Concrete Revolutio

New episode was great. Too bad we won't see Ningen-man anymore.

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It was great indeed. Loved how Jiro actually WAS on the evil side. I understand what he want to do, but he's being an idiot about it. Him an Raito as well. The government arrests super humans, including innocent ones, and that's wrong. But Jiro and especially Raito save and protect super humans including actual evil criminals. And that's WORSE. Hell, is Ningen-man hadn't been "born" right then, a lot of innocent people would have died, all because of stupid Raito.

Jiro is literally evil.

Raito simple doesn't know anymore.

Sorry, I must be drunk.


No doujins ever/

>Jiro is evil

I'm glad the average viewer of this show completely fucking misses the entire point when it's shoved in your face so fucking hard.

Should I watch this? Missed out last half or something like that?

Premise? Is it good so far?

No, no, no, I did not say that Jiro was evil. But that he ended on on the evil side this time. It's not black and white in this show. Yes, arresting someone for just being a super human is wrong, but so is releasing dangerous criminals.

>Yes, arresting someone for just being a super human is wrong, but so is releasing dangerous criminals.
Which Jiro had no part of. Raito did it by himself. Jiro even says Raito waited for him to be out of the city to free the prisoners.

And Ningen-man was not evil. Being Ningen-man to make his daughter happy is justice for him. It might not be justice for everyone else, but if he didn't put his daughter before random people he'll never know, then he wouldn't be human.

Correct, Ningen-man wasn't evil. He was just selfish. Nobody in this episode was evil, but Ningen man was protecting something that hurts other people, Raito is freeing criminals and Jiro is protecting criminals. Nobody is good either, but in this particular episode, Jiro veered more towards being on the side of evil.

>And that's WORSE
Are you really saying that arresting innocent people is better than not arresting guilty people?

In my opinion, yes. Releasing someone who you know will harm others is worse then arresting someone who won't harm someone. Both are wrong though. That's why what Raito did is fucked up but also correct. It's also very possible that these kind of actions by the authorities are creating even more super human criminals, like those two who wanted to scout Ningen-man.

You'd run a police state just fine

Yeah, and it would probably be an OK place to live.

Some people like it.

The song at the end was good, but it was also totally WTF.

Unless you accidentally happens to be a superhuman, that is. Though you might also want to close down on those superhuman sympathizers, they can stir up trouble on their own.

Jiro just wants to protect the superhumans.


Friendly reminder:
Kikko = Satan
Campe = Jesus
Furota = Judas
Judas = ?

Praise your bug savior.

Judas = Judas 2: Religious Boogaloo


Very likely, yes.

In any case.
Campe rises from her grave and instantly fulfills a little girl's wish, ends conflict and bears no ill will towards humanity for what they've done.

How can any other girl even compete?

Kikko = selfish
Emi = amoral
Earth-chan = fat

Fanny = A Lesbian(who might now be Jiro-sexual)

Advertisement Lady = Evil

Probably, but I guess Fuurota also sort of applies.
It just seems weird that he's so fond of her, when all she does is think with her vagina, when he's around.

Men like women who only think of them having sex with them.

Only Reito is can compete.

No more nipples?

No more nipples.

I guess he's fond of the fact that someone sort of idolizes the "Superhuman of Justice" version of him.

Plus you gotta give it to her, she's been chasing him for over 6 years at that point in the plot.

Is Kikko in the car with Jirou in the PV? I guess she'll be joining his League of Justice sooner or later.

Looks like it. Also, Shiba Raito is in a plane with Hyouma. Perhaps there's some short truce going on.

Nice to see that our glorious Moth Queen is back.

Holy fuck, this episode was goddamn amazing
>Kikko's only in the Bureau for Jirou
>That Bus Hijack
>Ningen-man being a choujin in our their toxic society solely because of his daughter
>Earth-chan getting a shit ton of focus (and wings, temporarily)
>That ED fakeout
Theres probably a lot more, but I'm too erect to list it. God fucking damn this episode was great, I wasn't expecting this much quality and sakuga so close to episode 15 (2), but fuck me if BONES didn't deliver. The next seven weeks are going to be amazing.

Was there an earlier thread I missed? Or is this today's 'Friday Episode Thread'? Because I showed up really late, and can't find a previous thread today in the archive.

Search for ConRevo

>1 of 1 matches
I searched the archive, please help

>Here, take this suspicious medicine that hasn't passed drug trials and entered the market yet
>But don't worry, we put it in flu shots and tested it at elementary schools

Just marathones the first episode
When does it gets good?


Of season one or two?
One is a mixed bag for most people up until episode six or so, season two started out great.

I thought I was up to date and understood this series and its timeline, but this episode threw me through a loop.

I'm ashamed to ask this after 18 episodes, but what the fuck is going on?

Robocop is justice, and feels that he can do no wrong, so he frees prisoners because he felt like they dindonuffin
Bug girl from S1 awoke, she doesn't know her entire civilization is dead yet.
Ninjas jobbed
Kikko is still part of the organization because she thinks she'll see Jiro more
Earth-chan disagreed with human man with her idea of what is right and wrong.
Flowers giving people super powers is bad because you might grow a saw in your chest.
My favorite form of Furota is the blue octopus because it's goofy looking, and the concept of a blue octopus is pretty silly.
That's about it.

You forgot Jirou's team is dysfunctional and almost noone on it actually agrees with Jirou

A mutated strain of an invasive species is releasing pollen that causes a disease that grants super powers. They are trying to destroy this plant but it spreads fast and is spreading all over Japan, eventually causing a boom of superhumans and superhuman births to occur at the end.

Mecha-godzilla a shit that overheats easily but they are using it instead of his normal "Robot" because fuck you.

Human-man actually works for that talent agency shit-heads in his normal identity and got his powers from the disease. He's only being a superhero to make his daughter happy, which is apparently evil due to being selfish. He possibly lost his powers at the end or might just not have a reason to use them anymore.

The face in the yard was the bug from the first season but now grown up but before she reunites with the ghost boy for revenge after finding out all her friends are now dead.

The Bureau is testing out a new version of the crazy helmet from the first season on metal boy.

Kikko is only staying with the Bureau because it lets her run into Jiro.

Detective K is still pretty extreme and freed a prisoner transport full of superhumans while the rest of the gang were out of town and some of them turned out to be super villains.

Any questions?

Of course, Jiro is a fairly shitty leader and mentor.

>Yandere Kikko
>Earth-chan is back
>Human-man just wants to protect his idealistic kid's smile
>The actual plot is back
>Nana bug queen is back
Last week's was a cool one off, and I'm glad we've fully recovered from that garbage that was Nakashima's episode. We are back on track.

Remember, Jiro is still a kid in how he views superhumans, he even said so himself. Superhumans protect children's smiles, and Human-man's daughter looked up to him.

Also, Raito's justice is objectively right and if you disagree you are simply wrong.