I miss Zombie Desk Car
Why did DEEN hav to fuck up s2 so badly that it killed any chance of another anime season?
Also why couldn't the manga have been the canon ending in which best girl Haruna won
I miss Zombie Desk Car
Why did DEEN hav to fuck up s2 so badly that it killed any chance of another anime season?
Also why couldn't the manga have been the canon ending in which best girl Haruna won
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Haruna is worst girl.
I hear ya, I want more Kurisu.
Haruna won in the LN too because of harem end.
Fighting words.
Tomonori best girl.
At least the LNs are being translated. and LNs > aninme.
Same. Chris > Eu = Haruna > Dai-sensei > Everyone else
Could anybody explain the "season 2 is bad" meme to me? I didnt watch either season while they were airing, but 8 watched them one after another and they both seemed to be the same quality (stupud but fun) to me.
IIRC, I think it's because S2's last arc was anime original. It should still be possible to continue following the source material though.
s2 skipped over a lot of important stuff; namely pic related's character development where she went from horny ass-obsessed pervert to being all dere for him. If I remember correctly she just shows up towards the last few episodes in her post-character development phase without explanation to the viewers who may not have read the LN. Also it was only 10 episodes
Eu and Haruna are best girls, imoutos, and daughterus all in one.
Reminder that Haruna is a nigger
I didn't like Chris and I think s1 is better than s2
Her fans too.
>She will never teach you science
Why even live?
That's objectively Sera.
You can hear it can't you?
Sera is best girl. Lelouch has the best taste.
Put on your trip, Lelouch.
S2 was a complete fucking joke, Never seen such a garbage piece of trash in my life.
Killed all of the greatness S1 delivered.
I would fuck her at any given time. She's meant to be taken doggystyle. Just thinking about her funbags bouncing back and forth gets me excited.
>Not posting the video link
Nice self-summon.
Oh man, so many faps to them outfits.
Sup Forums-approved best girl ranking.
Hi, THK. You never change.
>Edits my chart for shitposting purposes
Go away.
>hating Haruna
you fags are just jealous of how perfect she is
so how did it end?
objectively terrible show.
what the fuck was that ending in s1?
>blonde ninja girl only in Very High Tier
Nigga please
Ironic much? Korean Zomibe threads were fine until you came along to be autistic about Haruna. Literally no one but you shitpost using "nigger".
Eu must really love her eggs.
Best girl indeed.
Haruna did win. She's #2 to Eu who's #1 in the harem.
It's usually just one guy being autistic.
>implying there isn't just one Haruna lover that shits up the threads
Sup Forums universally agrees that Necromancer is best girl.
>just one Haruna hater that shits up the threads*
Fixed for truth.
I like both.
What does Eu gave to do with anything? There are a few shitposters and trolls who attached themselves to this fanbase, and they are always responsible for making Zombie threads go bad. Among those few are Haruna haters who extremely autistic.
Eu is most popular, but can't be universally best when there are a bunch of Chrisfags, Harunafags, Sarasfags, Maelfags, and even Serafags around.
Best taste.
>It's 2016
>THK is still alive and well
4 years.
>heavy armour on a Necromancer
Someone explain this shit.
It restrains her magic n shit. Armor is my fetish.
>She doesn't want to use magic
Makes perfect sense.
Epic meme.
>Old man
I dunno about that, but I saw season 1 and 2 nearly two months and I loved the show. Great MC, great harem, and silly as hell comedy. It's Rokujouma tier.
Zombie Desu ka and Rokujouma are probably the closest thing to each other and vice versa. Both are god tier harem comedy.
Curious, who's your favorite girl in each show?
She isn't a D&D mage.
Is that the secret of the universe? Some of that is actually legit.
Lots of cute girls to pick from, but I do have a thing for the tsundere loli in both shows.
Rokujouma tsundere loli ghost was good, but Haruna is just shit.
>loli ghost
This is how I know you're a troll.
Referencing I figured he's talking about loli ghost.
Sanae isn't tsundere. That guy obviously never seen the show.
Exquisite taste.
Haruna has a detractor with a real case of autism for god knows why who'll say anything just to have the opportunity to shitpost her, so I wouldn't take him seriously.
I can see her undergarments.
Most genius masou shoujo ever. Is there anything she can't figure out?
She can't remember people's names. But all the more adorable as she calls people by what they are instead.
user with taste.
I really love this arranged marriage/responsibility shit. Sometimes there won't be any argument on who is best girl, and if there are other girls going for MCbowl, waifu girl usually has the strongest lead.
Muh nigga
Taiko was cute
Second best girl.
That's fairly close to mine.
In the LN didn't she become queen and MC's mistress?
Dat sexy Saras
Would you take responsibility?
>Taeko not in elder god tier
Shit list.
I don't get this objection. If you think the way the anime wrapped up the season wasn't interesting, that's one thing, but it not following the source perfectly doesn't make it any less interesting all by itself.
Really, we were lucky to get an S2 seeing as S1 barely broke the Manabi line. Too bad we'll never get an S3.
It's not a meme. That's what the fuck happened.
Even in season 1 they fucked it up hard so be glad they are not destroying the story more.
Haruna a shit. A SHIT.
I completely forgot I could but the LN's from amazon. I think I should get on that eventually. I miss this show so much.
This is actually the first tier I agree with.
No, you
>Dat ahoge, body, and fang
Lolis shouldn't be this sexy and cute at the same time.
I want to fuck Haruna
Me too.
Can you imagine how sweaty her legs must be? Jesus fucking Christ, I want to lick them all over.
This show was just a less sexualized Bakemonogatari with the stupid turned up to ten and the the over narration turned down to five.
Go watch Bakemono for a more decent series that stands a chance to be completely animated and also people actually still kind of care about it.
Seraphim a bitch.
Sarasvati a crazy.
Mael Strom best vampire