Admit that this show is still redpill

admit that this show is still redpill

>mfw confronted with this statement

Its not and youre no better than liberal/sjw Harry Potter fans.

It's a redpill in the sense that Leftists will ruin a decent story with retarded wish fulfillment

No it's not.

t. someone who bingewatched all seven seasons

No. It's not. It's feminist labia wagging.

It's fucking awful, compared to first few seasons. GRRM is actually a good writer (even if he lacks in style), meanwhile these idiots totally ruined his story, against all odds.

why didn't sean connery just burn the lich king?

GoT is degenerate garbage that trivializes rape and incest while giving the impression that only through cruel and evil tactics can one hope to survive and that honor and morals are for fools.

Add all the SJW bullshit and you have the biggest piece of fifth ever put on television

A Song of Ice and Fire is pretty based.
The show has watered it down into bland sjw friendly bullshit. GRRM is a self identified feminist, but his writing doesn't beat you over the head with it like the show does.

The show has devolved into a good vs evil showdown, precisely the opposite of the overarching message of the book.
That there is no objective good and evil, there is nuance to every person and every side. Show runners are Hollyjew queers who at least have the decency to shorten the seasons to hasten the end of this ever worsening interpretation of good source material.

>trivializes rape and incest
forgot about our puritanical element on here

why does this show seem so boring to me? i can never get into dungeons and dragons middle earth medieval stuff except for dark souls.

>A Song of Ice and Fire is pretty based.
i'll say the books so far are better than the show but lots of people say shit like that.

>The show has devolved into a good vs evil showdown
it's very different now and it's leaning on being a particularly edgy high fantasy, i'm going to assume that if GRRM had finished the books the show wouldn't have gone off course as much

"OP" gods, what a stupid name

your obsession with modern media and "redpills" is just kinda sad desu tumblr sempai

A strong blonde princess who don't need no man fucks her way through the Middle East and Africa, ends slavery because slavery is icky, and has an army of eunuchs decides to invade Europe with the help of Arab hordes and a dickless African slave army by transporting on them on lesbian pirate boats funded by Jihadi feminist assassins. He key adviser is an alcoholic dwarf who committed regicide/patricide.

The male lead is a bastard who betrayed his nation by opening the gate to the foreign hordes.

The show is strong womyn, sodomy, and incest. Pass.

Television is blue pill. Cut the electric jew from your life.

What happened to the last few seasons?

>The male lead is a bastard who betrayed his nation by opening the gate to the foreign hordes.
wildling are not only white, they were the original inhabitants of the continent unless you count supernatural things.

>Jihadi feminist assassins
one angry guy killed basically all of them lol

Cersei is the last defender of white Westeros from the foreign savages that seek to threaten the land.

Season 6 was perfectly fine, it's just 5 and 7 that haven't been so great.

>this utter garbage
>any kind of pill at all
It's a show for people so disconnected from their own history that they'll watch a ghoulish caricature of it created by an obese, perverted lunatic just to feel connected to ancestors of whom they only have the dimmest, most diluted and debased understanding.

>it's so much more realistic than other fantasy!
It's literally about a family of magical faggots who can control dragons because of magic and have to use them to fight an unstoppable magical evil. Autism is the word you're really looking for, not realism - the 'realistic' elements are calculated precisely to allow overgrown retard children to pretend their stupid pablum is 'adult' and SERIOUS LiTERATURE, DAD.

You can tell by the absolutely facile way the affects of war on individuals are portrayed. Characters go through absolutely horrific situations without much in the way of lasting effect, partly because the characterisation is weak as balls and partly because the author has absolutely no fucking reference point for this kind of advanced trauma. Say what you like about Tolkien but at least he spent his formative years actually fighting in a war and could thus faithfully and tenderly depict its huge psychological and physical toll on seasoned soldiers and relative innocents alike. Judging from the content of ASOIAF Martin spent his formative years torturing small animals while masturbating to incest porn in a giant tub of Crisco.

>but it shows what happens when women try to overstep their bounds!
Yeah duh. That's why you've been taught there's nothing to be proud of in beating a girl at anything since you were like three. Our society lets them play pretendy make believe because WE CAN AFFORD TO. For now at least. You can bet that when an actual life or death war comes along where we need to actually fight, they'll be told to sit down and shut the fuck up in no uncertain terms, and they either will of their own accord or they'll be made to.

No. it is pure SJW bullshit. Only hipsters and faggots watch it now as it is so cucked.

literally every male leader,even the arab khal drogo got killed and replaced with a female. also its perverse and degenerate as fuck