Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Merkel muss weg Edition

Upcoming elections:
15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english

>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

>Gather lurkers
>Make memes
>Spell-check memes
>Spread memes
>Come up with new ideas
>Ignore the shills

If you can spare some shekels:

They accept PayPal



Weidel leaves ZDF Debate
Storch vs Bushido
Nigel Farage speech
Email Leak

Other urls found in this thread:

For german Anons who want to go the extra mile:

The AfD is still looking for people who can spend some time before the election to placard posters, distribute flyers and stuff into mailboxes, man info booths (together with experienced guys, of course), help prepare locations for speeches, look for posters being damaged/stolen, go to local meetups to discuss plans/ideas etc.

Also if not even more important apply as Wahlhelfer to prevent election fraud. (Check your local deadlines at your town hall) You get even some money from the government for this, between 60-90€

Or if you don't want to spend the entire election day at the polling station, please go there as Wahlbeobachter. Every citizen got the right to be there when they count the votes! Just go there a few minutes before 6pm on election day. You don't need to do anything else.


First for sexy Lindner!


That Sören at the end of the Stream...
Fancy Hair, Effeminated face, probably has Apple products, has only liberal friends, and the behavior of an animal is always plastic to his enviroment...

Checks out.

First one for Weidelposting

Remember Kids: "Don't do Drugs"

I wonder if he knows that being a figher pilot means killing people

First for ??? flags.

Damn you noodle fruit!

>rubs eyes

What are the chances of Merkel getting the boot and Germany leaving the EU? Excuse my American ignorance.

don't worry, some cunt mod deleted it so you're first now


as long as people like this represent the right it's no higher than 1%

this election? chances are none, only thing we can look forward to is having the AfD in parliament

No, he'll fail recruitment since people might fling ABUSIVE SLANG AT HIM has to sleep far away from mom and actually lift heavy dirty and partially oily equipment, is trained to shoot a gun (but refuses since he's a pacifist) and so on, and on.

tl;dr: a completely disconnected young "man"

Zero for this election. German politics is a game of incremental changes, unfortunately

they won't be happy until the whole board is just shitskin hobbits role-playing in cuck-threads pretending they get laid with whitegirls

Lurk more newfag
It's Andorra, used as a placeholder for unknown IP locations

So who do I vote for?

>Anyone who already had a term
Basically FDP, just that they want Germans to work instead of foreign workforce
Economically yes, also would want to see them in power for once. But they'd probably go full sjw

Is there anything left besides die PARTEI with Serdar Somuncu?

People like what?


looking at the state of Sup Forums they've come a long way


I hope you're baiting

If not, please abstain from voting for the rest of your life.

>economically yes
commie scum, leave this country and never come back

well they saw how successful arabs are when posting under swedish flags and thought hey, we should encourage this type of posting from all euro countries
especially since america is mongrel-zentrale, look up one of their Sup Forumsmeetups, it's ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING how these "people" """"represent"""" nationalists
about 5 years ago I used to post east euro sluts that I fucked, and you'd think hey that's some fun shitposting but nope
insta-ban with 3 cuck-porno threads at the same time in the catalogue, every single time
can't even post my fucking lighters nowadays, fucking ridiculous


I liked your lighter

Who is this? You're qt girlfriend? She looks so innocent user.

The recent changes seem to threaten even the SPD (second strongest party) and comes dangerously close them since approval apparently seems to sink since Schulz is their representator.

The AfD will hit Parliament and there seems to be no doubt anymore.
MEANWHILE: Green party (Enviromentalist, Feminazi and Anti-german) are maybe going below 5% (The minimum hurdle for representation) as projection and analysis shows by the media.

Don't worry, I won't

I know you would have liked the sluts more, that shit is noooooice. Think it's worth getting vanned? The elections are up..

AfD, man.

best milf in politics at the moment

>inb4 AfD "magically" goes down to 4,9%

Someone should edit this with her face

>I won't
Vote or Vote Die Partei? you gotta go a little into detail with your sentence structure.

>Example: Hello, welcome to Burger King, would you like a Cola or Fanta with that?
>*Cashier begins to quiver with a dead look in his eyes*

Don't do that to people, man.

4.9% for the greens is possible

Nobody in burger king asks if you want Cola or Fanta. They simply ask you what you want to drink.
t. Ex burger King burger flipper

What if they actually get seats this time?

>tfw only based right-wing posters in your neighbourhood

I won't abstain

But seriously, Sonneborn producing some videos in the EU is worth more than anything I could hope for with my vote. Especially in the EU where the parliament is a joke anyway.

Pretty unlikely since 5% is quite a lot.

This fags would never dare to do this with mohammed

>EU Parliament is a Joke
It's the joke that was only mildly funny at the start, but you wait for the joke to end...

Be glad that its a joke, soon it will be empty.

>tfw no a single afd poster and you live rural

first for there's no left-wing in germany

gotchu senpai

~+10% gains for afd (70% there)
~-10% losses for cdu (50% there)
spd just under 20% (almost there)
greens out (almost there)
blood in the water?

put one up

Man, this is difficult

Hope you guys are watching prosieben now.

>not a single libertarian right party
sums up whats wrong with this country


Why would I ever watch TV?

There's literally tons of memes in OP -- even printworthy ones -- you can put up.

disclaimer: pic related is not print worthy due to lack of antialiasing

To become normal.

these left-right graphs are outdated
you should make them 3d and have a pro-subhuman/ethnic replacement scale

Not worth it. Cows have no voting rights

"Hey, nice Policies! I'd take you to Bundestag any day, Girl!"

I thought you people would disagree with the political cuckpass

Surprising desu

Write English, cunt!

> not painting memes on cows

3rd dim is bogdim

Kek approves of you speaking my mind

why is my chancellor allowed to break laws and I will go to jail for not paying a fine

What about 8-values?

How hard did/will that email thing damage the AfD?

>more like b8 values

if you feel like it, do one for all the parties in tshermany, might look neat
sure is gonna display more than that fucked up graph posted before



This would most likely get covered by local news kek

Not at all because it's so obviously fake.

Generation Zyklon unleashed

that would be 4dim, but the measurements are rubbish


not at all

> get bleached by a gorillion whiteboys
> marry a nigger for youTubeBux

>Basically FDP, just that they want Germans to work instead of foreign workforce
>implying this is bad
>not wanting a right-wing libertarian government

>tfw live close to Karlsruhe
Fuck my life.

even better, it would be super ebin if cows were painted in the blue afd muster

Friendly reminder that a Polish mod is on duty deleting all G*rm*n language posts.

Probably not that much, after all, the media can easily get into a "you're fake news" trap, as it come from an unconfirmed source.


this is actually 4D

The best one yet is the moral politics test, which is 6 dimensional and based on moral thinking that policy is built upon and not policy per se




So progressiv!

>Gebürtige Londoner

wow, das a lotta multicultural sperm.

why was post deleted?

not at all
on the contrary they gained 0,5 % in the latest INSA poll

Have they any real chance of getting more than 10000 votes?

A mod is on rampage today. Everything in german gets deleted

>he does it for free

Shit, that's near where I live. Only one or two cities away.

plumbercucks are truly pathetic
you guys remember when 10 years ago, these retards were trying to be super progressive and started accepting refugees straight from africa, without anyone asking them too?
the story about the "POET" from Cameroon who went to poland and gave a couple hundred women AIDS?
how in the fuck are these jokers even talking about refugees nowadays

Good luck afd

3rd strongest party is already sure. With some extreme luck and meme magic they will get the second place

Are you retarded? AfD is the third strongest party in the polls and Germany has the biggest population of any EU country.

Quick question to Krauts: Can you access Styx's youtube channel? It's the first time I clicked on his channel without a vpn and it's not blocked

thanks general lee
