hate niggers more than whites do on average

>literally stealing the philly eagles logo

If mexico offered welfare how many would go home?

We are white

Does this mongrel have any idea some autist on Sup Forums spams everyone of her pictures on the internet?


>All these spics

Half Sup Forums is such compromised shit now lmao


I'm pretty sure spics (specifically the lighter-skinned ones) are going to be seen as white within a few generations. Just look at George Zimmerman. Italian immigrants went through the same thing in the early 1900s and they're considered white now even though some of them are still swarthy as fuck.

I'm Hispanic too and I agree with this.

white power, brown power world wide!

Italians were always white, they are a european people, mexicans are half injuun half spanish and so they are not white. It's not that hard.

This, holy shit i thought i hated blacks until i started working with the spics and they're practically ready to start gassing the fuckers today.

Western caliphate complains about the lack of diversity in our countries.


Mexican's are white

White Mexican

This is true. Gooks and beaners hate nogs more than whites.

Half of American posters are spics/browns/nogs. The rest of the Euros are pretty white.

yeah it's really fucking awful now. they're all here talking about civic nationalism and saving spics are human.

Most UK flg posters are either streetshitters or pakis, stop lying Nige or is pajeet?

It's definitely more than half. Why do you think the post quality is abhorrent these days and the most popular threads are half-assed LARPers? You think that's just a coincidence?


Chileans and argentinos are almost white

mestizo here
>no they are not
i mean i know i am but most swear loyalty to mejico

don't ever forget anybody defending shitskins on Sup Forums is an actual shitskin himself. they're all lying scum who just pretend to like whites until they can butcher them

America is a continent so yes, that is vaguely correct.


Oy vey, just like they buchered the whites here. Why are you such a butthurt nigger?
Also that Quezada faggot is Whiter than you, nigger.

But that's just wrong Pablo. I wouldn't lie if it was the actual case but it just isn't, we're pretty white over despite popular belief.


spics are murderers and rapists and only a bullet to the head would free them from their miserable existence

you can't be both non-white and american. the founding fathers didn't want you to be american, and you don't even assimilate. you don't assimilate culturally, politically, or by any other metric. you don't even say you do.

>shitskin subhuman calling a white nigger
you're not even an actual human jose. you're such useless garbage you need to leech off white men since you're low iq useless subhumans

Italians are Europeans (caucasians), Spics are Amerindians (mongoloids).


Dude they jump out to defend india and porkistan at the slightest offense to their homelands.


I think someone should tell these girls that their pics are always plastered on a Cambodian image basket weaving site so they get curious and come check this place out.

hispanics are the best minority

t. mexican citizen leeching off welfare. you're the same trash as niggers

You're a spic at fucking best, nigger.

They're the shittiest and they are ruining the US. Just like they ruined Mexico

>checked and kek'd

as someone living among a lot of spics, they are absolutely the worst

Literally never seen that happen, and I frequent Brit/pol/.

Not Brit/pol but here on Sup Forums in general. I'm aware that they're a small minority in the UK but Sup Forums has tons of them or maybe the just like to Larp as those two ethnicities.

you're worthless garbage. the fact you fucking trash are so pathetic that you try and suck our dick makes me hate you scum more. i know you're just useless subhumans who want gibs so you act like submissive bitch. you're a cuck race, but you're just waiting until there's enough of you scum to outnumber us. all brown people are like that. you're not even human and can't do anything by yourself so you roam around in huge packs. exactly like niggers.

>is proud American™

Pretty accurate

spics are good people we must unite together #MAGA please fuck my wife I will raise my wifes son for free

Didn't read.
go steal some jordans tyrone.

Those spics literally look like they are fading for existence.

bet you girl at mid takes a round of black cock from a smug black dude daily. Would not mind watching cuz she a qt

it sad part is it's not even whites saying that. it's spics saying it. pretty sure the mexican government is paying them to spam Sup Forums. i never saw so many people defend spics on this board until after the election

its much more common for a spic girl to get BLEACHED than a white girl to get BEANED

this is a typical little cuckold spic. he's trying to slobber my dick and balls to hop the fence or begging me to annex his shitty country so he has to larp no whites want to genocide him. men live on their feet not their knees, jose. you're not only not a human race but you don't even qualify as male

The problem with spics can be shown in this crude cartoon. These fucks are born here yet their parents install a cultural wall in their brains early during childhood where they are reminded over and over that they aren't Americans but proud Puerto Ricans or Dominicans or Mexicans or whatever. Because of this they never integrate properly and always are at odds with people who do and also get manipulated by those who push for division. I know spics can be based, I have one Guatemalan friend whose father raised him as American. However I am aware this guy is an outlier and 99% of spics in this country are utter shit holding us back.

I'm white dude
Not every Hispanic immigrant comes from Mexico, and even then they're pretty inoffensive as a whole imo.

Sorry tyrone.

>Didn't read
Wow mexicants are so lazy

>support spics

Oh god...I hate nu-Sup Forums

keep living on your knees you shitskin bitch. sucking my white dick won't get you into the white ethno state. you're going to keep living in those spic slums just like niggers do in africa. something funny is at least niggers try to talk back. all you can do is keep sucking little cuckold spic as you beg for gibs. nobody likes cowards like you or your race.
exceptions make the rule not break it. they only pretend to be nice until they get into power and kill whitey. look at california as an example of this as soon as spics control shit they will be raising the tax to 70% so they can feed their worthless spic babies that keep falling out every 9 months. they will always only look out for their gross brown race and anything besides that is them lying. inferior people always hate and are jealous of their betters.

technically mestizos are quintessential Americans

it's spics shilling themselves. they all came here after the election. pretty sure it's like spic internet defense force. their government is paying to spam the web about how they're white and shit.

>moar mexicans, moar!

We are the only real Americans, everyone else is a fucking immigrant or a rapefugee.


Mexicans are 70% euro.
If all american whites and hispanics mixed to be one race we'd lòok like french fries





Look how mad someone was at Americans jej

Hot damn

If you think i should feel bad for fucking criminals that got what they had coming you're wrong my friend.

I played Mission Eagles in football growing up in South Texasl. The entire area copies NFL or NCAA logos. My school used Florida State Seminole iconography and marching band tunes cause we had an injun mascot. Nobody seems to care about the logos being ripped off.


what a waste of nice tiddies

mfw I am a spic in the california skinheads
mfw nobody knows i am a secret beaner
mfw white on pol

Unless they get the chance to shit on America, which they do every single time they get that chance.

Arrogant, entitled ugly brown chimp people. Gas for you too.

when i first saw that i squinted, but now i'm wearing a smile. i understand why those spics are so brutal. if i was a spic i'd be killing other spics like that too.

Italians got BLACKED in the 1300s

fuck man. thats some aztec tier savagery.

More pics of the girl on the right?


life is fucking worh of nothing and i hate this shit world for being this shitty

We do the jobs that white boys won't do

Build the wall no savages welcome

that's one based chick, damn. that spic didn't dare do anything cause if he touched that beautiful blond everybody would kicked his teeth one. man what bitch race

white men don't need your crime or street gangs subhuman. we've got police to arrest the niggers and spics alike. fucking subhuman savage.

This makes me laugh every time

Mexicans are extremely hostile towards White Americans. I've lived through it for 25 years on the West Coast. I've been discriminated against 150 times because I'm white. Fired from 6 jobs by Mexicans supervisors and Mexican co-workers conspiring against me.

Mexican Americans all have "Muh Aztec Empire", "We Wuz Kangz, until whitey came" chip on the shoulder. They don't even know the fall of the Aztec Empire was assisted by 200,000 native allies.

For 25 years the Mexican American has talked shit and been a problem. Over the past 5-7 years we really seen their true colors. With remarks like "I can't wait till white people are gone." and "White people are dying, your time is up!".

Well, ok... then it's war mother fucker.

Mexicans always talk tough and try to bully. But when you give it back to them, they start crying like babies. They are the biggest bullshit pussies.

Mexican Americans wanted this fight.... so come on! let's fight!

Hello spic.

I don't give a fuck if you think you hate niggers more than average white - whatever the fuck that means - I don't think you have a grasp on what and how much whites hate because you don't know/can't accept how much WE HATE YOU TOO. Fucking stupid spics. Please accept this fact- you're a waste of space and ruin any area you move into.

Fucking scumbag bottom feeding species.

If the world is shit you don't make shit choices like joining a fucking gang, don't be a retarded nigger and you will be fine.

I don't think Hispanics in USA are a problem. Same shit happened with Irish and Italians for example. Now these groups are just Americans.
It can't be compared to Muslims in Europe, who virtually created parallel societies and have a very strong and hostile identity.

You would agree with this, fucking spic. Nope, nope and more nope.

Nice try, spic spiccy mcspicster.

this. so much. these cowardly spics are only pretending while they suck our dick and lick our balls. once they get enough of them that they feel confidence then they'll show their true colors. no brown people actually like whites. they just want to steal the land, money, and try to pretend it's theirs. you can see on Sup Forums how these fucking subhumans pretend like their race actually created or helped western civilization.

NOT fucking white lel

Just look at those fucking dark nigger eyes

You mean spics are even lazy when it comes to posting? You don't say...

>tfw don't know that feel because Tejas has the best CHI's

Thing is literally the same words and the same tropes were used against both Irish and Italians. And look, nothing happened, they assimilated.