Be me

>be me
>redpilled black guy raised by redpilled black family
>grandpa was a respectable guy who was influential
>church leader who hated poorfags who didn't try to get a job and the many nignogs that were in gangs, welfare
>general niggerdry
>gets a lot of people out of the ghetto and into a decent living
>magically reverses niggerdry
>raised my dad well even though he wasn't around much
>he wasn't around a lot because he worked hard to make his family have a good life
>worked hard his whole life
>chimps of the family fight over his cash after he died and generally ruin his legacy
>my dad
>avid trump supporter
>hates blm and antifags and calls them the thugs they are
>works a job taking care of literal retards
>don't know how he could raise me and grown men at the same time
>seeing retards make him appreciate fsmily even more
>my mom
>trump supporter too, has a gobermant job
>social worker
>her job makes her hate all the welfare leechers
>says nigger all the time
>usually refering to her clients
>told me not to hang around niggers as a kid
>listening to this advice didn't make me a lot of friends
>better than being a KANG
>be me
>growing up nigs only talked to me in elementary school because i was the "smart kid"
>smart as in being able to do my work to grade level
>love learning, reading, all that nerdy shit
>having to go to school in a shiity (read: nigger infested) area in general made me depressed by everyone around me being a nig
>feel some sort of secondhand embarressment
>stop doing classwork and homework but still learn things
>do literally no work but still pass through school because i aced tests
>high school
>glad because i can finally get out
>years of niggerdry and asinine public education make me dead inside
>go to a tech high school where students can learn about careers
>somehow despite my autistic aura i make friends
>mostly other based black kids that joked about nig stereotypes with eachother
Any others that can relate to this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice man honestly I don't understand why more black people even the niggers don't like Trump between how he talks and how he decorates his house I really thought they could get behind him

also is it just me or are black women far more extreme than black men? It seems like the vast majority of the WE WUZ are female.

Congratulations on escaping the crab bucket.

Uncle Toms are cancerous to the black community.

>BASED black man


Because there's nothing more useless than a black woman in a white man's country.

"Blacks can't be base-"

that's not ben carson

I can, while my family doesn't support Trump, they hate it when they see other blacks acting like dumbasses.

fix your damn race motherfucker


>Monsanto lawyer
One and only one.

We need to work together to get as many of you guys back to Africa as possible. You have a continent to deniggify and we can help.

>still in my journey through high school
>first time seeing a black kid that was actually smart and tried in school
>9/10 qt grill
>surprised for 3 reasons
>1st is i didnt try at all, even in highschool
>still easy even though i mostly got C's and few B's
>seeing someone who actually tried made me feel bad about myself
>2nd, she was a pretty black gril
>most of my experience with girls were skanky, funky ass, fat, stupid orangutauns that wore ugly ass weave
>natural hair, big tits, non-chimp face
>the third is she was as smart or even smarter than me in lots of ways
>being told that "ooh you so smaht" all the time, i admit, made me have a big ego
>learning that i had a "rival" made me feel inadequate
>she mostly never noticed my existence
>even when she did she was usually nice
>made a challenge out of her
>actually try more so that i could catch up
>able to help her with things in class that she wasn't good at, chemistry, history, while she was the master at math
>too beta to ever. ask her out
>knew that deep down inside she just saw me as a study buddy, probably not even a "real" friend
>graduate highschool feeling both inspired and depressed at the same time somehow
>she's valedictorian while im just another "C's get degrees"fag

I pity you user, I really do. It would suck being on the high end of the IQ graph.

Maybe there's still a chance...

I just doubt it, things have gotten out of control.

yet I always find myself in the ebony section on pornhub

High end for being a black.*

It would suck because seeing your people follow such a shitty nigga subculture. (gangsta rap and thuggery)


>Hates poor people
Screw you im poor

My sister usually just say "but he's waysist!" even though he has done good things, some thing that could help her if she actually tried getting a job. Trump supporting apprenticeships could help me out in the long run. But she'll be sitting at home eating ramen noodles complaining about whatever is on the left's shit list for the year.

fucking leaf

Here's your pat on the head boy. You've been a good obedient little nigger . Extra servings of chitlins for you tonight!

You were raised right, kid. Now get out there and try to win this woman over. If you fail, good. Find another and fail again. Eventually you will find a great woman and you'll be raising your own red-pilled children, breaking the stereo types and being a good example for black people everywhere.

>Reading comprehension of a nigger
>Kekistani Flag
Checks out fäm

Yo stop actin wite you fuckn bitch ass pseudo oreo muthakucka real niggas is to real fo' school senpai We wuz kangz where da wite womens at?

Are you Trump's African American OP?

Can't imagine how mad I'd be if I held my beliefs and were one of you. Sucks enough trying to convince my white peers not to cuck themselves into oblivion. Sorry to hear it, OP.
meme is meant to pressure Sup Forumsacks out of recognizing ideological peers. I want to bar future citizenship along the lines of 1790 naturalization law, but I'd have a drink with you.

Don't know if I can. The only place to find women like that are at colleges out of my league. probably going to go to trade school soon enough. im saving up money right now. it's cheaper and has no ballstrangling debt that follows you for life.

Holy fuck this is exactly how I felt growing up in an inner city(albeit not big city) school. WHAT THE FUCK!?

Pretty much just imagine if every white trash, redneck, or whatever else stereotype was 80% of your peers and you were alienated for acting intelligently. White people have fun stereotypes, or better ones at least. White kids shoot up schools while I'm stuck with niggers that shoot up their own neighborhoods over "'turf." Then people get all pissy qnd say pointing out the difference makes your opinion racist and not matter. feelsbadman.

Love yourself and the confidence will come. Women go out in the world. Try Barnes & Noble, Grocery stores, etc


You will ascend with us when the time is right brother, although how are we supposed to differentiate between BASED black men such as yourself and the other 99.9% of your kind?

>Sup Forums
>relate to others
>relate to black people
But hey, good for you OP. Your functional autism is probably the only thing that allowed you to resist the social pressure of not really fitting in anywhere. We desperately need more educated based black guys

Easy. Hold a job fair. I'll be one of the 3 black guys there.

can relate

>redpilled black family
>dad worked hard, steel mill then boat yard then construction, now security
>always getting it from mom
>"We used to have families! We used to have businesses! Welfare destroyed our fathers! Dont you DARE fall for it or Ill beat you till you bleed! You are going to get your education, and you are going to work hard because that's the only way to beat them"
>be token in mostly white schools, but okay
>special college recruiters come. Black college admin tries to code me but I grew up in a mostly white school so I dont even. Try to convince us to take easy degrees like sociology and psychology. I want computer science, try hard to talk me out of it.
>first day..mandatory diversity orientation...ask a big black woman with braids starting halfway back her head about the breakdown on campus-- she goes off on a militant rant
>college tricky, all kangz and nogs
>everything always about being black
>advisers all pushing me to psychology the whole time
>getting by in comp sci
>hanging with computer nerds felt best, no pressure except to do well. No pressure to be black, no black identity or agenda
>get the 'you actin white' bullshit
>fuck it, learn to embrace my inner coon

youve got to form a breakaway race of smart nogs, go out there and get the girl

one day the smart nogs will defeat the stupid nigs, Thomas Sowell will be smiling in heaven on that day

Good on you, i'm glad you didn't fall into the same depths as they did and had a good family to guide you away from all that


I think my brother has already fallen into that trap. He takes both those money waster classes that he hates. He should have waited before going instead of going because of social pressure to get a junk degree. Now he wants to be a teacher so at least I know he's not a complete nignog

First gen redpill.
Hopefully all my children will follow in my path of nonconforming to niggerdy and self victimization.
Still not out of the crab bucket but I'm trying.
Keep your head up my brother.

Can't relate but I'm glad you found your people.

It's never about skin color who you get along with. Its culture. You reject the failure culture and embraced success. Good man. Good on your Gramps.

if I were black I would be nigger type black. with my bbc power I could fuck white women as many as possible.

You'd be broke from child support and have some form of STD.
Those fuckers are angry and miserable for a reason they let their baser instincts rule their decision making.


He really was a huge role model for me. Any time I was tempted to do something nigger-ish I just imagined him watching me and thinking "would he do this kind of thing?" If more blacks had people like that in their life maybe crime wouldn't be so high.

Thanks for the intel, I will revise my Final Solution of the Nigger Problem Program

There's probably a lot of us out there. Some succumb to the niggerdry, some can go beyond the peer pressure.


Judge a man by the content of his character, not the color of his skin. Though they may look white, if they act as degenerates, you cannot trust them.

Nothing saltier than a nigger who sees successful black people. Reminds you what a loser at life you are.

Life is not a hip hop video, roach

>be american
>have niggers rampant
>get shot by niggers
>still kiss nigger ass when they agree with you slightly

good goyim


The Hoteps are already a thing.

>Any others that can relate to this?

Dunno. I'm not trading that greentext war and peace

Black women tend to be the most "woke" but I don't know why. My sister is one of these types. Somehow combined redpilling from my parents and other relatives have had no effect on her. Same for half my aunts and one of the bosses I used to have. Some sort of hivemind.


Ignore the white nationalists, anyone who works hard (this excludes most of the WN NEETS) and makes their way is based.

When you combine the lie that "blacks are oppressed" with "women are oppressed" you get a horrible hybrid of anger and ignorance.

>Uncle Toms are inspirational to the black community.

i can't really relate but me and my college roommates used to jokingly call each other niggers for the fun of it and it was the least oppressive years of my life.

nice blog nigger

I wouldn't mind a movie about a group of niglets who actually care about trying to make it out of the ghetto. Dealing with harassment from the other blacks and the like. Maybe get pressured into breaking the law. However they'd end up turning whites into the final bad guy they have to overcome in the system or something like that. Muh white man keeping me outta college and work

>that image

How does it feel to be a coon? I'm black and freethinking, but I don't try to pander to racist white people to feel good about myself.

>trump supporters are racist white people
>free thinking

Uncle Toms are a disaster for the nigger community.

True "freethinkers" aren't usually judgemental.
Lemmings parrot the shit you just said.

I didn't say all Trump supporters were racist. But a black man who comes to a forum full of neo-nazis / white supremacists and virtue signals about how he is a "based black man" who "supports Trump" is doing so for cooning purposes.

The funny part is he will never be accepted because why would they respect a "race traitor"?

Also, all Trump supporters are enablers of racism, regardless of whether or not they are racist themselves. Trump got elected by pandering to racist interests. Trump is pandering to racist interests to stay in power.

>But a black man who comes to a forum full of neo-nazis / white supremacists and virtue signals about how he is a "based black man" who "supports Trump" is doing so for cooning purposes.
>The funny part is he will never be accepted because why would they respect a "race traitor"?
It's weird how much moral support this coon has gotten on a white supremacist image board. It's almost like some of us actually want to see blacks become civilized and aren't driven by blind racial prejudice.

>Also, all Trump supporters are enablers of racism, regardless of whether or not they are racist themselves. thinking viewer of CNN

>Trump got elected by pandering to racist interests.
Trump got elected because millions of people in the rustbelt who voted for Obama decided to vote for the guy who wasn't ignoring if not mocking their struggles.

>Trump is pandering to racist interests to stay in power.
What you call racist is what a true free thinker would call self-interests. He panders to whites who don't hate themselves and who think that their interests should come first in a country that was built by them and their ancestors.

>Implying that because I was raised by a trump supporting family that my views are the exact same as them

I do agree with some things he says, but not other things. It's possible to not fully commit to someone and be in the middle. Being in the middle of everything is kinda why I made this thread.

Fuck that's sad. Don't let it get to you user. Don't let them drag you down. Our generation, and especially your demographic, needs a good leader. Don't let your mom's admonitions out of the back of your head.

Free thinking is when you can see what you like in something and not be so offended by what you don't like that you can't think straight.

Not black but similar backstory.

Lesson learned early on was to never let schooling interfere with my education.
As long as you know your shit, things tend to work out OK

Here's the thing. If you are a Trump supporter, you fall into 1 of 3 camps:

1) Apathetic towards Trump's impact on the struggle of minorities
2) Deluded about Trump's impact on the struggle on minorities
3) Desire that Trump makes minorities struggle

It is occasionally understandable that a white person, especially a wealthy white person, might fall into #1 or #2. They are removed from the experience of being a minority. But a minority, especially a black male, being apathetic or delusional about Trump likely reflects self-hatred or some repugnant sense of nationalism.

What you don't seem to understand is that it's very hard to care about the struggles of others when you yourself are struggling and when your own future looks so bleak.

this is exactly how you racist liberal think: unless you gib minorities lots of money for dem programs, you are "anti-minority"

i happen to believe that minorities are capable of succeeding without government assistance

>I'm not like those OTHER blacks! pls Sup Forums, accept me! ;-;
Pathetic. You will always be a nigger to them.

They should rule over their kind with an iron fist. Instead, talented blacks are coopted to serve zog.

Oh sure I could never live without the acceptance of a board on Sup Forums

Not as much of a nigger as you, nigger.

Carson seems pretty #woke.

That's obviously true, or you wouldn't feel the need to tell your life story to them and seek their approval with "based black man" memes.
When push comes to shove, you will always be considered subhuman. The more time you spend observing these "people", the more you will learn.

>You will always be a nigger to them.
Antifag trying to use (((divide and conquer)))
Fucking kike

You put words into my mouth.

It's possible to be libertarian and not racist (though you are likely apathetic or deluded about poverty). It doesn't change the fact that Trump panders to people who want to remove government programs because they are anti-minority.

America is the only developed country in the world where libertarians are given so many seats at the table. Why is this? One might claim it's because of "American values", but we know that American prosperity was in a large part due to post-WWII welfare programs. The real issue is that since then welfare programs have been primarily geared towards helping poor Black Americans. Racist poor white people are resentful of that. Greedy rich white people use that resentment to their advantage.

Is your mom non white?

Still nigger.

Not antifa, just someone who understands the mentality that's so rampant on this board. No amount of begging and tales of hating niggers even though you yourself are one will change what you are and how you will be seen.
It's literally just white guilt, but black.