Who's more fucked; America or Europe?
Who's more fucked; America or Europe?
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Europa tbqh
>3rd post
fast, but not fast enough Luigi
europe is irreversibly invaded, hijra made
most euro countries are like 75% plus white, even fucking sweden, so how is europe more fucked than murica
Europe is letting themselves be overrun willingly. At least the US is attempting to fight it.
we both have tests to take
different classes
we will both pass with 88s
there are more niggers, spics and muslims in america than all of europe combined.
>Through 2014, a building boom for mosques has been going on.
Only the US it's fucked south america it's perfect.
>Europe is letting themselves be overrun willingly. At least the US is attempting to fight it.
nice memes. fucking shit honestly there was a much bigger immigration wave in the 70s in austria and germany than nowadays, also how is the usa fighting anything last time i checked you guys where literally run over by spics
The US is too brainwashed
who's more white?
Germany excluding Germany I'd say the US.
America is like 40% white. While most of europe is over 90%. You do the math.
The US was the first to open up immigration to non-whites while the rest of us followed fairly shortly after the US also already had a 10% nigger population so they have a pretty good head start on disintegrating first imo. Most western Europeans, while having a lot of niggers and shitskins now can still reverse it, the US it would be almost impossible at this point.
lol we were 73% white in the turn of the century you aren't far behind.
Europe and it's not even close. Visited London the other day, it looks like Pakistan.
I lived in California before, SF area, it's nowhere near as bad. Most non whites over there are Asians (tolerable) and Mexicans (intolerable).
Most countries could fix it if they wanted to except like Germany they can't do anything to fix it they aren't allowed to.
40% of 350 million vs 90% of 5 million
you do the math on what's faster to displace.
It doesn't take that many free loaders to destroy a mostly socialist region.
left girl is American and the right is Macedonian
Taking those Turks worked out so nicely for you, 30 years and they don't even speak the language lol.
Europe has no unified EU bond/debt so will reach insolvency much sooner, much less religious and less societal purpose, lower birth rates and easy access to African\Muslim refugee hordes. No free speech or right to bear arms.
Both are equally fucked but Europeans will have it harder because they have less areas to flee to.
Americans can flee to rural areas for the next numbers of decades.
>Europe has no unified EU bond/debt so will reach insolvency much sooner,
Not really since the US dollar is a reserve currency.
The way it works:
1) Oil is priced in dollars because the US is the largest consumer of oil (logical for any oil producer)
2) If other countries need oil
3) In order for other countries to buy oil they need to buy dollars, meaning they increase the demand for dollars, meaning they prop it up from going into a crazy hyper inflation.
Doubt it, they both look American to me.
1) The girl on right is wearing yoga pants
2) The menu is in english
It depends on the context.
As a whole America is around 50% white which is the lowest out of any white majority country.
However, if we look at individuell states the US has many that are around 90% white and they'll probably stay that way or at least decrease slowly.
Most European countries are also 90% white if not more but these numbers will change quickly depending on which country.
Though I don't think this reverse dick measuring of who's more cucked is usefull since we're all on the same sinking ship.
Doesn't really help much to laugh at the faggot who'll end up drowning first.
>more densely populated
>no guns
>no real political opposition
Euros can le 56% meme all they want, but we have the entire midwest and great plains to flee to, and we're trying to find political solutions. Once we realize that won't work, the fun begins.
O fuck off the country is 61% white. And we still have a birthrate that is the majority of babies born in the US are white Its at like 52% of births are white babies.
Bonds aren't backed by oil but by confidence in a nation's solvency. Oil price has limited effect on bonds. The Dollar is the reserve currency because it has the most robust bond market for now.
>Most European countries are also 90% white if not more but these numbers will change quickly depending on which country.
So the fall is already beginning.
Reminder: all European nations should be 100% European. America went from 90% to 60% in 4 decades, and that's mostly from our southern border. Europe has ALL OF AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST flooding into it.
Africa is projected to have billions of people in the coming decades. Guess where they're all going to go?
Yeah I read in an article that 100 million africans could be flooding Europe.
Europeans are being systematically replaced and will become a minority in our own countries before most of us die. Obviously this is going to fuck us over as the newcomers refuse to work, follow backwards archaic versions of their religions and haven't got the mentality to be able to run a first world country = no more gibs and benefits = bastardised civil war on our soil.
America is in a very dangerous position where their most powerful cities are becoming completely overrun by minorities (just like here we have London and a Muslim mayor) who will take up the important cultural and political positions (universities, local governments, law, etc) thus instilling their obvious bias against American history and White people. The future is much more clouded when compared to Europe as the true Americans can head towards the centre states and essentially leave the blacks and Mexicans to devour themselves, then pick up the pieces.
Europe is fucked, guaranteed. As a brit I hope the fall of Europe starts much earlier elsewhere so that we stand a chance of learning and saving ourselves before its too late... America has a high chance of being fucked, but still has a strong spirit that can counter the human drone-species.
I gotta go with europe
Let's see
>daily shootings
>natural disasters
Ummm sweetie, it's not even close..
and just to add to this; if you think the riots, statue toppling, fake news, cultural marxism, lgbt rapid growth rate and "kill whitey" shit in America is bad now, just wait for the next liberal president. It is unavoidable, and these people are going to hit back tenfold after feeling so threatened by Trump's attempt at fixing them.
It was 90% like 70 years ago. Thats only 2 generations
Just checked and you're right, it's closer to 60% than 50%. My bad.
Doesn't really refute anything else I've written though.
>all European nations should be 100% European
Europe we have the constitution, guns and free speech. Europe will have already fallen if not for us. If we fall everything falls
Do you not suspect it will happen the other way around also?
Any answer other than the US is fucking retarded. There are really only a few countries in Europe that are taking the brunt of the refugee crisis and even those are on par with 56% white murica.
yeah there are way too many fucking spics here and they never deport enough of them, if at all depending where you live
Mexicans >>>>>> Muslims
They both pretty fucked though
Yurope. All Euro women fuck niggers and have mixed babies, while that almost never happens here.
America and it's not even close desusenpai. Europe has hope, but America was bought and sold a long time ago.
we gots no guns
Your country is already full of brown scum so who cares
Fucked? Us. Cucked? Canada.
USA, as an american I'm glad I moved to Europe and I will stay here.
Most immigration of shitskins/retards to EU is caused by America, so we're fucked until we destroy America.
As a Brit, your kind is unworthy life and an infectious disease of the soul that needs to be cleansed with fire. Siding with religious extremists and Untermensch outcasts like the Paddies and Huguenots we flushed down the Atlantic. Devaluating the noble Hindoo, the labourious Lascar, the robust Negroe that our proud Commonwealth once united, and for most who are large-minded, kind hearted enough still does. You, sir, are a despicable joke, and your leaders (along with that Munchausen syndrome they feign to grab power) will be obliterated long before their demise. For the better, as history shews.
Burgerlads, however, they are a joke. And so is your basement dole existance. Go nosh some alt-mainstream knob and leave mature thought and expression to your betters. You have never been a Londoner and wouldn't stand a chance. We shall be judged by merits, not the anxious scrambling into protest groups and hurt entitlement. I, for once, am off to Europe, while Poundland conservatives give us Thatcher 2.0 over here. Loving me some of that people that look me in the eye, decent food and robust public institutions.
europe because they dont have free speech or the 2nd amendment
Drive 1,700 miles West of Boston; you're in Kansas.
Drive 1,700 miles East of Munich; you're in Turkey.
Europe is a den of filthy degenerates whose neighboring with the lower-race neighbors of Eastern Europe/Russia/Spain/France(yup)/Italy/Turkey/Arabia has tarnished it's gene pool.
Britain is run by JEWS (Britsh Royals are Jews) and France is a country of spaniard/italian(jew)/germanic hybrids; who are total degenerate hairy animals. Italians are Jews. Eastern Europeans and Russians are mutated crypto-jews.
Europe is a total nightmare.
THANK GOD for the Baltic Sea separating the Holy Land of Scandinavia from these heathens.
> Trump
> Attempt
He is not even good at golf. That's all he does, when not embezzling, or hanging onto Putins dingus. Joke's on you, bitter little man.
Obviously us. In 1965 we were as white as europe is today. We're 40 (((years))) ahead of them.
>confederate flag
Are you trolling? Average girl in the south have sucked and fucked multiple 9 inch nigger cocks, it's the only place in America where that's the actual fact
Nice meme retard. No Euro girl fuck nigs except the degenerate whores. And these whores don't want to have kids anyway they just abort them.
Mixed people are not even a visible minority here.
Mudshark heaven has always been 'Murica. You cucks created the mandingo meme and now you mad because your women loves black cock lmao
This. The (((eternal anglos))) are the true enemy.
Title your next poem Bitter Little Man
lolol no white girls do not like niggers. and in the south you can find actual outright racist women
>America is less fucked because they already aren't white anymore, but europe is more fucked because we will become like America within our lives
Neither do spics in America
>the us is attempting to fight it
Voting in 1 president with limited term?
We just had like 5 open borders presidents in a row, how do you think we lost 40% whiteness in that time?
Bitter little man,
What has the Kike wronged you on?
He keeps his nose in books,
Trade ledgers and places of worship.
Neither would admit filth like you.
Bitter little life.
> 2017 - do as thou wilt
Using triple bracket meme on Sup Forums
> Implying, like a true edgelord
Your mother sells asscrack
Bitter little views
Keyboard mercenaries, giving out free samples
Unaware of how their copycast view
Is but a stream of underhydrated piss
Running down their pudgy legs.
You can always tell who is a spic or nigger poster by the way they talk about Europe.
Are you sure about that? When's the last census? When is the next one? How many migrants have been let in since then?
>North-Korea, Antifa and SJW faggotry
Pretty close one.
>Serb who lived in Bay Area and just visited London
are you me?
Kek. I agree with you on the fact that the Bay Area Asians make the place livable. The Mexicans are worse than sand niggers (for many, many reasons I can get into)
But we are like 30% Asian here and matched with being 20% white the place is 50% alright..
Your kind it's not acceptable here.
Even though Eruope is far more white it is more fucked. People in Europe are terribly brainwashed, average German, French or British has a medieval mindset. They are dull, don't think at all, just listen to TV and their dumb politicians. Guns are banned, racemixing is promoted, minorities rights are much more important than rights of the native population. Americans please nuke west europe please!
Speak for yourself, you should look up your Jewish population
>shitpost utterly void of anything approaching content
>Meme picture of Alex Jones
>Proto BLACKED posting already starting
>mods do nothing
>Mods warn or ban anyone that points out they aren't fucking moderating.
>Mods are soon going to crank up the report timer to once per day to try and avoid dealing with more reports
>Mods also will start exponentially increasing the number of captcha solves required to report thinking that will be a deterrent
He's just a grouch. I don't think even the most adamant white supremacist really hates mestizos as long as they stay in their own country. Jews, Muslims, niggers, yes however, blanket hatred.
actually Chile will probably be whiter than America within our lifetime. They aren't as dark as our Latinos which come from Central America (meaning they are vast majority native and even have some nigger blood)
>Lack of geographical barriers
>Tfw when no two Seas
>Weak attitude towards realpolitik
>Soft and lazy
>Open to migration into Eurasia from climate change
America because we are a country, Europe is a continent. It is going to take a lot longer to take out many countries, but it isn't hard to take out one country.
>implying Soros doesn't have power in EU too
He's a spic
Spics are the ones pushing the "europe is cucked lul" /ptg/-shit here
Hispanics are 65% European in ancestry overall, though this obviously varies country to country. The depressing problem is that white genes are so fucking recessive. Just look at Heidi Klum's kids. They're supposed to be at the very least 50% white, but they appear black. Hispanics look less white than they actually are.
Remove youself, Kebabist shill. Marylebone (your pic) and surroundings houses no one under 100K market value. Oh, and clueless tourist cunts we milk. Sorry your genocide didn't work out. Your people clean offices and wash cars in our kingdom. You're not even remotely Europe, about a century in both equipment and mindset to catch up. Butthurt?
Europeans will holocaust again eventually.
>Lack of geographical barriers
Obviously a yank.
75%+? Even the least white country in Europe, France is 85%. Sweden is 90.5%.
America is 62% Caucasian ("a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa").
That's the Irish flag not the Italian flag you stupid leaf
Europe has 900 million people you idiot he wasn't talking just about norway. Maybe about 850 million are European.
Europe is bigger than America idiot, also you are the ones with no opposition, you have just 2 parties
Every country is fucked in their own way
>Amerifart undercover think we need geographical barriers when the machine gun has been invented
Lel oh lol
Europe only because USA has already lost and vastly accepted its multicultural/multiethnic status, and wasn't even native European land to begin with so for most its demographic shift wasn't really felt much.
Europe has much much more to lose, and it's pretty much nearly there already anyway. Culture is almost fully americanized aka negrified, old local languages are disappearing and have already disappeared in major globalized city centers, misgenation is already being sort of normalized.
You know what I'm talking about. Even in small villages here, with the advent of the internet and smartphones, coupled with the americanization even of the old medias, young kids display all the most cancerous aspects of the west almost as if they were living in a major urban center. Mass media has accelerated immensely what normally would mostly affect urban centers.
Needless to say Europe lost its way many decades if not centuries ago, the effects are just about to go balls deep.
Nothing but a straight up military coup d'etàt and complete overthrown of the merchant/banker class can save European countries. East European countries, even if their demographics are much better, are only some decades away.
yes and Europeans have to learn a new language to flee, but we are getting flooded with browns at a worse rate than them until trump officially changes immigration laws (we will have to wait and see if he does)
Basically we're both cucked as fuck
I have a feeling Europeans would be more willing in the future to fight for their homeland than Americans though
Sounds sad, coming from the child of a worthless fringe state whose neurotically religious semi-chink people can't do better than drink 100 beers and fix my plumbing. Your kind runs with any esoteric bullshit you find edgy. Who's gonna buy your girls and steal your clay next time, Russia or Germany. Yeah, at least they're white huh. You're almost as good as Ukraine in submitting yourself.
Source: fucked two Polish sisters, gave one the nasty-ass Herpuss of the other for laughs.