Gay rights

I have been on Sup Forums for about 2 years now and haven't been able to understand if Sup Forums is pro or against gays.. or if they support gay marriage or not
Say what you believe and why

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's both
>pls stop

Lol is a white, Christian, nationalist board

Anti degeneracy

Yes it's anti gay.

Fuck off newfag you're kind are the worst

>pol is one person

Implying a hive Mind drawn here for similar views can't lean towards certain ideals

fucking retarded leaf. This argument is retarded. Its made up. Its false knowledge and a false understanding of how groups of people come together and operate.

Leaf. Do you stick around for the moderate, progressive, pro globalist, neo modernist chit chat?

Fucking fuck head this meme needs to die

Kek you pumped for that vote, amigo?

There are some hard line views that don't change much here and drive the bias

Anti degeneracy
Pro science
Pro logic
Anti globalist
Anti big government
Anti krony capitalism
Even more anti Marxism and communism.

You can take most posts here back to those ideals. Anti gay is anti degeneracy. Pol isn't for the normalisation and promotion of non normal sexual relationships. Pol doesn't really care about gays. They're literally such a small percentage of people that it doesn't matter. Which is why we get so mad about gay marriage debate and the general vocal nature of these small faggoty groups and their bitching. Want a real chat.. how do we increase quality of life, reduce debt and make housing affordable. How do we reform federal education do we execute all the Canadians. What do we do with the pajeet problem. Etc


Sup Forums isn't one person. We have a variety of opinions.

/pol is a collective not one person, fuck off faggot shill

>Sup Forums isn't one perosn

Pro gay we love cock here especially jewish cocks

Am I retarded or is your flag tilted

i love black dicks and i ve been here for about 3years.
all the cuckposting really changed my mind. i wonder if all the other bbc posters are feeling the same...

Pol is as full of self hating homos as they are full of nazi larpers.
either they hate homos because they know how gross they are or pretend to hate homos cause le lol edgy maymay

Okay with criticizing, against persecution and discrimination by law.
You can have your laic gay marriage and equal rights, but no fucking positive action, sensitivity training, media pushing and same rights as real married couples when it comes to children.
If you want to be a faggot then fine, but stop asking for the world to pretend you're normal.
You're not, you're a freak but you don't deserve to suffer for it.

Correct, for multiple people you use the word "we".

Gays are fine
Blacks are fine
Anyone is fine unless they
-- whine
-- try to change Western culture
-- sponge off hard-working people

>Yes it's anti gay.

I'm gay and I think gays are alright. Faggots and Transgenders on the other hand, are just disgusting.

Totally depends how many faggots are in the thread.

The fact that you think that positions can boil down so easily to "pro or against gays" means you should just lurk more.

Don't undersestimate the Ron Paul type libertarian wing as well.

I believe that if you are gay you should go through therapy. But even if that does not help or not enough therapists, it is ok but you are not allowed to get married or any of that. (Personal beliefs)

kys faggot

Lurk moar


Some are pro, some are against.Personally I understand that some people are born gay and I can tolerate them, but I'm against the promotion of homosexuality and all the degeneracy associated with them.

This, pretty much. The modern "pride" movement makes me embarrassed to be bi. You can be gay/bi and still be against the degeneracy on display on those parades and pushed in the media.

Trannies are on a whole other level.


stfu leaf

Most bisexuals are just repressed homosexuals who want everyone else to be forced to hide who they really are as well. You don't go to pride because you don't want anyone to know you are gay and are terrified of people finding out. There are plenty of gay families who go to pride. There are pride celebrations in Montana. If you think everyone there is naked or in fetish-wear you are delusional.

Bisexual is a modern euphemism for gays who are willing to repress their authentic sexuality to marry someone of the opposite sex for the sake of appearances and kids.

There has long been controversy about whether bisexual men are substantially sexually aroused by both sexes. We investigated genital and self-reported sexual arousal to male and female sexual stimuli in 30 heterosexual, 33 bisexual, and 38 homosexual men. In general, bisexual men did not have strong genital arousal to both male and female sexual stimuli. Rather, most bisexual men appeared homosexual with respect to genital arousal, although some appeared heterosexual. In contrast, their subjective sexual arousal did conform to a bisexual pattern. Male bisexuality appears primarily to represent a style of interpreting or reporting sexual arousal rather than a distinct pattern of genital sexual arousal.

>Pro science
>Pro logic
Clean your hands from the septic community...

No bisexual who likes CDs/traps is also into muscular hairy men

And gay men do not like traps / Homosexual TS because they are too feminine

I'm technically bi due to fapping to shemales, but I think fags should be in the closet. Just keep the faggotry out of sight if you need to do it.

Gays like Dave Rubin are cool, fags on the other hand should be gassed. I've just about had enough of fags. Again, I say this as a guy who faps to trannies.

I fucking hate queers.

Wait so not every single gay guy is attracted to each other?

Exactly what I said. Bisexual just means gay guys who are in the closet and want you to be forced in with them. Fuck off!

I, of course, don't speak for all of this hell hole but I'm pretty sure most of us share the opinion that right after the jews and the niggers, faggots are third in line for the gas chambers.


Get in the fucking closet, you faggot. You're disgusting. I don't fucking care if I'm technically bi, I fucking hate fags.

>I'm gay and I think gays are alright.

Of course a homo would think homos are alright.

I don't care about gays. They're a very small population and them being able to marry each other won't make any big impact

The noisiest edgelords here claim to be against gays. "Claim" being the operative word.
The majority of fags here have lurked moar and know /lgbt/ is our board-tan so are unironically for their faggotry.

7% of the younger generation is gay:

>I hate myself so you should too.


I don't hate myself, I didn't even know I was bi until I was in my mid 20s, and I've hated fags for as long as I can remember.

Fags will be among the first in going to the ovens when we take over.

You are gay.

i do not care at all

I don't go to pride parades because they're full of disgusting drag queens, old boomers half naked, and delusional trannies. They're exactly what's wrong with society.

I'm not going to bother "defending" being bi. The only bullshit I've ever faced IRL has been from militant fags who claimed I'm either gay and in denial, or straight and an attention whore. No straight person has ever given me shit. Really activates my almonds.

>mods do nothing
>Mods warn or ban anyone that points out they aren't fucking moderating.
>Mods are soon going to crank up the report timer to once per day to try and avoid dealing with more reports

Studies indicate that you are gay in denial.

Well if wanting to fuck a sexy trap makes me gay, then so be it, but I still hate you fags.

Preferring to have sex with men makes you gay. You being self-hating is completely irrelevant to my life.

Yeah....I've had fags practically sexually assault me because they think I wanna have sex with them because I like convincing traps. Always the same shit. "You're in denial", Fuck off, fag.

gay is pedo you belong in hell

Refute this image.

Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?


Dominance in a homosexual relationship is a sign of natural fascist leadership. I might fuck your boypussy OP, but I'm not going to give in to your gay feminism.