Yet whites spend 30 times that money on war.
Let that sink in.
Yet whites spend 30 times that money on war.
Let that sink in.
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Our money, our rules, shitskin
Didn't Africa receive over $50 billion in aid last year alone?
So how come they're still all starving?
Africa already has enough fertile land to feed the entire world
Maybe they should actually farm instead of relying on the US
Why can't niggers take care of themselves?
Do you have to absolutely depend on whites for every fucking thing?
fuck off with these
You can't "end" world hunger. Hunger is the result of overpopulation. Providing food resource artificially increases populations, which produces more hunger. All spending money in this regard does is artificially increase populations while exacerbating starvation.
>implying africa wont need another 30 billion next year anyways
Fuck it, let them dwindle off. Stop the gibs
great more money going to undeserving niggers
Sorry stupid helping 3rd world countries makes their problems worse . Instead of millions dying billions will the future . Just look at the growth charts in population since Western countries started helping Africa , it went from 400 million to over a billion in a little over 50 years . In 100 years it will be 100 billion let that sink in your small brain .
Because the leaders of the countries get that money and spend it in typical nigger fashion, on gaudy luxury bullshit.
Seems cheap.
Maybe africa should handle it with their enormous natural resources.
Used to be like 30 million could end world hunger, so we fed them, then 300 mil, so we kept feeding them, now its 30 bil, when will you learn to stop enabling behavior that never learns to feed itself?
Some japanon said it well: negros will breed faster than you can feed them.
>end world hungry
For what, a week?
For what, a week?
>don't forget we throw away enough food to feed the world too and it feels awesome
>cost to end world hunger
this. libshits dont understand how money works anyway
It is sunk in. Fuck then third world let them starve.
don't forget to sage
We give 8 billion a year. Where's all that money going, faggot?
The cost of not making this thread was free but you did it anyway.
Why would solving world hunger be a good thing?
Yup buddy that's how it works mhmmm
I would love to know how that 30 billion dollar number was generated.
Is killing a great amount of niggers really that expensive? Arent bullets relatively cheap nowdays.
Hunger is darwin in action. Those hungry countries have far more than 30b in natural resources available. They must innovate to create their wealth or starve. For fucks sake, this is not a difficult concept. And their lack of advancement is putting them exactly where they need to be. My empathy cares for people, and im thinking tough love stance is seriously better for their future
the past has proven that you cant solve the nigger problem with money.
if you really wanted to prop up africa you need to conquer it and rule from the top so the dumb little nigglets learn. any current nigger above the age of 10 is a lost cause.
We give Africa too much aid as it is.
What happens when the well fed niggers make more niggers?
You can't end world hunger. What happens when you feed the starving now? They survive to reproduce, creating many more hungry mouths. It is an endless cycle. The humane thing would be to stop artificially propping up these populations and let them have a natural die out and reduce their numbers to something sustainable for their environment.
>spend $30 million on ending hunger
>in 10 years there are 5 times as many hungry people because you didn't fix the problem and they all reproduced like niggers
>$30 billion for more niggers
Sounds like a bad deal desu
People will always be hungry
People will always be poor
People will always be sick
People will always suffer
People will always die
We cannot end any of it. Trying to do so will only result in it increasing.
just let the starving masses die
the solution really is that simple
Why do retard leftists think wealth is a zero sum game?
>enough food land and money for everyone
>we cannot end hunger and poverty
>World hunger meme
Yes, feed the niggers so they overpopulate even further, increasing their demand, while leaving their ability to actually produce anything of value at the zero mark.
Unless someone invents a way to boost the IQ of adults by 30 points - Africa is a lost cause.
We can end world hunger by genociding Africa and turning it into a giant farm. We're making the rest of the world suffer by not doing it.
Of course the response from an American is a retarded one. Think that one through for a second. If we give niggers an entire country (Zimbabewae), they cannot farm it. If we give everyone $100,000,000 in the world via our current bank system, every price would be drastically inflated. I can't tell if you actually are retarded, or just pretending. Either way, you're a faggot.
Genocide is unironically a more humane option. Better a quick death than starving.
>have enough food, land, and money for everyone
>people start breeding en masse
>no longer enough food, land, and money for everyone
30 billion for how long? A week? After that they're just going to go back to square 1 unless they figure out how to feed themselves.
Fuck these useless niggerbeggers
You do whatever you want with your own money
The West hasn't stopped trying to end world hunger.
War lords, gangs and other criminal entities love that free food and water, too.
The problem is not the money whites spend on war.
The problem is the money blacks spend on war.
Now let that sink in.
>give niggers resources
>"use it for a renewable food source"
>niggers waste the money on shiny shit
>fuck whitey
Yeah, nah.
Lol like the starving niggers don't multiply
oh look its this thread again fuck off shit
Replace whites with joos and you have a point. Whites don't own the banks fag.
Let niggers and sandniggers eat whatever they want -- and they will fuck more, produce more fucken bratz, and the issue won't be addressed. You consider it as a static problem, but it is dynamic: the more you are concerned about it, the more it will be evinced clearly. The more they eat, the more they fuck => overpopulation increases. In other words, it is better to stay quiescent, I don't wan't more niggers and sandniggers.
>have population control measures. make people pay to have kids to increase the cash flow. people should be neutered like cats and dogs the same way you'd give them a childhood vaccine, then have it reversed if they can pay as adults.
With this military budget you could remove all niglets from earth and finally solve world hunger.
thats 24 times you fucking nigger
Same thread being posted all
>1 billion Africans will never go hungry again for $30 per person forever, never mind the perpetually increasing population and the billions and billions already used for nothing
Yeah sure
This is the most inaccurate and retarded meme I've ever seen.
First off, $30B isn't enough to end hunger. Not even close. Bill Gates recently agreed that we need to stop sending food aid to Africa because all they do is have more children. They're an r-selected gene set. They know they have a short life-expectancy (due to AIDS, Malaria, etc) and so they're biologically programmed to reproduce as much as humanly possible to continue this gene set. You give them more food, they have more babies. In the end, you end up with a bigger problem than you started with.
The only way to end world hunger is to let the r-selected gene sets die out. The alternative is pic-related.
why would you even want to end world hunger? isn't death by starvation a good way of preventing overpopulation?
We already send too much money to Africa.
It must be a money laundering scheme.
IMO, that whole continent should be left to starve to death. The last thing this world needs is more niggers and shitskins.
Boil these niggers down for the oil in their bodies so they can be useful for a change.
Instead of food we need to be handing out condoms and sterilizing Africans.
They don't use their brains
We should be spending money to eradicate niggers, not make more of them.
>30 billion could end world hunger
for like a weekend and then what?
>The only way to end world hunger is to let the r-selected gene sets die out. The alternative is pic-related.
The alternative is another convenient AIDS-like disease.
>world hunger
United States of america. Not our fucking problem.
>Implying that the government is a charity
>Implying that the world would appreciate it
>Feeding (((their))) pets
>Implying that whites alone are at fault
>Implying that feeding people rather than letting them learn self-sufficiancy is good
>Implying that American taxpayers should pay for other nations' inability to get their shit together.
How fucking retarded can one op be?
We've dumped billions of dollars in foreign aid into Africa and it's still a shithole. At some point the nogs are going to have to figure out how to build and maintain civilization on their own. If they do that, then they'll stop needing gibs from us.
What is the cost to bomb the third world? Thinking we could get it done for like 900 mil or 1 bil.
They need mo money fo dem programz
>Unless someone invents a way to boost the IQ of adults by 30 points - Africa is a lost cause.
why do you think the jews are pushing racemixing so hard?
Africans starving is just another part of(((their))) plan
>niggers can't feed themselves
>give niggers food
>nigger population boom
>more niggers to feed
How the fuck is hunger real hahahaha just eat nigga like just fucking eat some food ahahhah
30 billion?
Seems too low.
OPs link says 870 million are hungry. The 30 billion to feed them only works out to $34.50 for each person per year.
$34.50 couldn't feed me for a year, even if it was absolute bare essentials.
Smells fishy.
Just give money to niggers in exchange for them to get sterilized. They love short-term cash flows and are so stupid it will destroy their breed.
We've been giving welfare and financial aid to these countries, particularly African countries, and they're still shit.
We will end world hunger when we end world niggers. Ending socialism won't hurt either.
All this edge. You cant be older than 16
>give a man a cheeseburger, he eats for a day.
>teach a man to cheeseburger, he American now.
$30 billion would be a very temporary band-aid to feed people that lack the mental power to find and produce food for themselves. Within a month all of the people that received money would be broke and starving and begging again.
Sam Kinison explained it best.
found you Mr gates
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> Anonymous (ID: bIua6Rah) 09/11/17(Mon)13:53:33 No.141178353 ▶
How the fuck is hunger real hahahaha just fast nigga like just don't fucking eat any food ahahhah
Exactaly what I was thinking. More nigger kids
Why would I want to end world hunger?
This comic speaks to a very crucial detail that separates humans from other mammals; humans have a sense of future. Humans have the ability to think ahead, which means making preparations in the present to secure prosperity in the future.
NIggers don't do this. Niggers in africa don't do this and niggers in the western world don't do this. It's almost like they're not human.
Fuck cancer
Imagine being dumb enough to believe that
Nigga help yo african bros
>Yet whites spend 30 times that money on war.
nah that's what kikes do motherfucker
>Let that sink in.
Let them die.
>Let that sink in.
> end world hunger
> bring education to poor countries
> end conflicts in world
> save 737 billion usd
well, no, this calculation doesn't make any sense at all right guys?
Genociding the 3rd world is the Only way to end world hunger.
Money = Power.
Ironically you're asking the (white) western world to bank roll Kangz WeWuz.
Why not go beg China or Russia to end world poverty?
low iq
>Yet whites spend 30 times that money on war.
>Let that sink in.
First, once we feed them all, they perpetuate the problem with procreation.
Second, we have to beef up our military after they spawn more USA-hating extremists.
Third, we're in a vicious cycle because of 1 and 2.
Read above.
This, but alas, pic related.