What did he mean and why is that bitch did not even try to translate everything into a joke?

What did he mean and why is that bitch did not even try to translate everything into a joke?

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High level guy of a crumbling empire. No one will persecute me for my crimes if I convince them all that "it just doesn't matter".


Jim Carey really is the ultimate canadian isnt he. i liked them better when they were Dave Coulier or even Rick Moranis

Fuck Jim Carey

Just watched this video on jewbook

Of course "nothing matters" to him. His ex girlfriend killed herself after he gave her a couple stds


Spit on this shit, he's an obvious genius and I think he has a red tablet for all of us.

Jim carry swallowed one too many black pills and lost his mind.


nah, fuck off. He's a self destructive faggot and needs to sort himself out.


Plenty of symbolism and soft disclosure in Strange Brew as well


If ya can't cuntfuck the bitch
Mindfuck the hoe

>destructive faggot in a degenerate society
he just broke down at some point, the fate of all creative people who reached top.

If the universe is a predestined chamber of energy interacting with itself by a prescribed set of rules then what the fuck does peace even mean?

Peace is when those energies react in ways that don't end human life, duh.

Do I have to define "peace" for you? Peace, love, good, and evil- these things exist whether our world is predestined or not, whether we have "choice" or not.

what is the correct answer?

The universe is indifferent though. There's nothing to merit in an indifferent universe.

Meant exactly what he said, no double speak here. He spoke it about as plainly as it gets.

The penultimate red pill

None of this matters

Followed by the final red pill

In the context of the truth that none of this matters, every inch counts and its our battle to fight.

so huge get? praise

fuck that reroll praise kek

It's kind of rhetorical. I'm critiquing Carrey's use of peace in the middle of his "energy" speech. He was afraid to take the logic to it's end even though he was trying to portray himself as not caring.

last try

>Of course "nothing matters" to him. His ex girlfriend killed herself after he gave her a couple stds

Liar liar.

They killed his girlfriend because he was snooping around hollywood gathering material to expose pedowood.

You can see it in his eyes in this interview, they keep him from talking by threatening him, they killed his girlfriend, but he doesn't want to die himself, so he goes along with the illusion

Why aren't there more of you in Sweden, Sven?

too bad you can't get digits like these, user

havent seen that guy in years

really hope he doesn't robin william himself

Nice get.

What do you define as the "universe"? Of course inanimate, unthinking matter is indifferent. Humans aren't indifferent, and our actions matter, even if it's a set course.

Is nihilism just depression or what?

>that would have showed Kahunas

If you're not on board with the earlier paret of the discussion, we can't start it here.

*earlier part

>What did he mean
He meant exactly what he said. It's not difficult.

It's only challenging when one still believes the emperor is wearing clothes.

Jesus, when did Jim become so blackpilled?

When his friends and partners started killing themselves

Jim Carrey took the black pill

He probably started off his career like anyone else in Hollywood - optimistic, hopeful. When he was young he probably went to a bunch of fuck parties, did some drugs, and that's how he got the STD he gave his girlfriend who killed herself. As he's older now he's bitter and weathered and his eyes are open to the degeneracy that is Hollywood, even though he is part of it. He's probably an alcoholic as well.

He might be redpilled, but only through experience and his own degeneracy.

the truman show is real

He's not wrong. Just a bit of an autist. Shit place to be philosophical.

I'd also like to add you can see he is entirely dead in the eyes

Carrey having his Andy Kaufman


"Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind...."
Ecclesiastes syndrome, maybe?



STD test filed in Jim Carrey wrongful death lawsuit confirms positive results for Herpes, Chlamydia and Hepatitis A.

Is he saying he's going to kill himself?

why is that bitch did not even try to translate everything into a joke?

Like your spazzie ass could do any better. Also, I recommend you use Duolingo to fix your sentence structure :)

Yup. The man has had mental illness for years. He needs to see a doctor; he looks like he's in the beginning of a psychotic break.

what a bullshit way to pretend to win an argument, faggot.

He means that he's tired of the frivolous, fake industry he's in.

Whether Jim is trolling or not, he's actually right. This is all just a simulation, we don't matter, none of us matter, we don't even exist. Just like a character in a video game doesn't exist. Only in the sense of an idea or an electrical circuit. How he found out about this is another question. Most normies will brush it off as humor, but deep down Jim knows the truth.

he got paranoid and broke up with her after she brought up how she's been having std symptoms. she was much younger than him and from ireland. he rented a house for her in la and gave her stds without her knowledge. she went on to kill herself.

>Carrey has asked the judge to strike all allegations and mentions of him suffering from multiple STDs and passing them to White during their relationship, calling the claims “irrelevant” to the case.

>This is all just a simulation, we don't matter, none of us matter, we don't even exist.

non sequitur

if you don't matter, go kill yourself faggot.

He's been taking mushrooms in the forest in preparation for his role in pic related.


I'm not having an argument and I'm not pretending to win. You were responding to me in a manner that showed you weren't following along with the earlier part of our discussion and warranted me to repeat that so instead of repeating that I said what I said. I'm done responding to you.


what a pedantic, faggy, reddit tier response.

go kill yourself, nihilist. it doesnt matter lmao!


thank you good sir, i returned the favor :)

wow, this will be interesting.

lul I'm a retard so I find fulfillment in oisting on Sup Forums all day, my life has so much meaning! XDD

Peace is a lie, even the smallest of particle interactions are violence pure and simply. Our Universe is built off violent interactions.

are you trying to greentext? nice projection btw. Not everybody posts on Sup Forums all day.

Uh, duh. He was with Jenny MacWhatever forever.

Should I take ayuahasca or DMT?
Should I take shrooms before I do either since I never took psych drugs?

wtf i'm with timothy mcveigh now!

>Peace is a lie
such bullshit

You are too human to understand.

I kno how to >greentext retarddd


To add, peace is only achievable when the universe becomes still and dead, when homogeneity of particle and energy distribution is achieved throughout the universe and nothing can ever "happen" again. Once maximum entropy is reached, peace will be achieved eternally.

You guys realize Jim carry is a scientology cooky fucker, right?

Whether it matters of not is up to the specific person. To them, the normies that are plugged into the capitalist "reality", it matters.

You don't need drugs to figure it out. You have the machinery within you to figure it all out. Some drugs can make it easier.

This guy actually tried to tell her what's normal for her vagina. Like yeah, she probably knows that bumps happen due to shaving and rigorous sex; but she's probably taking that into account already if she's contacting you thinking she had an std.

who cares about bacteria eating bacteria, or lions eating zebras?

>peace is only achievable when the universe becomes still and dead

peace is possible in human situations, so this is bullshit

He took the ultimate pill.

i want to see him push out a nice stinky shit log

Saw a thread on Reddshit about this and it turned into everyone painting him to be a piece of shit for how he treated his girlfriend before she killed her self. Leaked texts and such

Is this a smear campaign against the funny man, or an organic discussion?

Decadence, The Decline of the Western World. Soaring suicide rates and the west's addiction to anti-depressants, rampant individualism, emptying churches and disintegrating families.

Peace for humanity is only possible temporarily, and what peace means is relative to the human you are asking to define it. There is no true "Peace" achievable for humanity.

Peace, good bad etc are ideas created by humans, nothing is inherently bad or good. It just... is

Peace doesn't exist.

Violence is still the sire of all the world's values.

This. He sounds like a Hindu Mystic in this interview: existence is a game God is playing because he got bored, you aren't really your thoughts and feelings you're the eternal consciousness that is experiencing it. The point of existence is existence itself, the point of the struggle is the struggle, align your will to fate and be what you are

He gives zero fucks anymore

>Peace for humanity is only possible temporarily,
no shit, but it's possible. The universe doesnt have to entropy for it to happen.

>There is no true "Peace" achievable for humanity.
so you're defining your own terms. You capitalize and put quotation marks because you're autistically defining peace as "no violent chemical interactions anywhere ever"

but we're humans so we use human terms.

1:11 *singing* 'shutttt it down noww'

Jim Carrey is /our guy/

Start with mdma, then LSD/schrooms then dmt. Havent done DMT, but it doesnt last long, but it feels long as fug

I define peace as "no violence" period, as long as violence exists, peace does not.

I just caught that. He really is /ourguy/

I liked it, about 70% crazy. shout out to terahedrons.

so certainly, total world peace between all humans will never happen. However, peace between all nations can happen. Peace happens on many levels- on an individual level, peace can happen; on a household level, peace can happen; on a neighborhood level, peace can happen, etc

I think this is what happens when Hollywood stars who know a lot of dark terrible shit about their industry stop caring about maintaining a facade.

in 2018 the world know only war.

Thanks. Idk about Lsd though man, it made my cousin go temporarily crazy lel he was in hospital a few days.

beside me grow it, somebody knows right dose?

he is actually going crazy

>not getting the point
It doesnt matter what terms are used, the point is that you put value to these terms, which is subjective, meaning it doesnt mean shit.

What does peace even mean?
Theres no universal understanding of peace, abscense of conflict? Calmness etc etc, you can turn one word that represents a idea and define it in millions of ways.

U cant argue against nihilism, its the ultimate truth, the final black pill.

He has genital herpes, which was exposed during a court trial. He had some other STDs as well but they are less serious and curable.

>the point is that you put value to these terms
yes, that is what culture does

>which is subjective, meaning it doesnt mean shit.
thats a non sequitur. Why does it mean nothing simply because cultures have different definitions?

i'm not missing the point. you're trying too hard to be edgy.

SMUG RICH NARCISSISTIC DOUCHE tells others how to be morally virtuous for the 9000th time this current year.