Give me one reason why russia shouldn't be nuked into oblivion?
Give me one reason why russia shouldn't be nuked into oblivion?
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because first we need to nuke Ukraine to oblivion
its not even a real country, not now, not ever.
There will be fallout on Finland and radioactive contamination of the poro.
Michigan can't afford to send more poro to Finland (again).
Because you don't have nukes, pig, but we do.
We need Siberia for the future of the White Race
Because you cunts are worse. I'd rather nuke the jews anyway.
No reason, it should be nuked, or I'd love to kill r*ssians in combat just like I killed sand niggers in afghanistan, but r*ssia will collapse economically next year so they'll nuke themselves when the whole country dives into civil unrest and fragments, we just get to watch KEK. Stupid kremlin kikes deserve their economic collapse they did to themselves.
t. butthurt holol
1.They have nukes
2.Vladimir has such a calm tone
3.NFKRZ is there
>Give me one reason why russia shouldn't be nuked into oblivion?
give me one reason why uk*iane should not be STARVED?
>give me one reason why uk*iane should not be STARVED?
Mariya Poezzhaeva.
Because Russia is far and away the biggest country on Earth and nobody has enough nukes to do the job.
[spoiler]Also because I don't trust Ukraine to give us the next Dostoevsky[/spoiler]
>Mariya Poezzhaeva.
> hohol wife to cook you borsch in the winter
Her character was heartbreaking in Moтыльки.
Because Putin is in power.
Russia are pretty calm under Putin... I worry more about who he's successor may be...
In short... let's enjoy whatever time we have with Putin's Russia... because they'll be some shitty times ahead when he leaves office.
FUCKING shit more muh Russia talk
OP please go fuck yourself so we don't have to share time with you
It does a good job removing ukrainians from mankind's genepool
cute women, retard.
fucking die of potato blight, potato nigger. ukraine is a superior right wing russia.
>It does a good job removing ukrainians from mankind's genepool
papa stalin should have finished the job.
"There are horrific eye-witness accounts of mothers eating their own children.
In the Ukrainian city of Poltava, Andriy Melezhyk recalled that neighbours found a pot containing a boiled liver, heart and lungs in the home of one mother who had died.
Under a barrel in the cellar they discovered a small hole in which a child's head, feet and hands were buried. It was the remains of the woman's little daughter, Vaska."
fucking hohols.
>ukraine is a superior right wing russia.
>funded by our greatest ally
Idk, man.
But why would we get nuked back for your shit country anyway?
Maybe a better idea would be to stop using Russian gas to heat your home?
That way Putin won't have any moneys from you, and you'll freeze to death.
That's a win-win situation for everyone.
what that about?
Because Russia buys a lot of shit from my country and you don't.
we have Sweds to be dealt with first
>thinking i'll ever listen to a filthy commie flag
>tfw there are tens of thousands of ukrainians coming here every year
they are literally europe's mexicans
Dunno who those other people are, but Vitali Klitschko isn't a Jew.
>thinking real natsocs would ally with the EU commie state
>>thinking i'll ever listen to a filthy commie flag
enjoy being fucked by your greatest (((ally))):D
>dont look at who where funding goy yes!
Russia is a NWO free nation. Ukraine is Liberal.
Deal with it.
A young woman falling in love with a young conscript in the midst of the Chernobyl Disaster.
Skip to 14:54.
Heartbreaking in the end.
>they are literally europe's mexicans
how will we solve the hohol problem? another lolodomor?
the do have realy good whores tho.
Is everyone in Israel freaking out right now because the goyim know?
>went to high school with one ukrainian immigrant
>she did porn, dropped out of school and now is presumably living as a meth addicted junkie
atleast czechs do porn without anyone finding out about it
They shoot back.
Jews come from ukraine aka khazaria.
fake news
Draging other countries down to your level doesen't improve your life at all.
know what?
Israelis don't know shit about NWO.
and if they do
Give me one reason why Ukraine even exists?
>atleast czechs do porn without anyone finding out about it
if seen an ukri*nian once an immigrat moving from his shithole country there pathetic creatures worthy only of contemt and utter hatred
czeck women are so good there a brand of porn czeck bro how do you do it?
Like what?
>Give me one reason why Ukraine even exists?
the same reason belguim exist buffer states that grew too big and declared independance.
hohol filth what are you going to do when russo chad annexes your "country"?
my parents came from the soviet union to Israel, and I still have No clue why Ukrainians separate themselves from Russians.
Both speak Russian.
FAKE NEWS?!!??!?!
>separate themselves from Russians.
>Both speak Russian.
there language is slightly different also ukrianians are more close to turks and tatars than russians.
Nice shilling you Kremlin kike faggot
Trade deals for their ore.
Love rusfags, keep making the internet great.
its a dialect stop kidding your self hohol.
are you serious?
Ukranian is Russian with english accent.
US charges Ukraine three times more for American coal
the ukrianians would rather suck americas big sloppy cock than russias the want to join NATO too.
why are they so scared of russia?
>Ukranian is Russian with english accent.
sounds more italian than russian or any other slavic language.
Because it's a pro-nationalist nation. Putin vocally states that one of his goals is to increase the population of ethnic Russians.
That's what we fucking want in the West. Not Putin specifically, but those same values. We want nationalism and we want pro-white American sentiments to be the mainstream, not the fucking niggrification that we've been seeing since the 90s and moving forward.
>one of his goals is to increase the population of ethnic Russians.
sure about that...
I have no fears over Russia, I just don't like intervening in foreign markets. Why not be cooperative? They have enough problems on their own, the really don't need more.
I'm not a cocksucker like you, commie-user. I prefer to leave people alone.
>I'm not a cocksucker like you, commie-user
why can there be no ancom ancap alliance?:D
>Why not be cooperative?
the us put sanctions on russia particularly for the petrodollar and the oil pipeline.
>indigenous Muslim population that existed there for centuries = muslim immigrants aimed at replacing native white populations.
Fuck off shill
>b-but R-russian Muslims a-are d-different
>since the 90s
just another great clinton policy
>stop church
youre going to hell, captcha
>>since the 90s
"since the early 1919's"
I don't care. Russia is woke to the problems of the modern world. Putin vocally supports nationalistic ideas and vocally supports his people.
That is LEAGUES ahead of our politicians and our media constantly fucking demonizing white Americans.
>why can there be no ancom ancap alliance
I'm usually all-for alliances, but your ideology is at odds with mine, almost 100%.
I believe in the doctrine of "never discuss religion or politics in polite company", so we can be pals.
As for sanctions, that's just further intervention, which I advocate against. The Petrodollar is going to kill the US economy, and it's going to happen hard and fast.
It's been down hill since December 23, 1913.
>I'm usually all-for alliances, but your ideology is at odds with mine, almost 100%.
we both are anarchistic in nature.
also i'm not a tanki but a anarcho syndicalist but since there is no syndicalist flag i have to get the tnaki flag.
Look, it's very simple.
We want pro-nationalism and we want pro-white sentiments in the USA.
We want our tax money to start benefitting us, not being delivered to fucking border hopping mexicans just to out breed and replace us.
Russia to my knowledge isn't doing anything close to this FUCKED. In fact, their goals are the opposite. Of course it's going to be fucking appealing to us.
Uh, they'd nuke us back? Ever hear of this thing called the Cold War and Mutually Assured Destruction? May have been before you were born.
>As for sanctions, that's just further intervention, which I advocate against. The Petrodollar is going to kill the US economy, and it's going to happen hard and fast.
>It's been down hill since December 23, 1913.
it is not only going to kill the us it killed venuzeula too by flooding the market with cheap oil.
just look at the 2010 oil glut to see what damage it caused.
>nytimes com/1994/05/16/us/failure-of-high-flying-banks-shakes-venezuelan-economy.html?pagewanted=all
It should be nuked into Morrowind instead
>a theory of anarchism which advocates the abolition of the state, capitalism, wage labour and private property
Ancoms and ancaps are at odds.
Flag-wise, I can understand that. Thank you for clarifying.
Venezuela's just the latest in a string of examples of how socialism doesn't work, so I have mixed feelings about its fall.
On one hand, I now don't have to reference the USSR or more contemporary examples. We can watch it in real-time.
However, they're still people, and they are suffering. So it feels bad man.
Thanks friend.
They're gonna nuke everyone back. Not worth it.
>We want our tax money to start benefitting us,
taxation is theft.
we have private ownership, but if you don't pay up, the government will take your shit. We have eminent domain, licenses, fees, regulations, printing money. The government already controls the economy but people still have the illusion that it is a free market with strong private ownership.
if you realy want a white ethnostate go fascist.
thank you senpai.
>string of examples of how socialism doesn't work,
i explained here nicely why it was not infact socialism but the petrodollar.
2) Venezuela's economic troubles have very little to do with socialism. It's roots can be traced to the Venezuelan banking crisis of 1994 under then president Rafael Caldera, when 17 out of Venezuela's 49 commercial banks failed and had to be taken over by the government (sound familiar?). The crisis happened because oil (which Venezuela kinda lives & dies by) prices fell. Up to 31% of Venezuela's GDP was spent on the bailout, & the economy got completely fucked because of it.
Who are you exactly? Ukraine? You guys are puppets on strings. The Jews will prop you up when necessary and then fuck you with immigrants all the same. You guys are part of the globilization plan = the white genocide plan.
>>a theory of anarchism which advocates the abolition of the state, capitalism, wage labour and private property
>Ancoms and ancaps are at odds.
we both want to abolish the state.
wage labour will still be a thing but businesses will be co owned a co operative.
look at the syndicalist system the best way i can discribe it is workers guilds.
i think valve works somewhat this way with free workers movement.
>You guys are part of the globilization plan = the white genocide plan.
>white suicide.
more like.
also i'm not an internationalist i want a anarchist syndicalist state nice and seprated.
if you want an ethnostate so be it go your way.
That's a good set of points, I appreciate you laying them out. I'll have to do a bit of research before I can say anything more of value, but you've given me something to read, so thank you.
Have a pepe while I go eat dinner.
Because it's the last hope for the white race
>Speaking a variant Russian
It shouldn't exist
Ukrainians are our guiz
Counterbalances rotten West. I mean, it's rotten itself, but in different way.
better dead then red
thank you for understanding usually people just respond with "tanki"or that shitty heli meme.
i still someday wish for a ancom ancap alliance.
wacky dashcam antics Sup Forums btfo
>better dead then red
"better wall street/bank bailouts and a fait economy than any other way"
Yeah, men are fucking weak today. We should be organizing and getting armed with guns and just taking our lives back. Marching in protests as men is fucking pathetic. Asking for handouts is the niggers way of doing things, white men just historically take it with guns. It's what we're forgetting.
low qulity bait, gommiesuck
a meme ideology comprised of strassirism a bit of fascism and some nationalism trown in.
>white men just historically take it with guns. It's what we're forgetting.
isnt it funny how america used to be an ethnostate?
It's like 1/6th of terrestrial land. Nobody produces as much oxygen as Russia.
Patton would agree with you OP. Too bad he got in a (((car crash)))
>low qulity bait, gommiesuck
ignores all my pionts
calls me a commie and as such displaying his retardation and lack of reading skills.
i mentioned in my other post that i'm only using the tanki flag becuase theres no syndicalist flag.
but ill just switch to the anarchist one.
fuck i forgot to greentext.
Oh look the fucking retarded larping communist doesn't comprehend jew bankers are the same faggots who started bolshevik communism that didn't work out. comparing apples to apples you dumb nigger.
Jesus christ you larping retarded mongrels are so fucking adorable stupid it's cute
>jew bankers are the same faggots who started bolshevik communism
LMFAO how retarded are you?
>Jesus christ you larping retarded mongrels
>isnt that ironic coming from a NATSOC?