literally on tv now for saying one fucking word
why are they doubling down on the alienation of the youth? millions of kids watch pewdiepie, they know this is being taken out of context and is just a joke. why is the controlled media effectively redpilling the youth about their lies?
Hahahaha Libtards are losing their mind.
And literally on 10 fucking threads on this board alone
go fuck yourself nobody gives 2 shekels.
It was ok when Bill Maher said it...on TV
I saw the report and they don't even mention he said sorry right after
He had to apologize though and he's a kike.
The real hat trick in all of this is that if you watch any online FPS everyone not filming will say nigger at some point.
There will be a point when these kids see it and say "This could be me". The real question is what happens when that thought crosses their mind.
The media recently decided that Nazis must be stamped out with full force and has therefore gone full retard.
It''s actually PewDieKike
you have to have finished 8th grade to post here
It's actually that they are just running out of time and they know it.
The next few years can make or break them so they HAVE to double down and militarize the people they can and remove any popular opposition. They are taking risks for the first time in a long time because they have to.
At this point, he might as well just fucking run with it.
Saying N WORD is a sin and if you do it you will not go to heaven.
Say what ever you want but do NOT say ''N word'' if you are White person
>alienation of the youth
They're attempting control
yes, but he said the nigger word so that makes him bad
It's different in the USA. There was no nazi hysteria until pretty recently. It was really ramped up with trump.
Belgium should be nuked, it's worse than Sweden
But if a black dude says nigger no one bats an eye
It just fits their narrative too good.
He wore his glasses today. Must have been out of contacts...
all belgian youth is now noticing how msm is pulling everything out of context and will now be more aware of what they are trying to surpress
This reveals just how completely Jews control the narrative. It also reveals how much they fear white people identifying as white. If white people identify the "other" in society, they will begin to demand white communities. That will make CHEAP LABOR into expensive labor.
This is why Jews hate race realism.
dmg ctrl
IS Pewdiepie, dare I say, the Socrates of our time?
Blacks can't be racist, because Reasons™.
So if I went outside in full brown /w wermacht boots in the city shouting redpills on jews, all nigger need to be hanged hitler did nothing wrong then no one would do anything to stop me cuz that's racist?
PewDiePie has the Archangel Michael group consciousness feel to him.
He posted a video about stream problems.
Didnt even watched yet but I probably know what he will do on this video:
Good, more red-pilled kids will join our side.
Other youtubers should make a video of them saying nigger to support pewds.
Hahahahaha belgen en hun rare accent.
Nigga is playful and sweet. Nigger is extremely racist.
Have they tracked down the other player he was playing against? I feel like could be worth another few days of "news".
>Biggest youtube celebrity with a history of pandering to alt-right edgelords calls someone a nigger
Rethink your lives you autists.
Moral panic, paradigm shift.
fuck you, Brussels should be nuked and maybe also Antwerp.
Indeed, msm is realising this tho, youth is only on the internet nowdays.
he didn't FYI
Is that like the Belgium lefty version of Fox or something?
>This could be me
fucking this. I'd be so scared of saying something ridiculous if I was in his position
Spoon clank
He did it.
It was 2 hours ago.
They're scared of youtubers like pewdiepie because he's independently wealthy and even with people dropping him he's more than rich enough to keep his ship afloat without the help of people like Disney. Why they also feared Trump, Bannon, and other such people. They have the wealth and influence to do what they want.
Fuck off you nigger
Did what You monkey nigger?
>man says word
You've spent way too much time locked away from the outside world to understand that this isn't some grand scheme, this is just them reporting the news. Pewdiepie wanted to be a celebrity and now he is getting the same kind of treatment as someone like Miley Cyrus.
Cringy as fuck, you would understand if you knew the language.
They also cut the sorry part and they talk as if you're a child, the only thing this is going to do is some dumb mother that saw this to tell their child "not to watch that pewdiepie again" which they now will out of defiance. And i thought American media was a joke.
top kek.
It's the more right wing one, but it's sensational fearmongering mostly.
it's not about ideology or morality. most of pol is underage or autistic so they don't understand this is on tv because it is a nice controversy. controversy is good for media business.
you were right up until "reporting the news". that's what the media tells you to make you think they are important. they report whatever gets them views.
>Claim Whites are fragile.
>Everyone but whites loses their minds at the word nigger.
Really gets the noggin a' joggin'.
Whatever happened to the "CURRENT YEAR" argument?
Nigger was a loaded term in ancient American history.
Still getting bent out of shape over that is like getting mad about homosexual marriage. Jeez....progress people.
This. The media below gutter level now. Sewer press. They are resorting to reporting on random tweets.
This is just news.
>playing counter-strike back in 2000-2001
BBC's take:
You guys don't get it. Sup Forums culture is now dominant culture. This isn't moral outrage. They are teaching everyone it's ok to say nigger now.
West VL, Oost VL + Ardennen is Belgium. All the rest is a waste of space. Let the neighbours have it.
Black people say nigger all the time on youtube and in popular culture.
This is fucking sad.
You can say "death to all jews" and not get censored, but "nigger" and "fucking" is censored. Makes total sense.
Just when he went and apollogised a few weeks back for being an anti-semite he does this. Hopefully he will learn the same lesson Trump did and not trust the media any longer.
This makes me think of that Tanga Mongoose thing, where ichubbz said "Say nigger" in a fan photo-session, and she describes it as "N-word, hard R". What bothers me with that isn't the fact that they're trying to censor people's expressions, that's just to be expected, but that they don't seem to realize that "nigga" (which is usually fine to say if you're slightly "edgy" like most youtubers or streamers) is simply the nigger version of "nigger".
There are even niggers in the comments section going:
>[Sucks air through teeth]
>Aigh aight nigga imma be real wichu
>[Smacks lips]
>Nigga aight you can say nigga aight its coo nigga
>[Recieves inordinate amounts of welfare]
>But don't say n-hard r nigga ok? Ok nigga coo.
Don't these dumb coons know their own one-standard-deviation-below dialect of the language properly?
this what happens when you literally have to make shit up to complain about
here's a (you)
Old media is highlighting the controversy on new media, the companies that have siphoned advertising from them. The story features Pewd, but the intent is to focus the audience on Youtube.
>why is the controlled media effectively redpilling the youth about their lies?
Because (((they))) are controlling all sides.
STOP appearing on my TV
>implying they were ever above it
why do you idiots think there was some golden age of journalism? People have been critical of news outlets ever since the printing press was a thing.
Once every couple of decades the press actually serves a useful function in revealing some corruption scandal, so everyone gives them a pass for a bit, then we go right back to remembering how shit they are.
The press is shit because the economics of news has always favored the spectacle
although it was more of a 'haha sorry not sorry at all fuck you'
He knew what he was doing as evidenced by the lack of fucks given in retrospect. They put a Nazi identity on him now he's living up to expectations
Holy shit is PUPG getting some awesome publicity. Everyone is like "what's that game?" "Looks good."
>getting paid thousands of dollars playing video games and calling people nigger
why even live
SeeHe's a celebrity. They're reporting news, even if it's bullshit news.
You should've realized this when "news" about the Kardashians became commonplace. You want this to be political so bad, but it's just controversy mining. It's on the news because you and the other 14 year olds watch him and made a big stink about it.
We should be flooding the comment section redpilling the fanbase of PewDiePie
>its just a joke!
>dont hold us accountable!
He seriously makes at least $44k a month? Jesus. Good for him
he makes way more. an average of a little bit more of a million per month in 2016
The only offensive part of that video is Pewdiepie's potato aim.
This literally has to stop, I literally see this word literally every few literal minutes.
Chump change.
he also has a game with in-game purchases and microtransitions.. kids fucking love it. just released his own clothing line, came out with a book in 2013.. he has fuck you money up his ass, there's no fucking way he will ever bend over for these sjw cocksuckers.
The Jew is far worse than the nigger.
Get ready, gamer gate phase 2 is coming