/NEG/ - Norwegian Election General - FOUR MORE YEARS EDITION

Today, norwegians went to the voting booths. Four more years seems likely.

Write english, or burger mods will delete.


Results as of 22:00:

Arbeiderpartiet 27,5%
Hoyre 25,7%
Fremskrittspartiet 14,9%
Senterpartiet 10,0%
Sosialistisk Venstreparti 5,9%
Kristelig Folkeparti 4,2%
Venstre 4,0%
Miljopartiet De Gronne 3,3%
Rodt 2,6%


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are they communists or at least socialist leaning?


Can we haz a Sylvi general soon? after all, she's the leading light in the dark ages of Europe.

Gjor Norge storslått igjen

They are moderate Social Democrats.

I just voted for one representative. That still counts as a full vote for the party, right?

So who the fuck is the based political party?

Deilig fitte altså. Fy faen.

Who are /ourguys/ and they doing well at all?



FrP, Hoyre, to a smaller extent KrF and V is probably needed for a majority.

FRP and Hoyre.


Er hun fortsatt deilig? Hun var jo """"""relevant"""""" for 6-7 år siden..

How many of AP voters were nigger voting cattle?

hu har tapt seg en del men enda deilig


top kek, every single outlet covering the election live in Sweden is in depression mode

Norway saving the day.

''6 out of 10 immigrants from Asia and Africa vote AP''

Well, in-order for you to vote for a representative, you need to pick a ballot from a party. So yes.

Highlight of my day is seeing the face of leftists when the realize so many have voted FRP.


Wow from that picture alone I could tell which party politicians are traitors to your nation and need to be hanged in public.

Well done, in 10 years you will be not too different from your fellow scandi brothers.

(((polls))) are wrong again

>Immigrants voting for more immigrants and gibs
Imagine my cock.

/our guys/ is anyone who doesn't want to be a slave to the elite jewish cabal.
Many of /our guys/ are secular America First jews as well, who kind of hate kikes too.

hun toppa seg når hun var 16

Det gjor forsåvidt alle jenter.

Solid turnout for the right wing party. I think that's more than UKIP got in 2015. How do Fremskrittspartiet compare?

Hu er bare en-og-tyve år gammel ifölge Wiki.


lol thanks Patronella Sundqvist, I love you.

Trump congratulary tweet when?

The _only_ reason why we still have to deal with these sandniggers is because labour party members want their politician salary check.

They will literally go to mosques to get votes. It's fucking disgusting. You have to oust them like traitors because that's how you really solve this problem.

Not sure but so far it's a 76% voter turnout acoss the board with 55% of the votes counted

Well done what? That party built the country, but also opened the gates to the sub-humans. They have been losing voters for every election.

>når hun var
da* hun var. Ikke odelegg det norske språk

trumpsenpai notice us *-*

Virkelig? Deilig og være seksten altså.
Bare hiv meg ut moderatorer.

M+SD+KD+C+L coalition will be awesome

seksten er jo lovlig her, ikke bry deg om hva som skjer i (((amerika)))

Takk for stotta.

Nope but I get the confusion. The best translation for invader that I could find would be inntrenger

Forskjell fra person til person, seff. Men Voe var ganske pen for alderen back in the day.

Would probably not do it on 9/11

Hvorfor stemmer folk paa AP?
Jeg forstaar det virkelig ikke.

Yeah I've heard from places where they allow postal voting the imam or head of the family collects all the envelopes and votes for the gibs party, essentially voting fraud. This shit will get worse and won't end unless they are all sent back to whichever shithole country they came from.

Innvandrere = People that have wandered in



hjernavaska sopper uten et intelligent gen i kroppen

>Fordi mamma og pappa stemte AP

Landsfaderen og Brundtland

Alliansen Norge.


Å funker på fire-kanalen Jesper.

Lite kontroversielt, og "alle andre" gjor det. Trenger ikke tenke selv.


The current topic on TV is how FrP doesn't have "racist" roots like SD in Sweden, so SD won't be as successful....as in "swedes" don't have to worry that this somehow is a trend that will follow over here.

Oh boy how wrong they are.

>Senterpartiet in opposition
>Venstre in coalition

I don't get it.

FRP wants to kick out the immigrants, but Alliansen wants to start a race war and gas the kikes.



>4 more glorious years with Listhaug as immigration minister
>liberals and cucks on suicide watch

er værre at folk stemmer på rodt som få år siden hadde kommunisme på valg planen. (og egentlig har det fremdeles)

Literally sais in her name what she wanted to do to the country.
She is behind Agenda 21 from the UN even got the kalergi prize for it.

Just ignore the names, the good goys are Frp, but sadly we need some more center-leaning parties to get the majority

Kick out is the solution for today. Since it won't happen because cucked politicians race war is the only option for tomorrow.

Isn't SD the biggest party in Sweden? Wtf? Do you have literally no poltical neutrality in your country?

De gir folk som ikke orker å fölge med på politikk en vag og dårlig begrunnet fölelse av trygghet.

C is becoming more and more left leaning after the leader went to the Bilderberg meeting, they will try to side with S for a new government before election is here. SD + M + KD is the only option, with L as a loose card. SD will become the largest right wing party.

Slapp av, det vipper att og fram. Det gikk tilbake til 81/88 igjen. Bare å se hvordan det går videre altså.

dont scare me like that. it is 80-88 on VG and 81-88 on nrk

So what is happening?
Are you turning into sweden, or poland tonight?

Use tv2.

Var bare i ett minutt, er nå 88/80
Fy faen så mye sperregrensen kan bety

where is your country again?

C has been in open mutiny against the alliance for years now, of fucking course they're trying to pair up with S.

SD+M is larger.

84-84 now

To early to say. Right is curently in the lead

You misunderstand on several levels.

They lost the election, and this is their worst election ever. The fact that they have the most votes is irrelevant because they are facing a coalition of four of the other parties - they always have the most votes of any individual party, because we can thank them for all of our country's wealth and happiness.

Is this fake news?



Can someone give me a quick rundown, with cheese and a coke.

Tror noen at AP er villig til aa ta med hele venstresiden for aa vinne? Altsaa ta med baade R og MDG?
Tror desverre det er noe fittejonas kunne funnet paa aa gjore.

>poltical neutrality

You can only pick one. The climate in Sweden is rotten to the core.

Are you guys uncucking yourselves?
Who's the best party to break your reliance on an "artificial" economy that rests almost entirely upon oil?

>when do you guys turn back into vikings?


haaper da inderlig det

Make Denmark Norway again!

based AKB was our only chance of that

Er nok det. Ingenting på NRK om det.


Kohn btfo

rodt og mdg stotter en sv/ap/sp regjering hvis de får flertall for det

venstre/krf stotter frp/hoyre

right wing coalition had a good lead, but red-green coalition is catching up and it's very even atm

I'm so sorry for all the Jewish refugees that went to Sweden in WW2...

We have 500 Jews
You have fucking 20k