Daily reminder that music is the biggest bluepill in history

Daily reminder that music is the biggest bluepill in history.

If you listen to music and think you’re redpilled you’re a retard.

Music exists to keep the plebs entertained and emotionally bound.

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All that you touch


No shit sherlock, Roger is a lefty cuck
But stop enjoying things just because your political views is the biggest blue-pill ever

>I'm so stupid an naive that a song will make me change my views on the world
lmao get a rope ASAP

I listen to classical music and military marches.

All that you taste

Thinking everything must be redpilled is pretty bluepilled. If you can't enjoy a song, or a film, or book, or tv show for its artistic merits and separate life from art you're worse than a liberal.

Classical music is pretty decent.

Why don't you listen to some good music instead?

>existing in a perpetual state of irrationality

Funny how all music is “leftist” because it’s the complete opposite of reason.

Any philosopher pre 20th century would be considered by today’s standards a racist because their emotions don’t dictate their reasoning.

>not listening to Wagner
you're a cuck desu

There is no good music.

The purpose of music is to illicit emotions.


Or be a man and listen to bluegrass. Or outlaw country. Fuck any shit on the TV or commercial radio.

>military marches.
Jesus fucking Christ you idiots have no idea what art even is. Who are your top 10 classical composers? If you list Wagner, Beethoven or Mozart you're a pleb who has no business making arguments about 'muh western culture'

Military marches/folk music are probably necessary in times of war.

outlaw country you say? kek

>muh classical music

It’s a slippery slope.

Is icp classical? Is Lil Wayne's new joint classical? Shit bangs hard,dog word.

His dad is better. H3 is pretty degenerate, but so is his dad I guess

>All music is leftist



Miserable fucks who suck the fun out of life, deserving only of death but too craven to an hero, and the people triggered by them.

Pro tip: All value stems from emotion. Without your limbic system, there is no meaning. Fucking edgy psycopathic cunts...

>all music is bluepilled
Guess again kiddo.

This is now a music thread. Post good music.


ask a post-unironic music patrician anything


Whose excited for winter ?




If you believe this you’re truly a retard.

Emotions interfere with reason and moral judgments.

This is correct. Even so called "good" music exists to DISTRACT you from your thoughts and feelings. It's a dopamine rush just like TV, video games, weed and coffee. It's one of the oldest human inventions of civilization because civilization itself is a departure from our original natural environments. WE DON'T NEED MUSIC.

So I see you didn't fuck her...

Why do you hate yourself so much?

any Sup Forumscuck man in?


>when your brain's too small to enjoy blackened noise
plene i am on 50 different levels of music patricianity above you fampai

>Interfere with reason and moral judgments

In the absence of emotion, what value is there in either of these?

Watch music videos of Nazi’s isn’t going to make anymore more rational, friend.

What we’re fighting against in the 21st century is irrationality and music only feeds emotional, irrational behavior.

this is unironically good

Yeah, sure. Just neck yourself, you low-IQ pleb.


All love songs are for blue pilled faggo-

>women are bluepills
>taking recreational drugs is a bluepill
>listening to music is a bluepill
>having friends is a bluepill
>diversity of opinion is a bluepill
>X is a bluepill
Wow, it's almost as if being entertained/happy is a bluepill
Stop being a revisionist faggot and enjoy life.

>low iq pleb
>posts elgar

God you're fucking stupid, go die in a fire

>If you listen to music and think you’re redpilled you’re a retard.

If you can’t understand the world without feeling emotional about making decisions you’re a retard. Period.

>still breathing the air jew
>hasn't taken the asphyxiation pill
>trying to give others the music pill



Emotion is the driver of your beliefs whether you admit it or not. If you're incapable of detaching your consumption of entertainment from your political beliefs you have a weak mind. I've been listening to lefty music my entire life and yet here I am, a white nationalist paleoconservative.

and how is Detroit and European techno bluepilled if theres no lyrics?

Literally the definition of bluepilled.

Fun fact. Not everyone here is a weak willed faggot. How is your autism today?

Understanding is not valuing. Making decisions is based on value. What value is there in understanding things or making decisions without emotion?

Take the true final music redpill

For their times, all the Hanks were degenerate, Outlaw music in general is

I’m not sure if what you’re describing as your political belief has anything to do with your moral character.

In a rational society white nationalism is not necessary.

Yo das some good shit.

>wanting to be a robot

>In a rational society white nationalism is not necessary.
Correct. But we don't live in a rational society, which necessitates such a movement.

>implying music doesn't improve the brain
>implying music doesn't improve working conditions
>implying efficiency doesn't increase with music
google scientifically researched benefits of music and you'll find that it can be an incredibly useful tool. It can be used to foment degeneracy and irrational behavior if it falls into the wrong hands, but you'd have to be ignorant to believe it is universally destructive.

The quality of these posts lowers the quality of Sup Forums, please post responsibly.

A person devoid of emotions can make rational decisions based on reason. A person devoid of reason cannot make rational judgments.

>we don't need music

I'll have what you're smoking, sounds like the ultimate blue pill


Of the fifty(50) senior executives of the major music labels and trade organizations, thirty-nine(39) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 78%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major music labels and trade organizations by a factor of 39 times(3,900 percent).

If you listen to (((music))), you're being brainwashed by Jews.

Yeah it's not like you can actually pick and choose which artists you listen to.

meant to quote

>implying you’re not fooling yourself

Go listen to birds chirping if you want to improve your brain.

Rational decisions based on what? For what? How is there reason in absence of emotion?


What value is there in logic without emotion? IE, without the emotion of giving a fuck about something, how do I care how I achieve, protect, maintain that thing? Let alone developing such means as reason, logic, etc.

Plebs will always be irrational.

This is only for people who understand it.

Give me a purely logic based reason why I should have children or care about the continued existence of white people after I die.

The fuck does that even mean? How does this answer my questions? Do you even understand what logic, reason and rationality are, or are you just going to keep jumping synonyms to avoid giving an answer?

I'm not some anti emotion autist, but you would care about things only for the resultant reward that is given to you. You would do things because logic dictates that you get a reward from it.

Why is a reward valuable? What outside of some emotional experience gives the word 'reward' any meaning?

What use is a reward to someone who cannot feel the emotions of joy or accomplishment or satisfaction?

It’s very simple.

You can exist in a state devoid of any emotion solely consisting of reason. Therefore emotions are irrelevant to existence.

Stop breathing. Frank Zappa was as red pilled as you can get.

That didn't answer anything. Empty rhetoric.

>A person devoid of emotions can make rational decisions based on reason. A person devoid of reason cannot make rational judgments.

>implying having emotions means you're devoid of rational thought

Sure thing, Muhammed.

How do you do this without the emotion of desiring to do so? And what emotional experience of what value provokes this desire? Please explain how there is value or meaning outside of emotional experience and context. You would be the first human being to do so, but hey give it a shot.

>Therefore emotions are irrelevant to existence.

Nobody's denying that buddy, but again, of what value is there in reason without emotion?

>google scientifically researched benefits of music and you'll find that it can be an incredibly useful tool

Exactly. OP is a faggot.

saged so hard

found a video of OP

nobody cares

Zappa? bluepill?

Fuck off, Mohammad.

As a conservative that composes music, go fuck your self.

jesus op, you're embarrassing yourself

That's absolutely wrong. Emotions enhance judgement.
It's just that one shouldn't only listen to emotions. That's childish.
Real men have feelings.
People without any feeling are the first ones that are to be gassed.

Saudis are fucking weak. Trent Reznor is so much better at it.


>People without any feeling are the first ones that are to be gassed.

They're also known as psychopaths.

This. Everyone should listen to based nigger Pushkin instead of Wagner

>military marches.
>LARPing this hard

Pushkin was a writer...

Goat ass
"Unavailable in my country"
Shitty track(despite Noisia is cool)

Papa will show ya some good taste here:




Survival, comfort, efficiency. Unless you think without emotions we would just sit around until death. A purely person logical can see that having certain things will make their day to day life easier. You need to do things to receive those things.

>listening to military marches makes you a roleplayer
Am I LARPing as a church burner if I listen to Burzum?
Am I LARPing as cancer if I listen to the beatles?


What value is survival without emotion? Comfort is not an emotion? Effeciency is valuable without some other emotionally based value or meaning how?

>Unless you think without emotions we would just sit around until death
What reason outside emotion would you do anything but?

>A purely person logical can see that having certain things will make their day to day life easier.

Outside of emotion, how would they care whether it was easy or hard?

>Survival, comfort, efficiency.
Caring about any of those things requires emotion.

>Unless you think without emotions we would just sit around until death.
Real depression (not the meme "I'm sad" bullshit) is not sadness, but a complete lack of emotion. A numbness. You'll notice that people who are deeply depressed stop functioning in the most basic ways. They quit their jobs, they quit their hobbies, they stop taking showers and brushing their teeth, they stop going outside, they stop doing their laundry, they basically stop functioning as a human. That is what an absence of all emotion entails.

Through history people have said God speaks through the hidden relationships in math. Music is all about playing with those mathematical harmonies and patterns sometimes expressing hard to articulate things that only mature into fully formed ideas as the proto-concepts are played with through art.