Brit/pol/ - You Now Remember Paul Nuttall Edition

>Left wing unions plot to throw Labour’s Trident plans into chaos by voting to axe the nuclear deterrent

>Brexit: MPs urged not to 'frustrate' repeal bill

>Continued formal membership of single market post-Brexit 'open for discussion', Jeremy Corbyn claims

>'The Queen's statue will topple just like Saddam's did in Iraq':

>Mother-of-four who tried to smuggle 12 Vietnamese illegal immigrants into UK hidden in stacks of TYRES using her heavy pregnancy as a cover is jailed for nearly three years

>Great Repeal Bill: Labour MP slams ‘fundamentally un-British’ bill in outrageous outburst

>TUC warns against 'cherry-picking' some workers for pay rises

Other urls found in this thread:

>low paid job
>no friends

What do I do to not be single anymore?

>Hitchens posting to piss of those miserable cunts


Stop being single.


Get a gf. Use this lad

>The UK has to ban burgers to stop you fat fucks from exploding

Jesus Christ. And they call US burgers. SAD!

get a girlfriend

Start buying guns.

Just bee yourself

So why does your government not take steps to address the obesity crisis in your country?


Enjoy life as God intended.


Just pick a bird out in the street and drag her home, lad



I see our resident burger is still pestering us

You know the drill, not a single (you) shall be given

Probably because the government shouldn't micromanage its peoples

t. wont reproduce

>the government shouldn't stop people killing themselves
For what reason?

We do. But we don’t have to impose into individual freedoms in order to do so like your fascist country.

Well, I shall give you a (you).

Here you go.

>Blair calls for EU migration curbs
Woah, lads.

>individual freedoms
>Individual freedom to strain society with your own gluttony
Why are Americans so selfish and antisocial?

>tfw there are mongs out there who actually considered putting an Irish lesbian woman who holds progressive views bar Islam, into the leadership role of one of our only marginally successful Right-wing parties

The absolute state of things

It's a ruse, he just wants another job

Did you hear that motherfucker wants another referendum? He deserves to be beheaded by your local jihadists.

Oh good, I was hoping there be a thread about a country that has no relevance on the global scale.


What are you doing?

Meant as a reply to:


I'm worried lads.

How do we stop the rise of Corbyn?

In the past meme campaigns we've had figures or goals to cheer for (Farage, Brexit, Trump) but now we don't.

Anons help.

Genuinely curious about this, lads - has faith in UKIP waned, or are we still a pro-UKIP general?

>no relevance on the global scale
>your man Obama has to come over and beg us not to leave the EU

We tried not giving him (you)s last thread, and he just dropped 20 consecutive posts. I'm at least going to have fun, now.

This Othello cuck shit on bbc

I don't see why they should. If somebody is worried about going out of their mind at a certain time and killing themselves in a craze then they can stipulate this in advance in a contract with some service provider.
I don't want to be taxed to give people suicide treatment.

yeah he doesnt want white people coming into the UK

>strain society

It’s a bit less of a strain considering we don’t have socialized medicine.
You fuckers can’t even afford to see your patients in person, so clearly that’s not the answer.

They had one job
They did that job
They have no reason to exist now. They're just a vaguely centre-right civic party in a sea of left-of-centre parties.

>worrying about some relic from the 80s when we have a full-blown neoliberal Blairite in charge of our alleged Conservative party

Too late.

Think long-term. Don't encourage him to come back. His piss jugs will need emptying eventually

SNP, tae English av proven they dont care about SCOTTISH problems or SCOTTISH interests.


Lads how can Anne Marie Waters run for UKIP leadership being from Dublin? That just seems bizarre...

>tfw they'll never do blackface again

Lmao you motherfuckers started this shit by calling out /ptg/ in your thread title.
You caught my attention, so now I’m having fun.

UKIP was always a disingenuous outlet for what were otherwise warranted grievances.

They were never on 'our' side and people like Farage hold useful positions on only some of the topics that require top-down mass reorganisation. It was never within their reach.

That's the worry.

> May is fucking terrible
> But she's better than Corbyn

What do we do?

Just bee yourself
I'm beta as fuck around my gf and she loves me like American bitches love Hugh Grant

jesus fuck you stupid turd, change the fucking record

>they can stipulate this in advance in a contract with some service provider.
How is corporate tyranny better than state tyranny?

>we don't have socialized medicine
You have Medicaid, specifically giving national health insurance to the poorest people. It also happens that the poorest are the most likely to be overweight.

Is there any specific law or bill against foreign nationals running if they have British Citizenship?

We already have signs on buses asking people not to eat and drink
Pretty fuckin' uncouth to stink up the place with your kebab


>by calling out /ptg/
Is that where you came from?

If Jeremy Corbyn becomes your PM, your country is finished for good.
And yet...your youth is screaming for it. It’s bizarre.

>this shit by calling out /ptg/
The fucking state of you. Getting upset because someone put your general in the title.

I don't really want Anne Marie Waters to turn UKIP into the feminist socialist party

>How is capitalism better than socialism
Too much of a conversation for a single post or even a single thread.
Make sure you don't shop at the tyrant bakery tomorrow, anyway.

If you have Citizenship you are a British national legally

A real thin-skinned bunch, them lot

Wait for the leadership election for David Davis to become our pm.

They're basically Bernie fans.

I am legit scared, I used to think Miliband was the antichrist but when Labour were destroyed they found a greater evil.

Young people tend to lean left, I`m sure more young people in America voted Hillary.

We don't have to go in to the inns and outs of capitalism/socialism, just in the area of benevolent interference to protect citizens' health, why is it better to let a private company do it than an accountable, tax-funded government body?

hello daaaave

Medicaid for children and pregnant mothers and shit. It’s incredibly hard to qualify for it. People get turned down all the time.
The whole thing is stupid anyway. We passed laws about 30 years ago. Nobody can be turned down for medical treatment. If it’s an emergency, they have to treat you. Law was passed in 1988 I believe.

What does David Davis think about abortion and gay marriage?



Is /ptg/ where you've come from?

Nah I like him but not a fan of bringing back a loser from an leadership campaign. Would rather we bring back William Hague or IDS

Private company does badly = people stop using it
Government does badly = Venezuela (, China, USSR, NK, Vietnam, etc, etc)

Whites voted overwhelmingly for Trump. It’s just the Mexicans and blacks that supported Killary. She’s so pathetic though. We really dodged a bullet.

>Private company does badly = people stop using it
Unless they can't afford to, in which case they have to suck it up or go without protection

>Young people tend to lean left
Has this always been a thing? I'm starting to think it has its origins in the 60s when the youth found themselves in a cultural desert and began constructing their own identities based on reacting to the conservative norms of the society at large. I would like to see some data prior to the 60s showing the voting habits of younger voters to see if they've always been more left-leaning or if its entirely a product of the 60s.

Am I alt-centrist or something?

that's a big fucking if
he's going to be in his 70s by the next election
i mean he seems pretty healthy but by then he's got to be thinking, what's the point, i could be at home cataloguing my manhole cover collection

why hasent someone used a fishing rod and a magnet on one of them yet

>It’s just the Mexicans and blacks that supported Killary.
Didn't she win the popular vote by a large margin though?
Does that mean whites are already the minority, or what?

Not sure about Hague, but isn`t IDS not particularly popular?
I think a brexiteer will get it next, otherwise it will be two remainers in a row.

Exactly. Which is a negative how? If people can't afford to, then they can't afford to. Don't ask me to pay for them.

Not just now, actually. I went searching for it though. This is the first place I’ve posted today. I went looking for /ptg/ so I could post Hillpepes and start shilling about “Drumpf” but you caught my attention.

you are like a little baby

Always been a thing. It's just what is 'left-leaning' has shifted. In the 1850s it was thinking we should do more to help Ireland. In 1900 it was thinking we should have state-run schools. In the 1950s it was thinking homosexuality should be legal and we should ban the bomb. Today it's that we should commit cultural suicide.

It`s been that way forever I think, Churchill said it best, if you are young and not a liberal, you have no heart, if you are old and not conservative, you have no brain.

she won the populuar vote 42-40
Our election was 42 tory 40 labour

Hague wont come back even though he would be a great leader, I think he's a lord now. But maybe IDS, was he a brexiteer?

She won urban populations. Most major cities. But there are huge factors at play:
>Hillary campaigned in a Chicago and LA to TRY to win the popular vote
>Trump was going after the electoral collage

>Which is a negative how?
Because they're members of your society, they contribute to your society, they live along side you.
>If people can't afford to, then they can't afford to.
It's easy to say that until it's you who can't afford it. That's why we have the idea of a welfare 'safety net'. Because shit luck hits good people, and society would lose out if they die off because of bad luck.

>Whites voted overwhelmingly for Trump
no they didn't

Yeah, but isn`t he publicity aids like Jezza the health secretary and best boy Gove.
Gove would be my favorite pick.

>Mfw can't stop voting lib dem
help me

Yeah of course he does

>wants an open door for the strangely browns though

There’s a lot more I could go into like:
>Voter fraud

>Democrat governors pardoning hundreds of thousands of ex-convicts to allow them to vote
>Illegals voting

And on and on

I wonder who's behind this
>urban populations. Most major cities.
That is typically how you win a popular vote.

Essentially just for the same reason why I believe that a man should pay for his own unmetaphorical bread, and not have someone else forced to buy it for him. I just believe that government is inherently inefficient, is incapable at economic calculation, has a unique ability to expand at will if it desires and will over time tend to do so if it gets its foot in the door of any given industry. I also believe that businesses are fundamentally more accountable than governments with regard to such issues, and that even if government could be economically efficient, the incentives faced by government officials are solely to please other bureaucrats and to convince voters (presumably in need of government help because they're too stupid to allocate their own resources) that the ideas presented by the party represent the best way to allocate the resources of millions of people.
I'm not really making any moral judgements here, only that I believe that if a service (protection from health) is desirable, then provision through taxation is less efficient than provision through market