>81% acuuracy at identifying faggots
>71% at lesbians
What could happen when this software is released onto the world?
>81% acuuracy at identifying faggots
>71% at lesbians
What could happen when this software is released onto the world?
Other urls found in this thread:
It solidifies that homosexuality is a genetic defect.
My understanding is that it can be incited in a man by childhood sexual abuse. Is this true? Are there two qualitatively different kinds of homo? Are the latter group picked up by the AI or not?
>tfw this is gonna be adapted to spotting leftists in the future
I think there's a line to be drawn between a homosexual fetish and being born as a homosexual.
The composite images already look like conservatives vs leftists
"Looks like a fag" isn't just an insult, dumbass.
>we're a few short steps away from the plot of Captain America: Winter Soldier
>leftists and potential leftists will be identified and assassinated with computer software
best timeline
Serious question: Was phrenology ever really debunked or was it just swept under the rug because of muh feels?
Don't lie to yourself, traps are gay
>software becomes available to public
>immediately tampered with
>soon becomes completely compromised
>labels everyone as homosex
>everyone calls each other faggot
>everyone is now a faggot, therefore equal
>Sup Forums was right all along
Gay shit is still gay, but a guy who likes dicks because his uncle diddled him in the closet isn't the same as a guy who grew to love cocks without sexual trauma during their childhood.
>Do I have a gay face?
You're no longer safe, OP.
Being diddle by uncles gives you a gay fetish, but being the youngest in a series of male siblings actually makes you more likely to be gay genetically
so being gay confirmed not a choice
This is going to make it significantly harder for gays to escape the death squads
Nature has to stymie that genetic line somehow. This is why polygamy is based.
Another theory I've heard here on Sup Forums is that there is a parasite that makes gays go after buttsex to propagate itself via contamination...
There is a parasite that infects mice to not be afraid of cats...
Anyone has heard of that?
What's Nigeria like these days?
Well, I was raped as a kid and subsequently sucked a few dicks when I hit my 20s
Homosexuality in men is derived from child abuse.
Homosexuality in women is derived from attention
>this thread again
The "gays" look like a younger version of the straight people. Add 15 years to the dude on the right, give him 5 o'clock shadow, and add 20 pounds. He'd be an identical clone.
the second parasite you refer to is toxoplasmosis
the original parasite you made up is completely bullshit
All the pics from the study are from dating website posts where posters self-select their own photos. The physiological structure of their faces are not shown to be different, only the photographic style and poses involved.
good rape or bad rape? (m or f rapist)
I remember seeing an infographic about it, I'm not claiming anything. It's just a theory I'd like to know more about
It's obvious to humans. This is just so robots can identify trans as well.
It's an old pickup line used around gay bars/clubs.
>excuse me, I have a parasite that makes me lust for cocks in my ass, want to catch the bug?
that;s the hottest looking lesbian i have ever seen
A guy who likes dicks is still gay. if your uncle diddled you and you have psychological trauma, you should get help and fix the trauma instead of liking dicks
>gay face is more attractive
really fires those synapses
Not really the point I'm speaking to, but ok.
Lesbians aren't real. Hot lesbians do it for male attention. Ugly dykes do it for lack of a better option, as in they're too homely to attract a man.
The average lesbian is pretty hot, it seems.
He elaborated on his point and it still flew a mile over your head, holy smokes lad
Bad. Very painful anal rape. Also when I was very, very young, an uncle tried to get me to suck his dick. For what it's worth, I was an intelligent child (my single mother was told I should move up a year in school) but have done absolutely nothing with my life and have wasted every single bit of my potential. Whether I'd have been fine without the diddling, one can only guess
>scientifically supports homosexuality is genetic and not a choice
>liberals still mad despite the fact that it supports their own
>tfw you just wanted to remain celibate and non-degenerate without anyone discovering that you are a faggot
Op is always a faggot
The jaw, the secret is in the jaw.
>female hetero is an ugly fatso
>female gay is a roastie
This is why I went 2D
I have friends who are identical twins, but one is gay and the other straight. Does this mean one of them is lying?
>What could happen
All the Muslim countries would be having a field day.
It's the exact same jaw structure except the heteros are chubbier.
I thought it was the lip, if you look at the male fag, his lip curves downward at the top like the heterosexual female, the female lesbo's lip curves upward like the heterosexual male's lips.
Holy shit. Hopefully the fucker is dead, or at least in jail.
That's terrible.
Damn, that's a shame. I knew someone who was forced by their neighbor to give him blowjobs and he became a tranny.
The hetero has a wider, stronger jaw. If both slimmed down to show more definition, their jaws would be very different.
Means youre a faggot, mate
>identifying leftists
I was reading the accuracy of the gay face test and I was wondering if maybe it's picking up some mode of thinking that could make your nose longer.
plenty of studies to show it's got nothing to do with genes
there is some research to suggest that it may be to do with overexposure to oestrogen in-utero however
Don't let it define you, bong. It's never too late to become the man you want to be.
These are all just pictures of you, OP.
Why is the more attractive female of the two homosexual?
>tfw the gays are more attractive
Whoops, I overlooked something. This is now the improved version. OP is a tranny.
Lookin fabulous
I don't really see much difference except for the fact that the dude on the right is about 15 years younger and is clean shaven. Assuming this study is legit, it would confirm that gay people are born that way instead of choose to be gay/had some traumatic sexual experience in childhood that skewed their sexuality which I believe is bullshit. I've met a few gay people during my lifetime and a lot of them were sexually abused as kids (before puberty).
I think the homo male looks like you're average nu-male cuck and the hetero one looks manlier. The homo female is fine as hell though.
Found the fag
Grew up with a flaming homo who had three older brothers
Nope. The gay male and the straight female have a shorter jaws. The butchy and the man have higher jaws (from mouth to chin)
Shorter jaws equals more estrogen.
Hey man if it makes you feel any better, I was also an intelligent child (my single mother was also even told that i should move up a year too) and I've also done absolutely nothing and have wasted all of my potential and I was not diddled - so maybe you would've turned out like this no matter what.
You can change that though. You can't change the past, but you can change the present to influence the future. Try finding something you like and become passionate for it. Then just throw yourself at it. Just have fun with it
>Check ID
Lesbians don't fucking exist. Women are opportunistic by nature, that means fucking other women if need be; even if that need is to attract a male.
It's no mystery why all dykes are too homely to attract men. They fuck each other because it's literally their only option.
I would be identified as a gay by this and I'm clearly not. May explain why homos try to take to be and by me drinks though...
I believe it.
talk and buy... wtf
Someone needs to adapt that "yep, it's wood" meme and replace the bearded guy's head with a HAL console
No one must know my terrible secret
Well, nature and nurture aren't all that separate, at least, not as much as people like to pretend.
Your circumstances literally influence your DNA to read differently, genes will switch on and off based on external pressures.
Being abused as a child could turn you gay, and gay genes becoming active could very well switch on genes that will change what you look and sound like to some degree. It's also possible that those genes could just be on for some reason since they day that you're born, and might switch off depending on upbringing in certain circumstances.
This is the truth that both sides of the spectrum on gay rights tend to get kind of pissy about, but it's the true gay red pill.
and they refused to back down :)
"The Human Rights Campaign added that it had warned the university of its concerns months ago.
"Stanford should distance itself from such junk science rather than lending its name and credibility to research that is dangerously flawed and leaves the world - and this case, millions of people's lives - worse and less safe than before," said its director of research, Ashland Johnson.
The two researchers involved - Prof Michael Kosinski and Yilun Wang - have since responded in turn, accusing their critics of "premature judgement".
"Our findings could be wrong... however, scientific findings can only be debunked by scientific data and replication, not by well-meaning lawyers and communication officers lacking scientific training," they wrote.
"However, if our results are correct, Glaad and HRC representatives' knee-jerk dismissal of the scientific findings puts at risk the very people for whom their organisations strive to advocate."
This, but not excactly. What are epigenetics?
I coudl finally have a scientific reason to just kill myself instead of trying to force a woman fetish.
I had a friend that went on a grindr spree recently. He was 24 yo permavirgin before this.
The fuck do you turn into a faggot at 24?
Yeah. I'd say that would probably be a factor.
Sometimes I'd like to get my hands on God.
Let's give it to ISIS
Is that John Green?
They will release it as an app called Closet Door and all you faggots will be known as the degenerates you are.
>"Our findings could be wrong... however, scientific findings can only be debunked by scientific data and replication, not by well-meaning lawyers and communication officers lacking scientific training," they wrote.
>findings can only be debunked by scientific data and replication
Sounds problematic
Also a possible later excuse to kill my parents for turning me gay.
>love big tits
>occasional invasive fantasies about turning into a girl, with a vagina
>can't get hard without thinking about cock in my ass at some point
>2 years nofap did nothing but make it worse
What the fuck happened
Phrenology was never a science, but the idea that you can tell something about someone from the way they look, like whether they are more likely to be criminal, has far more truth to it then leftists want to admit.
> Not finding the female gay more attractive
Either typical burgets chasing fatties or faggots
Is this true ? I have a female friend who is incredibly attractive but is gay. She also has a gay younger sister. When I first met her she claimed to be bi. The first time we hung out we made out and I fingered her. She was incredibly wet when I put my hand down there but it didn't go farther than that.
Is there a chance she can become my waifu? She is pretty much perfect in every way
You forgot to neck yourself two years ago.
% at lesbians
I know thats inaccurate because all women lick puss
Once a gay, always a gay.
If she's attracted to you, then she'll fuck you. Unlike a gay man who can't get turned on by a vagina.
sweetie i have som news for you...
Before you faggots decide to use this Automatic Gaydar to cruise, watch this:
lol I was wondering if you guys would find out about this. data scientists lean super hard to the left for some reason (data science twitter is full of communists, no joke) and they are so fucking buttravaged about this you wouldn't even believe it. it's hilarious because the methodology in the paper is not particularly interesting or controversial at this point (it's the same shit that brings you things like hotdog/not a hotdog). I do agree with the communists that scraping dating profiles is unethical, but most of the complaints I've seen don't even address the ethics. they just go straight into denial and absurd criticism (because they desperately don't want the underlying work to be true). this article in particular has been making the rounds
the response is coded in academese so it might not be completely obvious to the layperson what they're really saying. the tldr is that they agree 100% with the authors of the study but really just don't like it, and instead focus on a very minor, almost irrelevant point the original authors made. they concoct an elaborate, bizarre analogy, assume you agree with their proof-by-analogy, and then conclude by making snide remarks about the authors themselves.
It's because you look like a faggot, you fucking jawlet.
Just like we can identifie a Down's syndrome persons. AI can spot the hall marks of perverts. I welcome our AI overlord.
So... hets are fat and homos are skinny?