Is Europe Fucked?

just wondering what Sup Forums thinks about Europes future (western Europe) and if it can survive and still remain powerful on the world stage

the map is a bit off

If your map is what you consider "Europeans" then I want nothing to do with it.

how so?

Jesus Christ it's just a fucking map to say that eastern Europe like Poland are looking out for their best interests while western Europe destroys itself

All I'm saying is that I'm fine in my 99% white and irrelevant country. And Europe has gone through worse, there was plague and two world wars back to back

>le based pooland
so sick of this meme. Every country will get cucked like we are if it has a traitorous government that manipulates the media.

Russia has the largest muslim population in Europe you dumbfucks and Putin treats them like a good civic nationalist would.
Most of the eastern europe is shit,hard truth is if western europe falls then muslims get their hads on modern weapons and the whole Europe is fucked.
There wont be anyone there to save you,there is nowere to retreat only you can helpbyourself and your country.

Thanks god, and I though that I'm the last one who still believe in Europe.

It's not possible that there won't be an uprising or something at some point, old European spirit hasn't died yet. WW2 was mere 70 years ago, it can't die that fast

>And Europe has gone through worse, there was plague and two world wars back to back

German posters on Sup Forums have literally two mods:
>I hate Poland
>I hate everyone, myself and Poland

Defeatists get the bullet too

nuke us already

you mean (((them)))

>there was plague
Ill take the Black Plague anyday over the infestation of subhuman rapists.

You are good guy finbro, we need more like you.

nah I don't hate your country. I just don't understand why everyone is praising it. Apparently just not having a cucked government is an achievement in the current year.

>germans are eternally barbarians

yeah.. i don't think so. Germany is still great.

Europe is beyond fucked. What was sold to you as a humanitarian act, letting refugees into your borders, was in reality letting the wolf into your home.

Soon they will no longer be satisfied with appeasement and return to their violent meathods of reform. Their true intentions are made clear in their refusal to assimilate and repeated acts of violence the media is quick to burry if they address it at all.

Jihad is coming for Europe and unlike your ancestors before you, you are not a people ready for the chaos and violence that will ensue in your streets.

Truth is hard to look at, insane how the fall of Rome is literally happening again, in France, Germany, England, Ireland, Sweden, etc...

>Russia has the largest muslim population in Europe you dumbfucks and Putin treats them like a good civic nationalist would.

Its not about how Putin treats them, its about how the average Russian treats them. Try posting something against the slimes in the west on twitter - you will literally get destroyed, your work will be gone, your "friends" will be gone, etc...

Try posting an unpopular opinion about slimes from eastern europe or Russia - totally different, uncucked reaction.

Jews, traitors and defeatists

I'm more than willing to fight, I know how to shoot a gun. It's the mandatory military construct or whatever they call it. It teaches a thing or two

poland is the anglos check on russia and germany on the continent

Glad I'm always a babarian

>not having a cucked government
That's not true actually. Still it doesn't mean that you need to shit on everything in every thread. And when I say you I mean generally german posters. Bad times doesn't mean that we are all done, the history goes in circle and Europeans proves again and again that their are worth their place on Earth.

I'm far from a defeatist. I have hope, however naive it might be, that Western Europeans will one day wake and reclaim our nations. I'm merely pointing out that we've never faced an enemy like this. An enemy that has thoroughly infiltrated our societies, and supplanted themselves within every major political, cultural and social institution. This "battle" is like none other we've ever faced, because it's ideological and comes from within.

Very sane mentality, I wish I could remain happy in my hometown having only four neighbours in one km square. Unfortunately The nearest city grew a lot during the last 10 years and this is slowly becoming a residential zone. I will have to flee from here soon. Probably to Finland, I heard it's pretty lonely and cold there. I will also have an easy time learning finnish, the gramatic is just like basque. And I can read a finnish text like if it was basque and it sound almost the same.

Go and make some white americans instead on shitposting here.

damn your right looks like we're fucked

Who fucking cares about europe. The whole world is fucked and te sun wont stop bullying us

this took way too long to make

Polish posters are always trying to be helpful. It's cute.

>we helped! we stopped soviets in 1920!
>we helped! we stopped turks in 1683!
>we helped! we wuz copernicus n shit!
>we are all europeans here! please get along!

I like them. They helped.

that is something that can be said about entire Sup Forums though. this board is constantly filled with hating and blaming but no one actually shows a positive attitude and tries to think about a solution.

fuck off leaf

If you're white then welcome, I've seen only 3 niggers in my 22 years of living, so I don't know what it's like to live in multicultural society. Just avoid big cities, learn Finnish and know that this is dark and lonely country, people get depressed. Like refugees who deport themselves or kill themselves. To be fair, that's integration done right

Look mang, just because you see less immigrants doesn't mean EE is better off than the west. They're poor as hell, they have no nukes except Russia, their miltaries are terribly weak except Russia, everyone gets aborted, AIDS is everywhere, the women are just as slutty as westerners, divorce rates are still through the roof, people worship money, alcoholism and heroin addiction are commonplace, everyone smokes, most countries still have immigrants especially Russia and including the Baltic states and Finland, they're all trying to suck the EU's dick. Shall I go on? They don't have as many immigrants because it's terrible and they can't afford to give as much free shit to some Nigerian cunts. Face it. Prosperity breeds jealousy. The only reason countries like Germany and England are being flooded with A**icans is because they're doing so well, those immigramts are also welcome in Latvia, and if Latvia was well off they'd be flooded too. Ironically high immigration levels are sign of being well off. Immigration is a problem, but not the most pressing issue in Eastern Europe. It's like Americas southeast. People are more likely to be anti-immigration in Louisiana because it's the worst fucking place in the country and being born there is like a divine curse. Sure, Seattle is filled with retards you have to deal with, but they're only retarded because their lives are so good they can afford to be ignorant retards.

Want me to mention how most EE states have holocaust denial laws and strict censorship? How about the gypsy problem? How about the muslims from the caucus regions? Or the Albanians and Bonsians? Eastern Europe is a shithole, just a different kind of shithole that's much more depressing. There's exceptions of course like Latvia and Estonia and the nicer parts of Poland, but in general it's awful.


As expected its the German with the rustled jimmies. It's like you people have a genetic predisposition for developing an inferiority complex

The German equivilant of the CIA/FBI had to arrest a muslim recently who was fucking working for them and found messages on his computer about sneaking weapons out for terrorists to use, as well as a bunch of gay porn.
They're already getting access to weapons. All the while Eastern Europe is disarming it's citizens amd waiting for the cataclysm.

I think only once have I ever seen a Polish poster ever say anything about Germany except "I want to kill all Germans lol look at this macro of German people I personally dislike"

Basically all nations were considered barbarians except Greeks, Romans and Hellenised asians.

>post describes the quoted image
waste of digits

No my friend the British Isles, Gaul, Hispania, Africa were neither Hellenistic nor Roman in any way.

dude it's all fine. I wouldn't post here if I couldn't handle the banter

shit nigger what are you doing

>Roman territory is not Roman in any way.

Shut your mouth inferior barbaric leaf. Your country exists for 100 years. Pathetic!

you responded to your own post with INCORRECT information, pay denbts you fucking turk

Denial palpable, tell me Hans what are you going to do with them? You can't do anything because you know what. There will be wave after wave with trickle in between. And nothing, nobody can stop it because literally hitler. Until you're economic back is broken. Maybe islamic state before that. How can you get rid of the sins that aren't yours to take?

I love how Germany is always barbarian no matter what

Red: Civilisation-NO LEGIONS ALLOWED.
Green: Frontier, SHITHOLE.

But it won't be you Fritz, that's the problem.

As long as the EU can resist the urge to drink the nationalist kool-aid, it will be strong and a major player on the world stage. Why do you think )))Bannon((( is working to undermine the EU?

>tfw civilization
I, For One, Welcome Our Old Slavic Overlords.
As long as it isn't neo-european caliphate, i'm ok.

It's not about how old it is, but how good it is.

and now your country is nothing more than a nice spot to go on holiday.

Proxy, or finbros turn into a meme. Which is it?

Atleast we didn't fuck over Europe three times in one century.

martin luther did nothing wrong
at least we are relevant enough to make an impact.

Red? That's uhhh not red dude.

>one person represents entire country
Just a shitposter I bet. Into the oven he goes anyway

Atleast we don't have a turkish suburb in the middle of out capital city.

You got my point smartass


>relevant enough to make an impact
so the system of government that ALL of our countries use, that was irrelevant?

at least we don't have to pay debts to a country with a turkish suburb in it's capital city :^)

>muh roman empire
This is as tiresome as the people who think that every current event is clearly the book of Revelations coming true any minute now.

>Try posting an unpopular opinion about slimes from eastern europe or Russia - totally different, uncucked reaction.

Agreeing with fash because you're afraid a bunch of morons will call you a cuck is literally the exact opposite of an 'uncucked' reaction.

Nice to be part of the civilized world both times

>Apparently just not having a cucked government is an achievement in the current year.

It is you dumb fuck. just look at ourselves, we can't even get this right.

Just nuke us please...

you've gone further and just mixed with the Turks. I've looked at Greek dna tests very tainted.

>what about this invention from seseral millenia ago?


Nah, I was just kidding. Finland is not the right place for me. I am dark and lonely myself, but in a country like Finland I think I would end up killing myself.

Some lost place in the mountains of northern Spain or France is more adequate.

>take fascism from southern europeans
>ruin it with turboautism

Never change.

if you didn't already make 9 posts i'd ignore you for trolling, but damn you're one delusional kraut

this leaf will be spared the rake

>Apparently just not having a cucked government is an achievement in the current year.

well it is quite a good achievement

>tfw cucked government

Yeah Europe is completely fucked. Better move to America.

Well w got rid of the government that wanted to take refugees and we now have anti-refugee party in the government
Meanwhile Germany is about to elect Merkel for 666th time despite having our women raped by the shitskins on your streets
Yes, shit government ruins your country but it's the brainwashed germans who keep electing shit government

>Scotland barbarians in both pics


kek meant your women but I guess our get raped too in Germany
So pay reparations

>not roach-bloods

>EE countries start suing WE for raperations

Did you go to school in the US?

>Germany and Scandinavia will never be part of European civilization

>"Wutz ur ohh-nest thawtz on X??? :^)" shitpost
>We all know it's a shitpost
>OP knows it's a shitpost
>mods know it's a shitpost
>Almost 100 replies

It's an utterly stupid meme
>pic related: Do you think that homosexuality is morally wrong?

I'm talking about Gallia in general. Narbonensis was the only proper province in celtic lands.

our women basically

Great, so we'll more from 80%-99% white countries to 56% mongrel country. Great idea, but I rather not want to be shot by niggers

No slovenia obviously

That's why you get a gun too. Nah I'm just kidding. White people aren't allowed to move here.

Russia and Ukraine should be excluded from the lower map.

Quite literally, if you want to move to USA from Europe then you'd have to be a millionaire, you only take cheap labor from third world countries

You're delusional, they wanted this gov to go after Putin in Ukraine, it didn't work out. They got ahead of themselves. Wait till they turn the screws on currency and economy, seen what they did to ruble? The tapes were used to oust russian gov. in Ukraine, sounds familiar?

Because they haven't become cucked yet and show zero signs of becoming cucked. Granted I can imagine a German sees resistance and hope as pointless, its why your country is the way it is today.

Our monitary system will collapse within the next few years under all the debt. Maybe it will take a century, but it will, it has to. And then there will be no more gibs, so rapefuguees will chimp out like never seen before. It is going to be a tough time, because we are completely disarmed. Maybe some governments wouldnt even be able to find a way to pay our police, leaving the place in total chaos. But I have high hopes, that once the upcoming civil war will get sorted out people will have learned their lesson and a time of liberty & properity will come. And THATS when I will put some children into this world.

Does anyone think Im wrong?

Since it's contagious gays displaying their pederasty on the streets should be publically whipped and imprisoned. And I'm not talking about "parades" but pairs holding hands and mingling about. What you do in private is none of my business.

Proxy, vittu. The shitposting is really coming from inside your house.

Merkel is better option than Schulz. At least her approach to economy seem to work.