Voice of reason defending science, the Pope.
Pope launches thinly veiled attack on Trump, saying: 'History will judge climate change deniers'
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When is the Pope going to speak positively of atheists and condemn creationism?
I'm glad he got his face caved in.
I miss John Paul II
Guess thats where they put the chip in
I really wish this show would come true
What a fucking faggot. The only thing he still needs to complete his image is a God damn fedora.
And God will judge this pagan heretic
He was a faggot too just not as flamboyant
The RCC doesn't believe in Biblical creation, except as an allegory.
not my pope, I hope he gets assassinated
>fraud calls other fraud a fraud
Wow, it's nothing
History is also going to remember this traitor as a false pope
What's wrong with his face? Is Satan getting sick of his mask?
bitch got slapped by his pimp
Jesus please liberate us from this heretic pope!!
Lol God literally punched this faggot in the face
And history will judge pedophile commie genociding muslim foot kisser like this fucking rotten pile of shit.
I miss Ratzinger.
Thanks for your service as always.
Saturn-worshippers are getting really nervous it seems.
The popemobile attacked him, trying to eject the impostor.
>Le wrong side of history
I bet this cuck says it about Christianity too, given how he fellates muslims.
judge them as sane and logic
Believe in god
Believe in science
Choose one
How does the pope explain the polar ice caps melting on mars? Is it all those pope mobiles and their exhaust being driven on that planet?
God will judge schismatic anti popes
Is that not truly the fucking face of evil? Wish John-Paul II would rise from the grave and strangle that fucker.
What do you expect from Argykraut?
>this is what kikes actually believe
>History will judge..
History will never be judged, people may use historical events to justify their beliefs, but history in itself is neutral.
Also, look at that face. What a sick human being, the smile and those black eyes. It's like he "knows", its like he is the most redpilled guy on the planet, whom are choosing to spew these liberal viewpoints, despite knowing the long term consequences and how wrong it is. Yet he carries on to bask in the admiration of the liberal-media..
I don't get it. Someone as important as the pope certainly has lots of informations available to him. The Vatican has its own scientists as well, so there is no way he doesn't know that climate change is a scam.
So why does he still do this? What does he gain by promoting that hoax? He doesn't sell any green energy bullshit, he's got nothing to gain from this economically speaking. Is it just for virtue signaling? Is it to get good boy points on social media? Is this why he kissed muslims' feet and prayed with kikes?
When will that motherfucker finally hang from a tree?
Looking how history goesn't judge muslims themselves how do you think it judge pope?
I could say the same thing for him when all throughout history the Catholic church has been filled with corruption, child molesters and those who pay hush money and shuffle them around. Like Bannon said, these guys want infinite growth in their religion, it's a fucking business just as hospitals are a fucking business. Less people in their churches means less people paying into it, that's why they are for the open border cuckery.
I hate attacking the pope. It's not in my nature.
This is Christ's Church, and if the vicar strays, then Christ will rectify.
Tell that to Augustine, who wrote a book on the literal interpretation of Genesis.
Just as it will judge those who welcomed the refugees into Europe. Shitty, degenerate pope.
>Mass extinction event
Fuck the Pope, Cucktholics get your shit together.
That's all there is to say.
Pedophile Deniers
Well the Church is getting progressively worse for decades now and Ratzinger was most likely forced to resign because he was too conservative. John Paul the first might have been a good pope but he died supposedly after meddling with some (((Vatican institutions)))
Naturally the apostate says history will judge, since he doesn't believe in a God who will do any judging.
Climate change only affects people who deny it. It's the will of God.
Fuck the Pope. By the UN's own reports, the Paris Accord wasn't going to do jack shit about climate change. But it was going to redistribute fossil fuel consumption to "developing" countries while having the US pay for it. You want to pull CO2 out of the atmosphere? Look into regenerative agriculture. Fucking leftists use climate change as a cudgel for control instead of providing actual solutions that don't nuke the economy.
Cucklics everybody!
My god, this old fucking fossil should worry more about modernizing a church who's loosing members on a daily basis, instead of kissing feels of immigrants.
Want a fucking disgrace this religion has become: stacked in the 12th century....
And God will make Francis fry in hell eternally and so what.
History will actually judge pedos.
In other news, pope has opinion on something he doesn't understand or know anything about, and why his opinion means you're a nazi
>History will judge climate change deniers
Ruh roh.
Climate change is the new Catholic Priesthood. it's still stupid. And raped even more children.
Was it one of the refugees he took in that did it to him?
>bruise on his left cheek after getting cock slapped by his black refugee boyfriend
So now history is judging us too?
>history will judge
>anyone that isnt god judging someone
You are out of the loop leaf.
Catholic Church, or better the Vatican has been experts at politics for hundreds of years.
They go where the political climate goes and metamorphose along with it.
They already see the future of a mongrelized dead Europe, and are starting to adapt to it by slowly aligning themselves with the flow.
He literally wrote about a progressive creation over a long period of time.
act of god
You would think Pope Pozzed the First would realize that black eye is a reminder from God that he is doing the wrong thing.
stay off the black pills man
>modernizing a church who's loosing members
What is causing the loss of members in the first place is the modernization that caters to liberals who hate Christianity.
Surprise surprise, teaching people that the Church, the Mass and Holy Tradition are just some unimportant things makes people leave them.
Thank god I'm an orthodox
Shouldn't this guy be concerned with saving souls rather than environmental activism? Does this Pope even advocate for Christianity?
By a mudslime rapefugee, you know is doable.
If he's gonna keep up with this shit we're gonna create 2nd Polish Pope, only this time we're gonna use Pius II as basis
>worry more about modernizing a church
This right here is the worst thing any faggot leaf cuck has ever posted, ever. I'm not even memeing when I say this.
>But it was going to redistribute fossil fuel consumption to "developing" countries while having the US pay for it
Isn't this Christian thing to do? Rich use you wealth to help poor.
I think he's right, what's wrong with this?
You would think he'd be more worried about Gods judgement,Catholicism clearly has nothing to do with Christianity.
Shit. This guy obviously doesn't know about the Trump curse. Looks like Trump is going to make the church great again too.
hope another refugee pops him in the other eye
>when your zip fails
I attended my first Divine Liturgy this past Sunday.
Never felt more welcomed by an entire building full of strangers in my entire life. Everyone was super nice and explained each part to me, I drove home in an absolute daze.
Is the process for catholic to convert a long one? I'm honestly considering joining.
Why would anyone speak positively of atheists? Also the Roman Church has always been pro-science.
Not if there are no humans left to judge....
People need to band together to denounce the pope, this fuck is clearly compromised.
When is based ISIS gonna do it?
>tfw zeuhl
get on level 9 faggot
And god will judge those who believed in something thats not real
People say "Hurr America must be ashamed for Trump"
Thats only around 300 million
Thats nothing to the 1.2 billion catholics that must be ashamed of this (((progressive))) pope
The Bible doesn't say he needs to be a cocksucking Republican.
I thought Trump recently said that he does believe in climate change
I mean, the Lord governs all so... why does God's representative on Earth doesn't understand that?
He should be spending more time addressing and ending pedophilia and child abuse from his priests.
I hate this faggot.
Concilio vaticano secondo is when it all went to shit
Are you fucking kidding me? The catholic church wont stand for anything they're supposed to anymore. Just pedos, fakes, and cowards. Same reason church attendance is dropping nation wide but people identifying as Christian has not
t. Baptist
Burn the coal, pay the toll
God will just pedophiles.
What if God is too busy judging people that don't brush their teeth.
The false prophet. A puppet of satan and idiots will swallow his words just cause he's under the name 'pope' Burn in hell Francis, but even after he dies we're going to have to deal with the Anti-christ.
what they left out is he is going to judge in favor of (((climate change))) deniers
I'll give that jesuit niggerlover another blackeye