What the fuck is taking him so long?
What the fuck is taking him so long?
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Idk but im getting really sick of this shit.
Dragon... Ball..... Z.....
Checked. It's taking as long as it is because he cannot find even a remote link from Russia to Trump. Just today there was an article on Yahoo about how Mueller might "give Trump immunity." MUH Russia is now trying to save face.
Hard to find something when there's nothing.
Why isn't there a special prosecutor for Obama?
Why isn't there a special prosecutor for Hillary?
Why isn't there a special prosecutor for Lynch?
Why isn't there a special prosecutor for Awans?
Why isn't there a special prosecutor for the 2008 banking bullshit?
This man is a fuckwad moron, btw
He's kind of a criminal.
Yeah. thats why trump pardoned him in exchange to take down the deep state.
He was FBI director during 9/11 and he delivered the uranium to Russia.
Republicans control the entire government, why don't they just get one?
Unfortunately, he's not. Quit dreaming.
>paid by the hour
Brilliant question, my friend.
No. He isn't. That is a fantasy concocted on this very board that only exists on this board, in fantasy land.
You seem to think Trump is actually principled about fighting corruption.
How quaint.
I don't believe you faggot meme flags.
Because there's nothing to this, and he's burning money. At best he'll nab people like Manafort for some clerical bullshit
Still that would be more then what republicans were able to get from hilary.
Manafort got pardoned
Considering both are fucking nothing, that's both sad and familiar when it comes to these types of things.
My point has already been made, nothing's happening here
Paul Manafort was a DNC planet. He was trying to set up Trump from the start. Trump did not fall for his traps. Manafort was probably blackmailed. Mueller knows this. Anyone without blinders on can tell that Mueller is not going after Trump, but people that tried to set him up (DNC, Hillary, DOJ, FBI). FBI even paid for the fake Russia Dossier. It will take time, but the truth will come out and many people will face all different types of criminal charges.
are you kidding me? Manafort was with trump years ago before he even started running.
You have got to stop spending so much time on the /r/t_d mate. Or else you will blowing though a crowd soon.
WMDs in Iraq Mueller the arbiter of justice. I'm in the #RESIST movement and I have a crush on this guy.
I want to believe, but how do we know? Was he pardoned back in February?
I hope you're fucking right.
Why do you think Imran Awan's wife is flying back to DC from out of the country to get charges?
If you've noticed (((everyone))) is focusing on the awan's and not seth rich. Seth Rich is a jewish mossad agent. They don't want the awans spilling the beans on all the shit.
Manafort and Roger Stone were partners back in the 1980s when they helped elect Reagan. They have always been accused of doing semi-legal stuff as foreign lobbyists ... but the idea they are DNC or Russian plants is fucking stupid.
They get paid. They do work.
Wait, Seth Rich was a psyop? How do you know? Thought he leaked to wikileaks. When do you think Mueller will flip the switch on the dnc and take them down?
Is Awan's wife really gonna spill the beans?
He's not /ourguy/ for one.
If Seth is mossad... who is Awan et al? Qatar or UAE, given they were working with Clinton and DWS. But then Weiner is also assumed Israeli. So are (((they))) playing both sides... or different factions?
(((They))) are everywhere
Trump's lawyer says it's going to be done by Thanksgiving. Hang in there.
Sure. And I would accept the idea that (((they))) would want to own whoever gets elected. But why would they use Seth to tank the DNC and Hillary, if it risked their Syrian adventures and owning congress through their blackmail network. Seems like HRC was /theirgirl/.
Others have alluded to rival jew elite families picking sides. Is that what we are seeing?
He's not going away until he gets a high profile indictment, sorry, but that's how these things work. Look at what Ken Starr did.
Watergate took time and this is Trump's treasoning is way worse than Watergate
Tick, tock, tick, tock...
literally lived in Trump Tower
Who has the most to gain from convincing millions that the dnc killed their leaker?
Anyone notice how this shit is basically the hillary shit but reversed. except this time the perp isn't guilty in the slightest. what will be the left reaction when trump gets off scott free? I hope it's collective suicide or them chimping the fuck out
It's literally this.
He'll do absolutely nothing so long as he keeps getting paid. This is America now.
Except in that case, Nixon actually committed crimes. In this case, you're just a cringy retard with a meme flag and no concept of how the law actually works.
>convincing millions that the dnc killed their leaker
Are you saying Seth is alive, or not the leak, or his murder was a false flag?
Explain the cover up...
This argument is a leftypol troll, retard. Mueller is the Deep State all the way. Fucking idiot.
The sun on the meadow is summery warm.
The stag in the forest runs free.
But gather together to greet the storm.
Tomorrow belongs to me.
The branch of the linden is leafy and
The Rhine gives its gold to the sea.
But somewhere a glory awaits unseen.
Tomorrow belongs to me.
Herr Ludwig! Sing with me!
The babe in his cradle is closing his eyes
The blossom embraces the bee.
But soon, says a whisper;
"Arise, arise,
Tomorrow belongs to me"
Oh Fatherland, Fatherland,
Show us the sign
Your children have waited to see.
The morning will come
When the world is mine.
Tomorrow belongs to me!
Manafort is the only one who is fucked.
Fuck you, faggot. So sick of you dipshits jerking each other off thinking Mueller is anything but a fucking snake.
Careful you don't cut yourself on that edge, nigger.
It's a matter of time before Drumph is exposed for his crimes
He wants all those shekels, if they end the investigation the gravy train ends
israel and sauids are butt buddies, saudis do a lot of what israel wants done. saudis are the "muscle men" for the israeli "idea men"
who, manafort? or mueller?